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Everything posted by ISportsFan

  1. ISportsFan

    The day after Mania XX

    Wasn't the Raw after the 1998 WrestleMania (XIV) at East Rutherford, too? You know, the Outlaws/X-Pac joining DX and cage match and huge debut night? Or am I remembering incorrectly? Jason
  2. ISportsFan

    Smackdown Tapings

    That's AWESOME. EDIT: How can anyone, let alone Benoit, bend in that way to sell the move? This match, no matter whether it lives up to what the spoilers said it was as a possible MOTYC, will go down in history as awesome in my book because of this finish. Jason
  3. ISportsFan

    If you can get away with one murder

    You should have killed Vince 30 years ago... that way, there would be no McMahon children either, thus essentially getting rid of both. Jason
  4. ISportsFan

    Latest On HBK's WWE Schedule `

    Hogan and Nash didn't "half-ass" it on just house shows - they "half-assed" it everywhere. Michaels, on the other hand, used to be the main proponent (along with Bret Hart) of taking it easy on house show matches and "turning it up" a couple notches for TV and even more notches for PPV. Jason
  5. ISportsFan

    Smackdown Tapings

    According to Meltzer, Rey/Jericho (or at least something resembling a match between the two) and the bra/panties match were taped on Tuesday AT the VGA in Las Vegas, and they won't air until after Smackdown ends. Jason
  6. ISportsFan

    Smackdown Tapings

    It's-on the west coast! (Clap 5x) Jason
  7. ISportsFan

    Somebody at WLS-TV must be a Wayne's World fan

    To get Eagleman, you've gotta watch UPN-50 (WPWR) or WYCC-20, or even perhaps WYJS-62. You know, the stations where they can actually afford commercials. And Peter Francis Geraci is your hero and mine for his (bankruptcy) (info) (tapes) NOW. Jason
  8. ISportsFan

    smackdown (non spoiler)

    Don't worry, the angle also has nothing to do with Eddy. Jason
  9. ISportsFan

    smackdown (non spoiler)

    My opinion is that it's crap, and there's a really dumb angle (which hopefully can somehow turn cool) that starts somewhere in the last half of the show that is not UT/Kane related. Jason
  10. ISportsFan

    smackdown (non spoiler)

    I'm pretty sure it's London. A quick check with WO.com confirms that, and the match also goes a decent amount of time! Saying how long would be a spoiler though. Jason
  11. ISportsFan

    smackdown (non spoiler)

    Velocity: Orlando Jordan v. Kanyon (DARK MATCH?) Jeremy Lopez v. Masada (DARK MATCH?) Paul London v. Nunzio Sean O’Haire bv. Ultimo Dragon Funaki v. Chuck Palumbo Rhyno v. Scotty 2 Hotty Smackdown: Akio v. Rey Mysterio Shannon Moore v. Matt Morgan A-Train v. Bradshaw Chris Benoit v. Nathan Jones Eulogy of Undertaker by Kane Jaime Noble v. Tajiri Guerreros v. WGTT Big Show v. John Cena (non-title) Jason EDIT: Bored beat me in the real spoiler thread and in this one. I'm not taking my non-spoilers down though because this took a lot of effort to put up, so there.
  12. EDIT: Just got beat to it Jason
  13. I'm sure someone will, guaranteed. If I'm still awake I'll do it if nobody beats me to it. Jason
  14. They are in Texas this week, which is central time zone (I think). So they should be up within an hour or so. Jason
  15. ISportsFan

    Ric Flair DVD

    I don't think I overreacted. I saw... ...and had no reason to believe that this wasn't the answer to the question. Am I glad that the whole thing is on there? Heck yeah. But I didn't overreact since this was the only answer I had to go on at the time. And no offense to AndrewTS, who only answered what he thought he read. Jason
  16. ISportsFan

    Ric Flair DVD

    #3 This is so dumb. They can't afford to take the extra 5 minutes to have Finkel's intro and Tunney's intro and the first two guys in the ring (DiBiase and Bulldog)? That blows my mind. Edit: And yeah, I am a huge DiBiase mark or something Jason
  17. ISportsFan

    Make it a Velocidential night

    Why'd they clip out the cane's interference during the Irish whip? I love that spot, it leads to the whole face-in-peril section. Jason
  18. ISportsFan

    Looking Ahead to Royal Rumble 2004

    I agree that this is the goal of WWE in this regard. But they have failed more than half the time to even have this perception. And, the point of this thread at the beginning is a question for us, as TSM board, to guess who might win and now the question is about how many times we have thought about who could win later in the year (near January). And, especially for TSM people (internet geeks like us), we have little doubt as to who will win going into the PPV more than half the time (almost 62.5% of the time). That means WWE has failed at making the Rumble match unpredictible to us. And, I'd say that a little under half the time (if not half the time) everyone, mark or no, knows going in. Jason
  19. ISportsFan

