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Take it

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Everything posted by Take it

  1. Take it


    I'm still laughing at the subtle goth thing That's money baby.
  2. Take it

    Favorite Lyrics

    All I want is to find an easier way to get out of our little heads. Snow Patrol- run.
  3. Take it


    No all we are capable of is sitting and waiting for the next cock to enter our mouths. Seriously
  4. Take it


    All those undermines have confused me as to who is winning, I'm pretty sure it's not Chave which by default according to the agreement means I am losing too. Fuck sake Chave, I was gone for an hour and look what you did!!! Totally thwarted by kittens you provided.
  5. Take it


    Ah now you see I only mean trouble in the sense that lots of people I talk to don't know me and appear to be massively offended by me in everyway. I would think they should just stop talking to me but oh no no they do like to fill my inbox with shit. That said I would never ever start a thread asking what people thought of me because quite frankly I don't care. Like you I am purely online to kill time and because some people are really fun to talk to! While I do use the net to extend my existing friendships and to make new ones, mainly it is a tool for my ultimate entertainment and a boredom killer. Taking it too seriously is never wise, I do however treat people with honesty at all times as I am not here to play games or mess people about, just own them a little We should team up and rule the internet. Please don't flame me for that comment anyone, I'll set Chave on you.
  6. So I have the Mr Kennedy T-shirt with the picture of him on the front and 'Say it loud.... say it proud' on the back. Is there another one out that anyone is aware of and if so could you link me please? Thanks for any help
  7. Take it

    Mr Kennedy T shirt wanted!! Any ideas?

    That's what I wondered, well thanks anyway I guess I'll just have to wait it out for a new one now then!
  8. Take it

    A J Styles toys? Help!

    Hi, I was hoping someone might know a good website where I can get an AJ Styles figure? I am from the UK and our shops blow. I have tried Ebay with no success, they only ever seem to have two or so and don't ship worldwide. I would really like to get it as a graduation present so any help would be much appreciated
  9. Take it

    Mr Kennedy T shirt wanted!! Any ideas?

    That's the one I have, I think I bought it from there too Thanks for the link though, I am not sure if there is another style of T shirt out but hoping someone may know if there is!
  10. Take it


    "the internet is not real life and is based on superficialities" Yeah but isn't it fun to play in net land Now Chave in real life, as you know, I am in no way superficial and avoid drama as best possible but this is virtually (no pun intended) impossible to avoid online. I have been in trouble on myspace for weeks. I don't know why I'm in this thread..... I have lost interest and I'm supposed to be looking for a Mr Kennedy T-shirt. *wanders off*
  11. Take it

    A J Styles toys? Help!

    Thanks, I'll check in next week
  12. Take it

    UK Festival Line-Ups '06

  13. Take it

    UK Festival Line-Ups '06

    Just in case anyone is interested, Front Line Assembly and Lab 4 are headlining Infest this year.
  14. Take it

    A J Styles toys? Help!

    Awesome thank you so much!!
  15. Take it

    A J Styles toys? Help!

    Is that EC toys or whatever it's called?? I asked in there a while ago (it's where I get all my toys) and they said AJ was really hard to get and as far as they knew they weren't getting any in. So as you help out there do you know if they do? It is just round the corner from my house if it is EC toys so I could pop in Thanks!!