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Everything posted by RonL21

  1. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    I wonder if Briscoe Bros. still Specialize in "Rear End" work?
  2. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    Was he next to the guy with the Latino World Order shirt? I don't know.. I was just shocked to see anyone still w/ that shirt... Makes me remember my Kevin Nash mark days when I had the Diesel Power hat with the chrome brim and the Diesel Glove
  3. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    Holy SHit.. Tell me Im not the only one that saw that guy with Shawn's old Heartbreak Hotel shirt on....
  4. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    I like this Milwaukee crowd.. Raw's been lacking a decent crowd for a while
  5. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    And that was a great Match....
  6. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    oh.. i was too busy tryna figure out why they gave Jeff that awful theme... the occasional Pre-Wrestlemania theme change to promote a CD
  7. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    and when the Hell did Jeff and Jericho have a match at 'Mania?
  8. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    Kennedy's from Green Bay I thought.. That's why figured he was getting the boos... Milwaukee still has Candice.. Is she gonna be on the show tonight?
  9. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    I don't remember a casket match on Free Tv
  10. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    Quite the lively crowd in Milwaukee this evening
  11. RonL21

    Raw 3/10/08

    *marks out for the old school casket match casket*
  12. Michael Jordan, Wilt Chamberlain, Bill Russell, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, John Stockton
  13. RonL21

    Fast Food Promotions..

    What were some of the best Fast Food Promotions? What were your favorites? Still got any of the goodies? -I wasnt a Pokemon fan...But those Cards Burger King Had were awesome -Old School McDonald's Monopoly..I don't like the way they do it now... -The one I had the longest was Burger King's promotion for Last Action Hero I remember they were these cups and they came with like a plastic thing that you would rotate and it gave the illusion of a moving image..I lost the plastic thing, but that cup got mileage. - I remember Burger King had one of the best ever when I was like 8 back in 93/94 It was like all practical joke toys like whoppie cushions and fake spiders and a handshake buzzer thing... Great stuff to a child...lol Looking back at what I wrote...Burger King had some kick ass prizes...
  14. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    So Bill O'Reilly said on his show that Vermont is the Most troubled state in the Union... Those damned "Secular Progressives" are ruining America!!! Damn that Vermont and all 3000 residents who live there Vermont also Voted for Obama.. Coincidence?
  15. Probably Tyson/Spinks. Just a massacre from the word "go." The Broncos/49ers and Bears/Patriots Super Bowls both came to mind, as well as the 62-3 Jags/Dolphins playoff game. In baseball, I'd have to go with this game between the Brewers and Blue Jays in 1992, when the Brewers set club records for runs (22) and hits (31). Something reminded me of the list of the 50 greatest NBA players, and it got me to thinking of this question...looking back on the list now, given what's happened in the past twelve years, who would you add to the list, and who would you remove? I would add: For Sure: Dominique Wilkins Tim Duncan Kevin Garnett Kobe Bryant Bob McAdoo Maybe: Jason Kidd Steve Nash Allen Iverson Eventually (for sure): LeBron James I take out: Scottie Pippen Lenny Wilkens Robert Parish Hal Greer Dave Bing I don't agree that AI and Nash are maybe...A Lock for sure... add-Kobe Bryant, Allen Iverson, Tim Duncan, Kevin Garnett, Jason Kidd, Steve Nash
  16. No. The NBA was way too stacked throughout the 1990's. Did Iverson deserve MVP in 01 or should it have went to Shaq? Iverson deserved it... Shaq always had a great supporting cast in LA... AI had Matt Geiger...
  17. RonL21

    Campaign 2008

    The one thing that annoys in Politics and Sports as well is the way these talking heads talk of just pure disdain for some of these people... It's like they hate these people Political but it translates in to a personal hate that annoys me... I don't necessarily agree w/ John McCain on a lot of his issues...But I think he's an alright guy.. Hell I think Bush is Ok...His Politics suck ass and he's a shitty President...Besides that im sure he's an ok dude Same w/ Hillary and Barack..But guys like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck act as if the Democrats dug Ronald Reagan's remains and pissed on them in front of Nancy... The hate Hillary has gotten not only from the republicans, but the dems is something that astonishes me as well... Like besides political differences, what has this woman personally done to you?
  18. RonL21

    Raw 3.3.08

    I think there may be some shenanigans in the Triple threat... I actually think Edge/Taker will be a fair fight w/ Edge losing but gaining props.. Like Edge will just get more infuriated at Undertaker beating up his goons that he goes for the old if "you want something done right, do it yourself route"
  19. RonL21

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    To be fair.. Detroit hosted III and 23 twenty years apart so i can understand that.. I also heard that Vince wants 'Mania at the Colts new Stadium in the next couple of years
  20. RonL21

    The Wire: Final Season

    For anyone who was wondering... The only Emmy nomination the Wire ever got was for Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series back in 2005 for the episode Middle Ground back in Season 3...The episode where Stringer Bell was killed...
  21. RonL21

    The Wire: Final Season

    Chris Meloni continues to get robbed for his SVU work..
  22. RonL21

    The Wire: Final Season

    I'll gladly shell out $200 for the entire Wire Series if they release all of them together a la the way they did Sex and the City
  23. RonL21

    Authority Figures...

    So all throughout wrestling history.. Who was the best authority figure? Who was your favorite? Who was the most believable? Who came off as respected by heels and faces? -Jack Tunney comes to mind for me.. He was the first one from when i started watching wrestling... seemed right down the middle didnt favor faces or heels... -SmackDown! would be odd w/o Teddy Long..I think he does/did that job well
  24. RonL21

    Fast Food Promotions..

    LOL..Im not sure.. but im postive i remember hearing it was some kind of scandal and they did away w/ it for a while
  25. RonL21

    Fast Food Promotions..

    I remember those Rugrats watches Burger King Had to promote the movie... Those were quite popular w/ kids my age at the time...and i was about 13-14 at the time.. Chuckie's watch ruled!!