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Everything posted by RonL21

  1. RonL21


    Source: PWTorch Newsletter A sign saying "Cena fears Workrate" was confiscated from a fan at Unforgiven by security. Has this ever happened before? I know Vince loves Cena, But why is he being protected to the point where a sign is confiscated so that it is not shown on TV...To make matters worse..There wasnt a word of Profanity on the sign...They dont take the "Vince Love Penis" signs..... It pisses me off when you listen to JR and the other commentators talk about the WWE fans cheer who they want...When they say this, this is slang for the "assholes arent doing what we want them to do"....All this tells me is that Vince is gonna turn Cena heel when he thinks Cena should turn heel..Back in 97 when the Rock was getting pushed as the Blue Chipper; Rocky Maivia the fans grew tired of that shit and started to boo the Hell outta the Rock he wasnt protected, they turned him heel..a few months later it was the best thing they did...I dont know I think it's just dumb...What do you guys think?
  2. I was kidding actually....Say what you want about Scott Steiner...But he had one of the best lines of all time in WCW..When he was feuding with DDP and he said "While you're on your back screaming in pain, Kimberly will be on her back screaming my name" Classic..One of the highlights of his career..
  3. I was talking about Scott Steiner...You left him out
  4. Jericho is definitely one the most misused people in wrestling history...He was crazy over in WCW but got shitted on like 95% of the roster back then...His title reign in the WWE were jokes...Someone said in the TNA Forum that alot of the people the WWE misused is gonna bite them in the ass later...Edge, himself almost made the jump...I wouldnt be surprised if Jericho showed up in TNA now...
  5. Vince is gonna come out as himself, not in character, and talk about why the WWE and Angle parted ways...I dont think he'll blame TNA...He feel let down by Kurt ( If Vince does actually does this and do it sincerly , he'll score big with me) Im about 80-20 that this aint happenin though...Stephanie is gonna come and say "Did you guys miss me"
  6. RonL21


    He was a midcarder who didn't draw a dime to that point. He was also on the brink of being released before a few people stepped in for him. Let's get serious here. PUH-LEASE. How old were you in February/March of 1997? That "Die Rocky Die" phase was about 3 or 4 months into Rocky's career. 3 or 4 months, from the time he debuted at the 1996 Survivor Series. You think they were going to release him 3 months into his contract? A THIRD GENERATION WRESTLER? Just look at all the CHANCES upon CHANCES a SECOND Generation turd like Randy Orton has gotten. Not only that, but do you actually expect a wrestler who is three months into his contract, let alone one who made his WRESTLING DEBUT (read: a rookie) three months ago, from that time period, actually expected to ALREADY make money? Stop before you embarass yourself. Actually, pretty much everyone had given up on The Rock, and even Mick Foley said to Vince that he should just cut his losses with him. Bret Hart is truly the only one around that time to go to Vince and say that he thinks if they show more confidence and stick with him... that he could end up being the greatest WWF superstar of all time. I think Mick Foley even talks about this in one of his books. Because it might potentially hurt the demographic that he brings to the table. Plus, he's always doing promotional work, might be the company's best full time spokesman, and they consider him to be the hardest worker outside of the ring with his schedule since Bret Hart. Turning him heel might ruin those appearances that he gets outside of the ring and all the other stuff with merchandise. They are very afraid of that happening. I agree with everything you said..and i remember reading that about Bret hart sticking up for the Rock...But I think that is more of the 80s boom with the top face being the spokesperson for the company and what not....the Attitude Era and 90s boom the face/heel agenda changed...People now pretty much know wrestlers are portraying characters. Not naive like the 80s where kayfabe was holy...I like watching wrestlers do interviews as themselves outside of wrestling
  7. Also, Lita has main evented Raw three times...No other women,Hell alot of the Men on the roster can say that...
  8. Are you serious? Before she messed up her neck, Lita was one of the reasons to watch RAW..Now it's hard to watch Lita now because I remember how she was back in 2000- 2001.She was one of the most over people in the company...Your statement is inaccuarate and I'm not the only who thinks that.Trust me..
  9. RonL21


