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Everything posted by RonL21

  1. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    I follow Politics, so when I first saw Obama at the convention in 2004 i was positive he was gonna run for President. Obama has the support of EVERY Demographic. Ive seen Black folks who could give a damn about Politics go out and register just to vote for Obama. If he was white i definitely couldnt see that happening
  2. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    And as a Black person, Im agreeing w/ Mrs. Ferraro.
  3. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    LOL. It does doesnt it.
  4. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    we've only had 42 presidents have we not?
  5. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    Oh. Maybe the Rock Song? Bingo. You know, Winger. I guess I should have made it more obvious. She's only seventeen (seventeen) The girl she gives me love like I've never seen She's only seventeen (seventeen) Daddy says she's too young But she's old enough for me Seventeen!! Nah. I remember the commercial back in the 90s for 80s rock songs for those old compilation cds. It use to come on all the time and that was one of the songs highlighted in yellow that always played.
  6. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    Oh. Maybe the Rock Song?
  7. RonL21

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Best Poems in my 8th grade Literature book. Edgar Allan Poe had some nice ones too
  8. RonL21

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    I think pretty much all of my posts have been good. I post on a couple other message boards and they seem to be more concerned with the stupidity of post. You arent denying the greatness of e.e. cummings are you?
  9. RonL21

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    e.e. cummings > F. Scott Fitzgerald
  10. RonL21

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Well for the sake of the board, I'll try to refrain from doing what i'm here. I thought the quality of a post matters, not the format. Somehow I doubt people would be raving about The Great Gatsby if it was written in that format. This is just a message board. Surely im not required to use APA format am I?
  11. RonL21

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Well for the sake of the board, I'll try to refrain from doing what i'm here. I thought the quality of a post matters, not the format.
  12. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    "Seventeen..." Are you implying that most Pornography movies glorify underage females?
  13. RonL21

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    It's not that bad is it? I could type in all CAPS instead.
  14. RonL21

    Jeff Hardy suspended

    Because Suspending Jeff is better than Forcing him to go to rehab until he gets himself cleaned up
  15. RonL21

    Jeff Hardy suspended

    Honestly.. If HHH or Cena failed a drug test.. Would they be taken outta 'Mania too and Outed on the Website? I know it's policy, but would they do it?
  16. RonL21

    Jeff Hardy suspended

    Im pretty sure it wasnt steriods or HGH.... Maybe unprescribed Pain Killers would be my guess.. Or some other recreational drug
  17. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    She's only 17
  18. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    So it turns out that the Clinton campaign used some old stock footage in Hillary's 3am ad... Well it turns out the 7 year old girl sleeping in the ad is 17 now and is an active campaigner for Barack Obama in her home state of Washington...She even hopes to be a Super Delegate this year.... When it rains it pours doesnt it?
  19. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    Cena should have done an RKO instead of an FU...
  20. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    I hope the rest of the Raws have a crowd half as decent as Milwaukee has been..
  21. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    You missed the Master P stuff in WCW didn't you? LOL.. I vaguely remember it...
  22. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    who weighs in wearing Jeans and a Tshirt?
  23. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    As God as my witness.. Ive never seen that many black people walk down the to the ring
  24. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    When did Maria start doing the Sonya Blade Leg takedown?
  25. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    I never saw WM XV.. I thought the way they edited it looked weird What exactly happened?