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Everything posted by Dandy

  1. Dandy

    Draft Idea

    As far as a Raw vs. Smackdown Survivor Series, why not go back to the old days of all the survivors from the early matches facing off as well at the end of the night, with the winning brand getting rewarded with an extra pick in the draft next year, the #30 spot in the Rumble going to a Smackdown star, etc.
  2. Dandy

    Shawn Michaels Knee Injury

    This really sucks as I was looking forward to a rumored Rockers reunion, followed by the speculated Janetty heel turn and feud. And as mentioned, HBK vs. Eddie feud would own.
  3. Dandy

    RAW Rating Drops Big Time

    Although I don't think there is one solitary thing that can fix all the holes to stop the leaks, there are several small things they can do to help the ratings. ---The number one thing would be to focus on Batista. He was massively over (and is still over, considering) before becoming the champ. He needs to have several segments on the show, give some interviews, and be shown publicly like Cena. Show Dave at some autograph signings, get him some exposure at other things, and make him seem like the big deal everyone was buying into. ---Like was mentioned in this thread, there needs to be some title wins on Raw from time to time. The undercard titles change on there every now and then, but the World has not changed since its re-introduction/creation (depending on your stance). An idea I have is similar to Rocky III. You would need a face World Champion, but not Batista, and a big heel, but not HHH. Just a random match with little build-up, with the exception of the heel going on a dominate streak for a month and a half, and being awarded a Title shot on TV for his efforts. Have the match be competitive for about 10 minutes, with the heel controlling for the most part. The face makes the comeback, but after a missed move, the heel hits three or four moves in a row, his finisher, and wins decisively. Make sure the announcers put over the champ as being good, but simply overmatched for that night. This can lead into a rematch a couple months down the line after the face has been re-established through victories, and the heel has a dominant run. Long-term booking that could bring back the "anything can happen" feel. ---Also, the show cannot revolve around one character. This is not HHHating, just common sense. Push those with potential that the fans are dying to see in closer to the top spots, and let Triple H become fresh again after some time off. He could do an injury angle which would be big for whoever takes him out, give him some time off to get back in prime shape and heal some injuries, and allow him to reload his character. ---Finally, the writing needs an overhaul, and I think they need to let retired wrestlers like Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko, etc. do the booking, along with Paul Heyman, Jim Cornette, Eric Bischoff and Vince McMahon. These guys can come up with old school angles that make sense, and interesting angles at the same time. While you are at it, stop scripting most of the interviews and let the wrestlers come up with their own stuff like in the past. If a wrestler sucks at doing that, help him out until he gets it down. Throw all of these in a pot and see if wrestling doesn't get better to watch. However, they really do need another Stone Cold or The Rock, or Hogan to really get casual and new fans to start watching religiously.
  4. Dandy

    HHH's Motivation

    Don't forget when he traded the title with Goldberg.
  5. Dandy

    What records

    If this is not a joke and is a serious rumor...um, when and how exactly would that pay off? If the record is ever broken, he is out his money. But barring baseball shutting down forever, it could never pay out to him. I'm guessing this has to be a joke?
  6. Dandy

    Marty Jennetty

    You would think he could do both. I don't recall many Indy shows running on Monday nights.
  7. Dandy

    In the new Observer Newsletter

    He should come out in suit and tie, maybe with the goatee shaved off, not drinking any beer or cussing. Have him go full circle and become the authority figure he hated so much.
  8. Dandy

    Hell in a cell

    Umm, I mentioned it in the second post of this thread.
  9. Dandy

    Hell in a cell

    I will try to do it from memory, so someone correct me or add on to this list, provide dates, etc. - Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker (Kane debuts) - The Undertaker vs. Mankind (Foley flies off the top) - Mankind vs. Kane (on Raw) - The Undertaker vs. Big Boss Man (not very good) - Big Boss Man vs. Al Snow---Kennel in a Cell (should not count) - Rock vs. Austin vs. Angle vs. Rikishi vs. Undertaker vs. ????? - HHH vs. Foley - HHH vs. Jericho - Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker - HHH vs. Nash
  10. Dandy

    What matches are on these dvds

    So "That Damn Good" was released on 1/29/02, but has Wrestlemania from two months later on it? I also think "The Game" was released a little later considering he had just came back on the 7th. And I am pretty sure that "The Game" included highlights of his win over Jericho at WM19, as well. What site did you get your list from?
  11. Dandy

    Daivari works out with Benoit...

