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Ginger Snaps

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Everything posted by Ginger Snaps

  1. Ginger Snaps

    We Have Us An Iron Man

    Is Terence Howard a little above this at this point?
  2. Ginger Snaps

    Pictures I Like

    That kind of upsets me. I used to watch that show as a kid.
  3. Ginger Snaps

    McDonalds selling breakfast all day?

    I must admit.........I will be tempted.
  4. Ginger Snaps

    Smallville Season 6 thread

    I'm sure a lot of torrent sites are carrying it. Just do a google search.
  5. Ginger Snaps

    Being a little bitch

    That's the stuff there. The best line of the movie...delivered by the least likely actor. Comes out of nowhere and chokes you up everytime. That was really powerful. A lot of Wes Anderson movies seem to have that one melancholy, sad moment.
  6. Ginger Snaps


  7. Ginger Snaps

    Ban Rolleyes.

    My vote is a resounding "yea". I'll stick around just to annoy you Someone's always trying to silence the black man...
  8. Ginger Snaps

    OAO "Blade: The Series" Thread.

    I was afraid that this was going to happen. For those who didn't stick with the series, it built on itself and got a lot better as the show went along. Sorry to see it end.
  9. Ginger Snaps

    2006 Fall TV...

    Where did you get your info.
  10. Ginger Snaps

    We Have Us An Iron Man

  11. Ginger Snaps

    Am I in danger?

    >'-')> ^('-')^ <('-'<) ^('-')^ (>'-')>
  12. Their 'Ridin' Dirty' remix is terrible. It might be the worst remix ever made.
  13. Ginger Snaps

    New Girl....

    The pics of the first girl are long gone, it seems. But the second one was pretty.
  14. Agreed. And if you look past the ridiculous premise, the acting outside of the three name actors (Sam Jackson, Juilianna Marguiles, Bobby Cavale) was just atrocious. The guy who was playing the witness was just laughably bad.
  15. Ginger Snaps

    The Killers - Sam's Town

    I thought the first album was fine. I don't like that this one was compared to Springsteen. That's definitely not going to make me buy this album.
  16. Ginger Snaps

    WWE to counter in head-to-head with Ortiz vs. Shamrock III...

    This stupid gimmick is worthless unless we actually see real nudity. Which we never will on Sci-Fi.
  17. Ginger Snaps

    Kid Kash released.

    I guess he did something to screw up. Back to TNA? Sucks, cause I liked his tag team. I think you're right, though. I can see them sticking Yang and Knoble together.
  18. Ginger Snaps

    Biggest fears? What are they?

    "DUDE! I broke my knee, dude!"
  19. Ginger Snaps

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Gave up on those two pretty quick I guess.
  20. Ginger Snaps

    The Official What I think You Look Like

    Cute like a fucking rocket. Remember not to wear those sunglasses again, though. They mask your eyes.
  21. Ginger Snaps

    Breaking News: TO attempts suicide

    So it would be bad for me to make a joke about how he should have exceeded?
  22. Ginger Snaps

    Harry Potter Movies

    That's rather disturbing.
  23. Ginger Snaps

    The Killers - Sam's Town

    Uh oh.
  24. Ginger Snaps

    TSM List of Fallen Posters

    It's sad that this is true.