    Looking Ahead to Royal Rumble 2004

    At the very least, 2000 was either Rock or Big Show (with everyone predicting Rock would eventually have the title shot) and everyone and their mother picked either Rock or Austin in 2001, with the other one winning the WWF title at No Way Out. 1991 was a given, especially after Warrior lost the title to Slaughter, that Hogan would win. So that's three more with a narrowed field to about two. Most Rumbles ARE predictible - 10 out of 16 (at the very least) had fields of possible winners at 2 or less. Jason Edit: The case could also be made that it was either Perfect or Hogan in 1990, which would make it 11/16. Before 1992, The title or a Title Shot was never up for grabs so it wasn't out of the question that a surprise could come about (I.E 1989 with Studd, when everyone pegged Hogan, Savage, DiBiase and others). 1990? Hogan, Warrior, Perfect, DiBiase were all favorites 1991...True it was all Hogan although going into it...There was some Savage Sentiments...with the Warrior angle and all. I'm talking from a " Quasi-Mark" standpoint....where obviously Warlord wasn't winning the 91 rumble but there were arguements. 2001...They sold everyone pretty equally and they actually made for about the Illusion of about 5 legit contenders( Austin, Rock, Kane, UT, Rikishi) But really, did anyone that knew what was going on really think RIKISHI would win the thing in 2001? Undertaker? Kane? Not really. 1991, even with the Savage sentiment, means that there were two possible winners, which is equal to or less than two. And, I'll admit that 1990 I am probably wrong, but thats why I didn't exactly stand strong behind those convictions in the first place (it's an edited in thing and said with "the case could be made"). Jason
  20. ISportsFan

    Looking Ahead to Royal Rumble 2004

    At the very least, 2000 was either Rock or Big Show (with everyone predicting Rock would eventually have the title shot) and everyone and their mother picked either Rock or Austin in 2001, with the other one winning the WWF title at No Way Out. 1991 was a given, especially after Warrior lost the title to Slaughter, that Hogan would win. So that's three more with a narrowed field to about two. Most Rumbles ARE predictible - 10 out of 16 (at the very least) had fields of possible winners at 2 or less. Jason Edit: The case could also be made that it was either Perfect or Hogan in 1990, which would make it 11/16.
  21. ISportsFan

    The November WWF/WWE PPV Review

    Survivor Series 1993 isn't a bad show, you don't need to feel guilty for liking it. The SMW tag match is pretty dang good, and most of the matches didn't suck. I agree, 1996 had a tremendous show, easily the best Survivor Series of them all. Bret/Austin I, Sid/Michaels the better version, Mankind/UT version CXLVI, and the opening elimination match are all good to amazing. 1994 is a fun show... Bret/Backlund is very very very good and the opener is pretty good until the ending. And in WWE, 2 out of 5 isn't bad at all. 1995 had the awesome title match with Bret and Diesel, the opening jobber match is decent and the women's match is good. Survivor Series 1987 is the best of the "old school" shows, pre-1991 which had the first non-elimination match. The tag team elimination match rocked all. 1988 wasn't that good, 1989 was no good, 1990 sucked, 1991 had a good opener, 1992 had the good main event tag and WWF title match, 1997 sucked, 1998 was good from an excitement perspective but the wrestling sucked, 1999 sucked, 2000 sucked, 2001 was decent but overhyped, 2002 was fun but underwhelming. That pretty much summarizes all the other ones that I didn't go into more detail above on. Jason
  22. ISportsFan

    Something popping up on my computer

    So now I find out it was just some stupid adware thing that has a simple removal procedure. Oh well, still don't click on it because it's a pain in the BUTT. Jason
  23. ISportsFan

    Something popping up on my computer

    "RUNDLL Error loading C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~2\ADDRES~1\cnbabe.dll The specified module cannot be found." This pops up every minute or two, and it's bugging the ever-living crap out of me. Any help at all? Thanks in advance. Jason
  24. ISportsFan

    Something popping up on my computer

    I found the problem, thanks to Spybot. Evil AIM profile link that automatically changes whoever clicks on the link's AIM profile to the evil link. It's a demonic cycle. If anything looks like Woaaah... Look at what I found in someone's AIM profile - DO NOT CLICK ON IT. Jason
  25. ISportsFan

    Another surprising result

    It was at about 3% earlier. Somebody is flooding the poll. Just stating the obvious. Jason