    I am always sorest two days after working out a body part really hard. Update us on your condition tomorrow.
  12. I second Del Toro. Great character actor.
  13. Okay, I know this is very general and there is a slim chance of me finding the movie I am looking for, but here goes. I read about a movie recently that got good reviews, was a crime/robbery/heist movie, and I believe was compared to Snatch. Anyone know what the name of this movie might be? I am pretty sure it was not released majorly in the states. Thanks for any help.
  14. Dandy

    Movie title and info help, please

    It was Layer Cake. Thanks! Foolproof sounds good as well.
  15. Dandy

    What's the purpose?

    At least Masters is using a correct overhand/underhand grasp when locking it in. The worst way to do the move is interlocking your fingers. That makes the move very weak at that point, not strong like the o-hand/u-hand. I think Masters' challenge is also trying to establish the move, you know.........because it is a frigging full-nelson as a finisher.
  16. Dandy

    Backlash Discussion

    The Warrior no-sell of the Pedigree wouldn't work as well after Batista sold the move for so long last week. If HHH wouldn't have landed it, then it would have been perfect. I think Batista will kick out at 2 3/4, then no-sell everything HHH throws at him before getting the duke.
  17. Dandy

    We Got WWE 24/7

    Supposedly Time Warner is going to "integrate their system with Adelphia's" when they take it over completely by next year. What kind of price range does TW have for you folks? For digital cable, the HBO package, all the digital channels like ESPN News, Game Show Network, Turner Classic Movies, Classic Sports, etc., and cable internet, I pay a ridiculous $126.26 per month after taxes and fees.
  18. Dandy

    Batista's REAL age?

    Still no replies to my question of how we found out Batista is 39 instead of 36. His official website says 36.
  19. What would rock would be some of the agents writing some of the storylines and allowing the wrestlers to come up with their own lines during his absence. Why not try it just to see. If the tv is better and the ratings stay the same or go up, move Gewirtz over to WWE Films permanently.
  20. Dandy

    WWE worried about the backlash

    I think this could really jumpstart Hardy's career. He has always entertained me, and I think the crowd reaction for him coming back would be an immense initial pop. How about resigning him, have him come out and talk about getting some well-deserved revenge (don't have to say the name to get the point across), but then get drafted to Smackdown. This frustrates Matt because he can't get his revenge on the other show, so he takes it out on everyone who deals in evil deeds on Smackdown, kind of like the Crow/Punisher type angle he proposed. All it would take is a couple of severe ass-whippings dealt to some heels, then make him a contender and push him as high as he can go. I'm sure Matt will run with it.
  21. Dandy

    Flair's Son back in the news

    Any pics of Reid? Anyone know what weight he is?
  22. Dandy

    TNA on WGN?

    I say try for FX. Maybe not Monday nights right away, but definitely try for that network.
  23. Dandy

    We Got WWE 24/7

    Well, here in Huntington, WV, we have shitty Adelphia and they don't carry it. Adelphia was just bought out by Time Warner and Comcast, and TW will be the provider for the state of West Virginia. I am hoping they will carry 24/7, because I'll gladly pay $6 a month.
  24. Dandy

    We Got WWE 24/7

    Is it $6 per month, per day, or per block of programming? Also, where are you located and who is your cable carrier?
  25. Dandy

    Batista's REAL age?

    Well, that's not an easy assumption to make, though. Orton has already missed out on one WM due to injury, WM19. And it was looking almost like a lock that Lesnar would set the record for most WWE ppv's and then he just quit.