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Everything posted by Dandy

  1. Dandy

    In Memory of Hoff

    Too soon.
  2. Dandy

    Campaign 2008

    I agree that him being black has played a part in him getting to where he is. However, him being white would have played a role in getting him to this point if he was a white man. If he was white, the campaign would have been different; everything would have been different. He probably would have had a lot more comparisons to JFK. That lady was right, but you probably should be smart and not say shit like that when you are in the public eye.
  3. Dandy

    Finals, TSM Worst Poster Tournament

  4. Dandy

    Finals, TSM Worst Poster Tournament

    I see this winding down as follows: [MVP is declared the runner up. He is beheaded.] alkeiper: Send this man to be tortured! [Marvin is declared the winner] alkeiper: Send this man...to The Pit! Marvin: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Dandy

    Finals, TSM Worst Poster Tournament

    You don't live in Tennessee or Alabama.
  6. Dandy

    Finals, TSM Worst Poster Tournament

    That might be the greatest thing I have ever seen. Also, it appears that West Virginia is the "Sex" of "Love, Sex & Dating."
  7. Dandy

    Question about TV matches

    I know that in WCW they always had the tape machines rolling in case anything happened during the break.
  8. Dandy

    ECW 3/11/2008

    Who do you think will get the 8th spot if Kane gets one of the two spots left?
  9. Dandy

    Jeff Hardy suspended

    Yeah its Triple H's fault Jeff is a junkie. That's not what I said at all, jackass. No flaming in the WWE folder.
  10. Dandy

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I'm sure there will be now.
  11. Dandy

    Floyd Mayweather vs The Big Show

    Well, I would agree with Rock, but not about Stone Cold. I think the reason Stone Cold was such a big draw for a long time was the fact that he was allowed to keep his heel persona as a face. It was new and different at the time. Sure, he did what was right occasionally but it was always put over that he did it because he had other agendas (saving Steph from Taker). Austin was always booked as the DTA badass that was out for himself and himself alone.
  12. Dandy

    Floyd Mayweather vs The Big Show

    I think the reason they would turn Mayweather heel but not Cena for the past year and a a half or so is because Mayweather is in for one angle and match. After the match, he's gone. Mayweather's sell is on that one match. Cena sells a ton of merchandise, they had to promote him for his album and movies, etc. The problem we have is a vicious cycle that keeps repeating itself. You have a guy brought up as a heel and the fans start to get behind him because he is so good at his character. They decide to let the fans get behind him, but they feel the need to turn him into a more generic face. If they would have left him with the attributes that got him over in the first place, the fans would have stayed behind him. So all of a sudden, we start clamoring for the guy to turn heel. He turns heel, gets and edge back to his character, and does such a good job that we get behind him again. Cycle starts repeating at this point.
  13. Dandy

    Finals, TSM Worst Poster Tournament

    Don't you just hate when people get ellipses wrong?
  14. Dandy

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Still does. And Ron.. you also mention quality.. work on that.. even though it's just a messageboard.
  15. Dandy

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    "General" also used to be "Old School", and 90% of 24/7's programming would fit that classification. Pretty sure he meant what "PWNED" means. Edit---You got it.
  16. Dandy

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    Considering it was part of a lie told by someone, it's hard to tell, The Truthiness.
  17. Dandy

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Two things: 1. Yes, Ron, it is that bad. 2. Viva la reclamation! I don't see the harm in it. Those that have stated their disdain for the project don't really go to that folder much at all anyway. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Merging the folders will just cause a clusterfuck and possible loss of posters, which might cause Mike to sell the board because it is not as profitable. Not that I'm a fan of Mike's vision of this place or anything, but ya know.
  18. Dandy

    WWE Folder sucks dick

  19. Since this is not the Chocolate Socket, I am not allowed to say that TaigaStar doesn't play professional hockey.
  20. Dandy

    Kinetic's Video Extravaganza

    I couldn't wait. I opened it and poured out a forty during the last line.
  21. Dandy

    Finals, TSM Worst Poster Tournament

    Okay, then I suggest we keep voting open until necessary.
  22. Dandy

    Jeff Hardy suspended

    No way. You cannot position Hardy in an upper card position now that he has failed two tests. He will either be fired or jobbed down the card until he regains trust within the organization. I disagree. That would be the smart move, but he was suspended last year and came back just as strong. You know if WWE sees money in him, they will push him.
  23. Dandy

    Jeff Hardy suspended

    Jericho getting these wins over him in competetive match-ups sets up a nice feud when Jeff comes back. If Jericho wins MITB and/or wins a title later this year, Hardy would be a good choice for a feud.
  24. Dandy

    Jeff Hardy suspended

    Do you honestly think Jericho is laughing and happy that a friend of his fucked up his golden chance, though?
  25. Dandy

    Jeff Hardy suspended

    Jericho doesn't really hate Jeff Hardy. You see, what they are doing on television is...nevermind, I don't want to ruin your breakfast.