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Jaxxson Mayhem

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Everything posted by Jaxxson Mayhem

  1. Jaxxson Mayhem

    The NEW TSM

    So are we back at a level blue?
  2. Jaxxson Mayhem

    Rock Band!

    I am most certainly buying More Human Than Human when it's available.
  3. Jaxxson Mayhem


    She's not something to fwap to. I just like having eye candy in my shows damn it.
  4. Jaxxson Mayhem


    You read it correctly
  5. Jaxxson Mayhem


    Me. She's hot.
  6. Jaxxson Mayhem


    This show keeps getting harder and harder to follow while going deeper into "WTF" territory.
  7. Jaxxson Mayhem

    Chris Brown

    From IDLYITW
  8. Jaxxson Mayhem

    Joaquin Phoenix

    That's what I've been thinking.
  9. Jaxxson Mayhem

    College Basketball: February '09

    Shit was not cool.
  10. Jaxxson Mayhem

    Joaquin Phoenix

    I even go to the school he so proudly represents.
  11. Jaxxson Mayhem

    WWE 2009 Draft announced

    Taker back to RAW would be HUGE.
  12. Jaxxson Mayhem

    Joaquin Phoenix

    Leno leaves much to be desired but I've always liked him over Letterman. Conan's still the best thing going. It just looked like Phoenix took the shit personally. If he was acting, then it's a different story.
  13. Jaxxson Mayhem

    Joaquin Phoenix

    Like that's an insult? It's a talk show that's taped in the afternoon, and it makes him more money than you'll ever see in your lifetime. Yeah, fuck him. Says you. I've never liked letterman. I just think he's a smug puta.
  14. Jaxxson Mayhem

    Wargods/KSP "Valentine's Eve Massacre"

  15. Jaxxson Mayhem


    Dandy 4 Mod. I support both of these. His banning was justified. Neither does yours. Wow. Did your stalking of SNL members and shows give you that uncanny ability to think so fast and allow you to make such witty responses?
  16. Jaxxson Mayhem

    Joaquin Phoenix

    Fuck Letterman. He does this shit to people like he's above it all. You are a fucking late night talk show host you fucking ass.
  17. Jaxxson Mayhem

    Joaquin Phoenix

    Someone was watching this and told me he was really weird. I'll have to check it out for myself.
  18. Jaxxson Mayhem

    WWE 2009 Draft announced

  19. Jaxxson Mayhem


    barron's opinion doesn't matter. Simple as that.
  20. Jaxxson Mayhem


  21. Jaxxson Mayhem

    WWE 2009 Draft announced

    I hope they get switched as well.
  22. Jaxxson Mayhem

    College Basketball: February '09

    We ready(what, what) We ready(what, what) We ready(we ready, we ready) For y'alllll(come on, we ready, come on) We ready(we ready for) We ready(we ready for) We ready(we ready for) For y'all(we ready, we ready) WEEEEEEEEEEEE READYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY FOR YALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
  23. Jaxxson Mayhem

    2 months until Leena buys TSM

    It's never too late.. I still have it saved as a txt document.
  24. Jaxxson Mayhem

    2 months until Leena buys TSM

    I waited and waited and waited.... but he just didn't pull the trigger. Someone had to do it.
  25. Jaxxson Mayhem

    2 months until Leena buys TSM

    I run this bitch cause I DONE STRANGLED A BITCH IN A MUSEUM!