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Everything posted by Dandy

  1. Dandy


    I hope the inclusion of the name "Henry Gale" is not a sign that the ending to this show will be like in The Wizard of Oz. This had better not be a dream of someone that fell asleep on the plane, or received a bump on the head during some bad turbulence.
  2. Dandy


    The reason I stated that is because someone posted that Sayid was looking at Charlie and basically saying, "Where are the guns, Charlie?" I disagree that he was looking to Charlie for the guns at all....just stating what I think he was really doing.
  3. Dandy


    Forgot to post this last night, but I don't think Sayid was talking to Charlie to see if he could get a gun, or guns. I firmly believe he was using psychology on Charlie to coerce Charlie into killing Gale. Sayid knows Jack (and possibly a lot of other people) would have a serious backlash on Sayid if he killed Gale before it was confirmed he was an Other. So, he figures he will use Charlie's built in anger towards what happened to him before. Sayid also recognizes that Charlie is already an outcast from most of the group, and would be a perfect patsy.
  4. Dandy


    I think that the symbols that were showing up on the timer were in fact the various Dharma logos. Also, they were showing up one at a time while a mechanical whirring sound was going on. I think that when the timer hits zero, it starts whatever it is it will do, then if the code is not entered before all the symbols show up, you are fucked. Seems like the different hatches are coordinating to combine for something big. Maybe the reactor behind the concrete?
  5. Dandy

    Is there going to be an Ironman movie?

    I could see Matt Damon playing Steve Rogers/Captain America. That is if you want a star playing the role. Otherwise, take a lesser known name of someone muscular and blond and see if they can act the part.
  6. Dandy

    Is there going to be an Ironman movie?

    There was a report sometime during the last year that Tom Cruise had his sites on an Iron Man movie, with himself as Tony Stark.
  7. Dandy

    Things That Annoy Us About John Cena

    45. The way he moves inside the ring. He has his legs bent deep almost at all times. Running, clotheslines, Irish whips, etc. I think his wrestling (what little skill he has) would look more aesthetic if he didn't squat down like that at all times. Of course, he needs to be a heel so he can slow down and incorporate heel tactics into his moveset to give it more depth than the thimble-full he has right now.
  8. Dandy


    I have been reflecting on this show since last night. While not as kick ass as the previous week's show, you have to consider that every show offers something, especially in foreshadowing or clues to something we do not know. Libby is known to Hurley one of two ways in my mind. 1) she was in the mental facility as a worker or patient. I haven't realized why, but for some reason I think she is not a psychiatrist, but possibly has seen one regularly over the years. OR 2) she is someone that knows Hurley is worth a lot of money, and is trying to cozy up to him. Perhaps she worked at a company he bought, or she talked to him briefly before. Charlie is on the fast track to becoming an Other, or a loner like Danielle. Charlie is now an outcast from the survivors, as they made a point to show everyone looking disappointed and turning away from him disgusted. Charlie will either go to the Others to try to find someone who will accept him, or will be living on his own away from the survivors, only to redeem himself by showing up for a heroic rescue. Locke has not changed as much as you may think. You know why he allowed Charlie to make a choice in season 1? Because he wanted Charlie to make the decision he did. Don't you think he would have taken it out on Charlie if he had made the decision to keep doing the heroin? Well, Charlie chose what Locke thought was best for him, so he was proud of him. Now Charlie appeared to go back on that decision, which raised the ire of Locke.
  9. Dandy


    Just wait until
  10. Dandy


    What if Locke has ulterior motives with Aaron?
  11. My nutsack works for Raw magazine, and it said that I was winning the Rumble.
  12. Dandy

    Internet stops working

    Appreciate it.
  13. Dandy

    Internet stops working

    Okay, I bought a new computer, and everything is wonderful except for that pesky problem of having to restart the computer every 30 mins or so (that is the average) because I cannot open any more links and there is apparently no internet connection. Fairly certain it is not the modem. Anyone have a clue as to what might be causing this?
  14. Dandy

    Internet stops working

    admin: Thanks, but Norton came with the computer, and I bought Spyware Doctor as soon as I logged on to the internet for the first time. I don't think it's spyware or a virus. Carnival: Forgive me for being stupid, but I'm not familiar with a "ping." Do I type in "ping" where you did? Again, sorry for being retarded. Thanks to both of you for the help, though.
  15. Dandy


    Ah, okay, forgot that was season 2. That 6 week break has messed with my timeline big time.
  16. Dandy


