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Everything posted by Dandy

  1. Dandy

    After running Spybot.....

    Okay, whenever I run Spybot S&D, I lose Kazaa and have to download it again because it is run with adware on it. None of the adwares that come up on a search have Kazaa in them. Does anyone know which adware programs are on Kazaa so I don't have to keep downloading Kazaa every time I purge adware from my computer? Didn't think this was covered in the pinned thread. If it was, my apologies and just tell me to look in the "pinned thread, monkey."
  2. Dandy

    After running Spybot.....

    Tied in with Kazaa or just bad to delete it in general?
  3. Dandy

    WWE News & Notes from the 10/11 Observer

    They already said Noble was fired for an insurance claim. This was the "injury" he had, I guess.
  4. Dandy

    Raw Rating

    Anyone remember what each segment featured? I think the women and Eugene were on late, but wasn't Benoit/Batista as well? Anyone have the segment breakdowns? -----Edited for grammar
  5. Dandy

    HHH's jab at Rock

    Flair namedropped several "legends" last week in his promo. Did you think he was setting up matches with Harley Race and others? Same premise with HHH. He used a line that was made popular by an icon of the industry, and made sure he was viewed as a heel when he said it, instead of being funny like when Rock used it. I would guess no one thought Rock would show up to defend his honor over that namedrop.
  6. Dandy

    HHH's jab at Rock

    Rock is arguably the most over wrestler in the history of the business. Triple H used his line, "It doesn't matter what you think," and used an opportunity to get heat by insulting a very popular man in this business instead of being viewed as "He just stole The Rock's line!" I thought it was something nice thrown in there. Remember, Triple H plays a heel on the show, and even though he is manipulative, the man always makes sure he goes for heel heat.
  7. Dandy

    Question about Shelton Benjamin from RAW?

    what's racist about it? It was brought up that he was a good character right now because he wasn't stereotyped in a racist way. I was basically agreeing that I don't think of him as a black guy that wrestles, but as a good wrestler. Not calling anyone on here racist.
  8. Ummm, Triple H has very muscular legs. He isn't ripped like 2000 or even when he was posing against Steiner, but the man's legs are huge. And like I said earlier, anything can happen in a fight. Angle probably wouldn't win *every* time. There's a reason they have the fights in UFC and boxing and whatever other kind of sport. Just because a man should win, doesn't mean it will happen.
  9. Dandy

    Question about Shelton Benjamin from RAW?

    I see Benjamin as a great athlete with a legitmate background in amateur wrestling before I see him as a black wrestler. Of course maybe it's where I'm not racist. I think he could be a good Bret Hart style champion in the future.
  10. It's true a wrestler can incapacitate someone in a fight, but Eddie grew up grappling as well. Granted Kurt is the superior amateur wrestler, but a fight's a fight. I couldn't guess who would win until I had seen both of them in a fight, and then anything could still happen.
  11. Dandy

    Tom Prichard Fired by WWE

    Pritchard most likely got fired for something other than not doing a good job with development. If it were something like that, surely it would have been reported. A company man like him doesn't get fired out of nowhere without something happening.
  12. Dandy

    How to stomp out a return...

    Anybody have a pic of Big Show from that segment? I missed it. Thanks in advance.
  13. Bingo. And I don't really get why WWE is trying to portray all their wrestlers as high class. Wrestlers should dress according to thier characters. Of course, I wouldn't expect Jericho to wear glittery pants everywhere he goes, but why should he with his gimmick dress the same way as someone from Evolution? And if John Cena is expected to wear a button down shirt with slacks, that's stupid. I know wrestlers don't have to live thier characters 24/7, but they should somewhat. Anyways, a lot of wrestler's characters are pretty close to the actual wrestler, so that would be a lot easier to impliment. Exactly what I was thinking about the individual characters. They have moved back to a more kayfabe approach, so I don't see why they won't do it that way. I would expect to see Cena wearing a throwback and baggy shorts. I wouldn't expect Taker to wear a leather duster every time I saw him, but if I saw him in slacks and a button down, I would think he was going to a funeral.
  14. I totally understand why they fly coach instead of first-class. It's not like they have long-term job security. If a wrestler gets injured or becomes unpopular, he can lose tons of money. It is smart to save money when it comes to travel arrangements since they travel alot. There is no need to fly first-class or rent a car by yourself other than wasting money for the luxury of it. These guys do this almost daily.....it's not like we're talking about three flights a year. Besides, you always hear wrestlers commenting on the comraderie on the road, and all the fun they have with their travel partners.
  15. I disagree that Edge and Molly were trying to get an upgrade in flying or rental cars. I think they were pointing out how silly it is to implement this dress code to promote their high-profile lifestyles when they fly coach and share rental cars to keep costs down. Most wrestlers wear track pants and T-shirts with fanny packs because it is comfortable and convenient for their travel schedule. If anything, I would have expected WWE to have them dress in a manner that furthers their characters, not make them all dress up.
  16. Dandy

    Tougn Enough

    Tazz mentioned on Smackdown that pro-wrestlers, amateur wrestlers, football players, and "elite athletes" should try out. Sounds like they are moving it from the past formula to try to get some people already trained in wrestling or people that could pick it up faster. I hope they do get some indy wrestlers.
  17. Dandy

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    That blonde girl for the new diva team was a fucking ringer at dodgeball. That girl pretty much wiped out the whole team. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed SS. I was expecting Orton to win, but I thought he and Benoit put on a great match. I would have had Hardy win and get dismantled after the match to set up his surgery, but other than that, I agreed with the endings.
  18. Dandy

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    They shouldn't be able to vacate the title on a tie considering that in the event of a tie, the belt remains with the champ. That was a finish in HHH/HBK around the end of last year or start of this year.
  19. Dandy

    On your birthday

    In the US: "My Sharona" by The Knack 8/29/79
  20. Dandy

    Kane impregnates Lita...

    I figured that Kane wanted Lita to have sex with him, she did, and now it's over. She is trying to get back together with Matt, feels the guilt of having sex with Kane, and doesn't want Matt to find out. Kane now has that hanging over her head, and can fuck with Matt, now. I think this is a lot simpler than Kane trying to impregnate Lita. There is still a lot of drama in this storyline.
  21. Dandy

    Work Perks

    I'm a bouncer/bartender at an upscale bar. All drinks are half price any time, I can drink while I work, get to beat the shit out of people that get out of hand, and the owners are very well-connected. They also go to the Master's, Kentucky Derby, NCCA Final Four, and shit like that. One flies his own plane and will fly you to events like that if he feels like up and going. Plus chicks hit on me all night long because they love bouncers.
  22. Dandy

    Prince Paul is back

    Fair enough.
  23. Dandy

    Prince Paul is back

    LOL Ok, anyone besides alfdogg?
  24. Dandy


    I was digging the hell out of Val's post-pornstar gimmick with the black tights and white boots. When he had Trish as a manager and cut his hair short, I thought the IC title would just be a stepping stone for him to segue into a main eventer. Sadly, he illogically joined the RTC and has since meant jack.