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Everything posted by ISportsFan

  1. ISportsFan

    HBK 98

    Two quick answers. 1) They changed it to No Way Out of Texas because the nWo storyline was going on and it was not a good decision to have NWO as an acronym. 2) Kane couldn't have been in the 8 man because he was facing Vader that night (that night Kane hit Vader in the head with a wrench after the match, setting up Over the Edge 1998's mask v mask match that Vader also lost). Faarooq was involved in a 10-man "War of Attrition" with the NOD against a team led by Ken Shamrock. Jason
  2. ISportsFan

    Best Teen Movie EVER

    Ferris. Jason
  3. Chew on what? That Rikishi is over as a low card cheap pop guy, but whose heat would dry up if given a ME push (see also Bradshaw or Holly, Bob)? See also Rikishi's main event push in late 2000 when he was revealed as the driver of the Austin-wrecker. He got no heat. Jason
  4. Same thing, if it still counts I'm going Hart Foundation. Jason
  5. Nobody in the history of the Rumble has won with the #30 slot, so hopefully we're safe. Hopefully. Jason
  6. ISportsFan

    Quick question...point of view...

    I don't think Flair and Batista are in the RR match, are they? If not, this point is moot, isn't it? Jason
  7. ISportsFan

    Journalists giving money to political campaigns

    Remember that $20,000 of the RNC donations came from an editorial page editor, someone who is allowed to give opinions. The people that are scary are the ones like "Richard Willing, who covers terrorism, legal issues and the Supreme Court, has given $500 to Howard Dean's presidential campaign," and "Chief executiveRobert Wright $8,000 since 1999, including $3,500 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and $1,000 to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and $1500 to Rep. Billy Tauzin (R-La.)." There are others in there too, including some important non-opinion people giving to both Republicans and Democrats, but I don't have the will power or effort to go and highlight them all. For instance, the Washington Post VP giving to Bush is also suspect. Jason
  8. ISportsFan

    More fun loving Eagle fan stories.

    I was just going to say this, but you beat me to it. Just truly horrible. Jason
  9. ISportsFan

    What were your grades...

    Multi-Variable Calc: A- Euro History to 1660: A Macroecon: A Human Sexuality: A (what a waste of my life that class was) Comparative Lit ancient to 1600: A 3.912 GPA Jason
  10. ISportsFan

    The 2004 Royal Rumble Card

    I'm pretty sure Jericho and Billy Gunn are in too. Jason
  11. ISportsFan

    No Raw Diatribe...

    Rip on Keith all you want, but he does live in Canada and probably just got this yesterday or something. Jason
  12. ISportsFan

    McMahon Still High On Brock/Goldberg WMXX Match

    Check HD. He got banned for calling Malibu something that clearly violates the TSM board rules. Jason EDIT: To stay on topic, I don't want to see Brock/Goldberg at all, and I don't want Benoit to beat HHH for the "world" title. If we have to have Brock/Goldberg, I'd rather have Benoit win against Brock in the SkyDome at SummerSlam.
  13. ISportsFan

    Rumble and Mania plans

    Absolutely not, mainly because there's no way WWE remembers this was on their programming. Jason
  14. ISportsFan

    Auld Lang Syne

    Edit: Nevermind, I forgot my stupid home computer is on stupid 800x600 resolution, I can't wait to go back to college. I was whining about someone's sig, but nevermind. Jason
  15. ISportsFan

    The One and Only ....

    I find it sad that nobody mentioned ABOBO's presence, so I will. I suck at... Dealing with women. Dealing with losing. Taking initiatives. Jason
  16. ISportsFan

    Tajiri or Rey

    When Tajiri is champ, there are title matches. When Ray was champ earlier in 2003, there were matches with Ray against heavyweights all the time. Advantage Tajiri for defending the title. Jason
  17. Duane Gill didn't defend his light heavyweight title in a WWE match (he did around the country at indies though) for, what was it, about 9 or 10 months? Jason
  18. ISportsFan

    Big Boss Man and Haku

    That might make some sense if you picked a Smackdown wrestler instead of Goldberg. Jason
  19. ISportsFan

    Lieberman Asks Santa's Aid in N.H. Primary

    Isn't Lieberman Jewish? Jason
  20. ISportsFan

    Fun with Google

    It doesn't work anymore. I'm saddened too. Jason
  21. ISportsFan

    Looking to start trading...

    Don't buy a 2 head. Buy a 4 head. Seriously, if you get a 2 head, the quality of your tapes goes down, down, down. Jason
  22. ISportsFan

    WWF 1999 VHS Question

    They did actually release a commercial copy in Malaysia or something. Not sure if it was actually Malaysia, but I do know it was released in some country. Jason
  23. ISportsFan

    PPV in Philly Question

    Chicago (or Rosemont for most of them) has had the following WWF/WWE PPVs: The Wrestling Classic (the first ever wrestling PPV) 1/3 of WrestleMania 2, as stated earlier Survivor Series 1989 SummerSlam 1994 (only one in Chicago, at United Center) WrestleMania 13 Backlash 2001 (note: both WrestleManias held in Chicago numbered without Roman numerals) The third biggest market in the US has had PPVs on average once every 3 years and 2 months. Jason
  24. ISportsFan

    Raw Rating

    Raw got a 3.5 last night. Meltzer considers this "disappointing" since the whole show was built around the first Foley match in nearly 4 years. Credit to the Observer. Jason
  25. The differences between these three matches and a match with Randy Orton in the same scenerio are: 1) These people were over, both the major and minor champ. 2) The minor champ has more experience than 1 year on national TV. 3) The minor champ was actually close to the main event. Randy Orton is none of the above. Jason