    I went back and watched the last episode again. When the shots are fired, it sounds to me like 3 rifle shots (Michael) followed by 4 shots from a handgun (don't know who). I do not have my season 1 set at the moment, so can anyone tell me if Desmond left with a handgun? Danielle always cared a rifle.
  17. Dandy

    *SPOILER* No Way Out Main Event Revealed

    I know it's not in the cards, but Benoit could be put into the challenger slot at WM in the amount of time they have to build toward it. This is just one example: They have been showing everyone shaking Angle's hand backstage, with respect for the new champ. Angle could do another one of those roaming segments, and when he gets to Benoit, he gets no handshake or congratulations. Angle asks what's the deal with the cold shoulder, and Benoit highlights there history a little bit. Benoit can say that they have been very evenly matched, and he thinks he can take him at any given time. However, he hasn't been given much respect since his move to Smackdown. The next week, have Benoit pin Angle in a tag match. Very simple. Angle is agitated by it, and requests another tag match the next week. Benoit's partner is knocked out early, and Benoit has to go most of the match. He is pinned by Angle after an exhausting display. Benoit starts to get an ovation after staying in the ring a long time (like RR2003), but he attacks his partner and tears him apart with chops, kicks, suplexes, and "breaks" his arm with a crossface. Benoit goes back to being the crippler, a heel, and is hell-bent on taking the title from Angle. After several attacks on Angle, Angle grants Benoit the title match at WM. That takes one month to do, and then you should have one month before WM. I think that would be fairly simple and much more effective than Angle/Orton or Angle/Taker.
  18. Dandy

    Best WWE era?

    Wrestlefreak, to set up a poll, you just create a new topic, and the poll options are between the areas where the topic and subtopic go, and the body of the post goes. PM me if you still can't figure it out. As for a lot of the responses you are getting, people on here generally do not like for new people to create a bunch of new topics right off the bat. I suggest reading the rules of the forum, which is a pinned thread on the first page (there are about 5-6 pinned threads, and they would be the first threads on the page). Also, participate in some of the other threads and establish yourself before making several topics of your own. We have covered a lot of stuff here over the years, and I know you are new to this board. Just check out the first 3 pages or so to make sure something isn't already being discussed elsewhere, and notice that we have a thread for minor shit that doesn't deserve a thread of its own. For example, if Brock Lesnar came back to WWE, that would deserve its own thread (if noone else has already posted it). You saw Roddy Piper at the mall....that would go in "Comments Which Do Not Deserve a Thread." It may sound picky, but some of us have been posting on three or four different versions of this board for the past 5-6 years. We just like the way it is, and don't like to see threads that shouldn't be posted. Just trying to help.
  19. Dandy


    Speaking of Jack's tattoos, it seems to me that he had the number 5 on his left shoulder, and he was telling someone (Kate?) about that 5 seconds thing he does to calm down and finish a surgery. After the way Mr. Friendly (that's how M.C. Gainey's character was listed) said Jack had an interesting theory, I do not believe Ethan was involved with his group at all. I believe that they have Walt to study him, they are a part of Dharma, and they actually keep the Others at bay.
  20. Dandy


    It's been so long, I forgot what the picture was going to show. What was it?
  21. Dandy


    I have a suspicion that someone on the island did have a sexual relationship with Jack's wife. I am hoping for Sawyer, but I would also guess Desmond or Boone.
  22. Dandy


    M.C. Gainey's character sure grew a lot of facial hair in 8-9 days, huh?
  23. Dandy


    I'm thinking Walt will make an appearance, but will not be brought back to camp this episode. Probably take three more episodes before he is brought back.
  24. Dandy


    I was shopping with Ms. El Dandy at Target and while we were in line she was checking out the soap mags. On the cover of TV Guide was Matthew Fox, and it had a blurb about his thoughts on his character's love triangle between Kate and Ana-Lucia. Regarding Kate, he said, "Jack cares for her more than he wants to." As for Ana-Lucia, he said, "It's dark and twisted." This was just the front cover, and I didn't have time to read the article while we were in line. Guess they are going to add Ana-Lucia into the Jack/Kate/Sawyer thing. I believe we talked about it many pages ago, and how it would seem like a natural progression. It just seems like it cooled off really fast with little interaction between three or four of them at a time since the camps were united. Maybe it was the six week hiatus that makes me see it that way, though.
  25. Dandy

    Better wrestler?

    Did I miss a memo or something that said, "Meet in the WWE Folder at such and such time and type the exact opposite of the truth?"