    I wouldnt have a problem with them taking the sign if they werent so adamant about the WWE having the best fans who pay their money and cheer who they want. Clearly, as I said earlier, they only say this when the crowd isnt doing what they want them to do. What they might as well say is "Hey folks you come to our shows and cheer who you want, we'll fixed it in the editing room later"...Like I said Cena doesnt bother me and I honestly dont think he bothers anyone else...It's the way that he is protected that bothers everyone....Giving Cena clean losses wont hurt if the match is booked properly...I always thought that WCW did this perfectly with Diamond Dallas Page...In 96 DDP use to lose matches but they made him look good in the process that he got ridiculously over with crowd...If Cena would put out a great match and lose cleanly to a heel..Cena and the WWE will only be doing what they should have done a long time ago. I actually think Cena is dying to turn heel but Vince aint ready to pull the trigger...You can tell Cena is actually a little uneasy about being put in situations like he was last week...
  10. RonL21


    Cena, along with Edge, has been bringing the goods on PPV the most consistently the past year or two. He's improved a lot. The Top 5 matches this year....Edge is in 4 of them....
  11. RonL21


    My problem isnt with Cena...In the past the WWF/E would turn a guy face/heel if the crowd turned on him unexpectedly...Like with The Rock/Stone Cold...And if the crowd didnt respond you would be phased out...I honestly think that Cena is dying to turn heel but Vince wants him to hold it out a while longer....I just think people are getting tired of the angles that if this were 1999 would have been scrapped months ago....Cena shoulda turn heel a long time ago....DX..I was dying for them to come back but jeez how many weeks in a row did they fight the spirt squad...It's kinda WCWish...The main event scene has been the same for far too long excluding Edge who I think waited his turn...
  12. RonL21


    It's hard to believe that back then RAW was the thing to watch...RAW was good EVERY week...People that didnt even like wrestling used to watch...I remember back in 96-97 somebody either had a Austin 3:16 shirt or an nWo Shirt...I cant believe I used to record RAW back then and watch it over and over until the next Monday... im glad I grew outta that..
  13. RonL21


    Remember this was during the peak of the Monday Night Wars...WCW hadnt reach the bottom...The Rock was lightning in a bottle..who was gonna make an impact like the Rock did, Gangrel?..Remember how RAW was back in 98-99?...As long as you got the Rock and stone cold on the mic for 30 minutes it was worth watching...There's no way in Hell Cena could pull that off....
  14. RonL21


    Taken away? They used it as a tatic.. I remember back in 98 I think They showed one of those little videos on how a wrestler got to the point there at and It was about the Rock talkin about how the fans turned on him and one of the things they showed was the Die Rocky Die signs...I Agree with you on Cena, his moves dont bother me as much as his gimmick/personality..all i want is a heel turn..Damn have a clean loss and I'll crack a smile...
  15. Eh, Austin used to wear white boots with black ring attire, IIRC. I always hated white boots on wrestlers, so I instinctively find myself despising any wrestler who wears them with their ring attire. Early Carlito, Billy Gunn, Hardcore Holly, HHH circa 2003. Hmm, maybe there's something about white boots that causes wrestlers to suck? Ahem! The Best there is...The best there was....The best there ever will be....
  16. Turn on Cena...Im calling it..
  17. My money is on a sharpshooter in this match....
  18. Well, Canadians and Rednecks bond well. See Owen Hart/Jeff Jarrett. "I'm not a nugget..I'm a Black Hart dammit"...RIP Owen
  19. I should have known...We havent had 3 consecutive weeks of good RAWS since 2001
  20. Mickie James aint a bad lookin chick...
  21. Who the Hell was attracted to Chyna...Besides Hunter of course...I think she was unique though...After all kinds of surgical procedures to make her look like more femine..
  22. Not saying this is happening on SmackDown! but I read that Vince lost interest in Layla already...Could it be cause she aint blond headed and blue eyed...Vince aint racist..Just not attracted to black chicks im guessing... How else do you explain Jacqueline being employed for all of those years? Jacqueline wasnt eye candy..she was a wrestler...Layla is eye candy..I think that Vince is attracted to all the Eye Candy..Layla doesnt do it for him....Vince thinks everyone thinks like him..That's why we get feed cena and mcmahon/dx...
  23. Not saying this is happening on SmackDown! but I read that Vince lost interest in Layla already...Could it be cause she aint blond headed and blue eyed...Vince aint racist..Just not attracted to black chicks im guessing...