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Everything posted by RonL21

  1. RonL21

    WWE Fantasy: Season 9

    if Vince was in the pool...I'd take em
  2. The AWA Talent Raid gave us the 80s boom... The ECW Raid..And Im including ideas as well...Led to WWF's Last resort tatics to beat WCW and WCW's Great Workers in the Mid-Late 90s So Which one meant more to their Respective Booms of the 80s and 90s
  3. RonL21

    ECW Originals....

    My fault..I thought I swore I saw an ECW promo with them back in the day....
  4. RonL21

    ECW Originals....

    I always thought Austin's character in ECW got him signed by the WWF since he was pretty much dumped by WCW
  5. I always liked that about the Rumble...Having to wrestle early in the evening, only to participate in the Rumble later...Has anyone ever won the Rumble while having to wrestle eariler in the evening? I can't think of anyone... *EDIT* I just thought of Bret Hart wrestling eariler in the evening and selling his leg and limping down to the ring...I think he came in the late 20s...I believe this was the year him and Luger eliminating themselves and were both declared winners in 94 I think....Is this the only time or was this a different year im thinking of and Bret didnt win?
  6. Here's a Gem of a Video....Bret Hart vs HBK for the IC Belt on Prime Time Wrestling(Released on Coliseum Home Video-Most Unusal Matches.......Ever!!!) Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels-First Ever Ladder Match in WWF/E With Gorilla Monsoon and His Lordship on commentary I posted this in the YouTube thread...But I'd thought I'd post it here so more people could take a look at it..
  7. RonL21

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-1/15/2007

    isnt this shawns first match by himself since like July?
  8. RonL21

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-1/15/2007

    I'm Calling it...Jericho Helping HBK
  9. RonL21

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-1/15/2007

    I mark for the Acolytes theme
  10. RonL21

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-1/15/2007

    Give him the Write Off Mike
  11. RonL21

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-1/15/2007

    Wow..Leena posted in a thread I created...I am Honored...
  12. RonL21

    The Youtube Thread

    WCW Clash Of The Champions XVIII..... Sting & Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat Vs. 'Ravishing' Rick Rude & 'Stunning' Steve Austin w/ Paul E. Dangerously
  13. RonL21

    The Youtube Thread

  14. RonL21

    The Youtube Thread

    Here's a Gem of a Video....Bret Hart vs HBK for the IC Belt on Prime Time Wrestling(Released on Coliseum Home Video-Most Unusal Matches.......Ever!!!) Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels-First Ever Ladder Match in WWF/E With Gorilla Monsoon and His Lordship on commentary....Sit back and enjoy
  15. RonL21

    Best Videos.....

  16. RonL21

    Best Videos.....

    Consider it Found History of WWF Video
  17. RonL21

    Best Videos.....

    Consider it Found...And damn good Stone Cold vs. Rock Main Event Promo WrestleMania X-7
  18. RonL21

    Best Videos.....

    Consider it Found. Mick Foley Video
  19. RonL21

    Best Videos.....

    i forgot about that one
  20. RonL21

    Best Videos.....

    Kurt Angle Comeback Video The part where he's holding his daughter is priceless HHH Comeback Video You're a God if you can find Shawn's Vid
  21. RonL21

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Did JR just really try to pull a Gorilla Monsoon by telling us the exact spot the move hit
  22. RonL21

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Khali Just pulled a Haku
  23. RonL21

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Even King couldnt say Rosie and Donald was great without smiling
  24. RonL21

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Awwwww I loved the siren they played while the Vince was doing the intro....As someone who's been watching since the beginning....Yes..This is one of the worst ever