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Everything posted by ISportsFan

  1. ISportsFan

    Savage injures Steamboat, Flair/Piper MSG, SkyDome

    This was one of the coolest angles ever. Jason
  2. ISportsFan

    The Raw Review 10/26 - 11/1

    Am I remembering this correctly that this match sucked very a lot? Jason
  3. ISportsFan

    Relatively recent history question

    It was 4/17/00. Jason
  4. ISportsFan

    Math help #2

    One final bump of this because my proof of his second law is due tomorrow. Jason
  5. ISportsFan

    Math help #2

    I may need help more often than not for this, so I will keep posting in this thread. And, I am definitely not looking for the answer to the questions, I just need some hints to help me get the answers. I have to derive Kepler's second and third laws for a math project. Of course, the first thing that popped into my head is "INTERNET! There has to be some kind of derivation for these things on there." And there is. But, I need to follow the directions in my textbook (they provide weak hints, basically), and I think it's in there so I can't look on the internet. Of course, none of you are going to believe me that I was not going to blatently copy the internet and I was only going to look at it when I needed hints (which is the truth), so I won't waste any more time talking about that. Anyway, while deriving Kepler's second law from my textbook hints, I have arrived at h = r^2(d theta/dt). The next step is to take an area, A(t), which is found with the radius vector r going along the ellipse from the time interval [t0, t]. From this, I have to prove that dA/dt = (r^2)/2 (d theta/dt). Any ideas or hints, especially from the math majors? I know this seems odd, but thanks again. Jason
  6. ISportsFan

    Meltzer's No Mercy star ratings

    I was thinking the same thing, word for word. Jason
  7. ISportsFan

    Math help #2

    Does anyone have any help for this? I assume that it involves taking the derivative of the area, which is the vector function integral from [t0-t] (r(x)) dx. But, of course, I could be wrong. And then, even after I did that, I had no idea where to go from there. Jason
  8. ISportsFan

    Good trade for the WWF?

    No You're right, the dark match was at SummerSlam 1993, the show we're comparing 1992 to. But, this makes little sense since Owen had already been on PPV before (numerous times), so saying as if he was a new product at SummerSlam 1993 is very misleading. Jason
  9. ISportsFan

    Good trade for the WWF?

    If you want to get super-technical, didn't Owen wrestle a dark match at SummerSlam 1992? Plus, he did wrestle at WM VIII for sure, which was before SS in 1992. Jason
  10. ISportsFan

    Math help #2

    Thanks a lot man. I appreciate it a ton. Jason
  11. ISportsFan

    AL Rookie of the Year

    No offense, and not to be nitpicky or anything (well, yeah, kinda to be nitpicky), Matsui and Ichiro also never played one MLB game before their "rookie" seasons, and they had good numbers in those "rookie" years, too. Sure, they played high level pro baseball, but not MLB. Jason
  12. ISportsFan

    Cold Pizza

    Not only does it get a two hour timeslot, was I right when I read somewhere that it also gets the two hour timeslot right after it too with a rerun? So it gets 4 hours? Jason
  13. ISportsFan

    Bob Backlund

    Well, there was a copout ending. Jason
  14. ISportsFan

    Better Steve Austin fued?

    This might be the most obvious opinion question ever answered on this board. Austin-Hart was absolutely phenominal, led to Austin being a major player in the industry, and led to some fantastic matches. Hands down. Jason
  15. When Smackdown was shown live for a couple of weeks, the ratings were practically the same. Back when Raw alternated from live to taped every other week, ratings were indistinguishable. Taped/live has absolutely nothing to do with it. We already established that people that are pushed higher get better ratings. That's why we said that Randy Orton, Kevin Nash, etc. were not performing to the level they needed to be. And we established that the people that are not pushed and still get huge increases deserve to get pushed more (i.e. Benoit, Guerrero, WGTT). Crowd reactions are crap too. Rikishi, for instance, got big crowd reactions. But, his ratings were one of the biggest losers. And, it's not as if he was booked totally like crap. For 4 years he never lost a feud as a face, if I remember correctly. Especially when he became a comedy character after coming back from injury, he never lost any feuds (especially with the KMA matches going around the horn at house shows). Jason
  16. ISportsFan

    No Mercy results and ratings

    Armagededdon actually...NWO is a Raw show... Armageddon is Raw, No Way Out is Smackdown. Jason
  17. ISportsFan

    WWF/E Matches of the year

    We'll start with the easiest year: 1987: Savage v. Steamboat (WM III) 1988: Savage v. DiBiase (MSG cage) 1989: Savage v. Hogan (WM V) 1990: Rockers v. Orient Express (RR 90) 1991: Hart v. Perfect (SummerSlam 91) 1992: Royal Rumble (RR 92) 1993: Shawn v. Marty (Raw) 1994: Bret v. Owen (WM X) 1995: Bret v. Diesel (Survivor Series 95) 1996: Austin v. Hart (Survivor Series 96) 1997: Shawn v. UT (Badd Blood) 1998: Austin v. Dude Love (Over the Edge) 1999: Hardyz v. E&C (No Mercy) 2000: HHH v. Cactus Jack (RR 00) 2001: Benoit v. Austin (Smackdown Edmonton) 2002: Benoit/Angle v. Edge/Rey (No Mercy) 2003: Benoit v. Angle (RR 03) - so far Lots of things that I want to throw on there, but only one match per year. Jason
  18. ISportsFan

    Share your painful sports memories

    I'm pretty sure they have. But Bill Wirtz is who I'm talking about. He's the one behind no home TV and a tight pocketbook, he has been ever since ascending to power. And his GMs... Bob Pulford, Mike Smith, just argh. Jason
  19. But once again, the difference between the last Smackdown PPV and this one is listed here: [benoit v. Guerrero, Kidman/Rey v. WGTT, Angle v. Big Show v. Brock] v. [Rey v. Tajiri, Angle v. Cena, Benoit v. A-Train, Guerrero v. Big Show, Brock v. UT] Vengeance had 3 AWESOME matches that were almost guaranteed to be super, while this show has 2 matches that promise to be good and three that can be either/or. Jason
  20. I had no intention of seeing the movie, but a ton of my friends back home all IMed me and told me about their experiences with TCM... so I guess it was more heavily desired than I thought. Jason
  21. ISportsFan

    Share your painful sports memories

    I've only been alive for 18 years, and can only remember certain amounts of those 18, so we'll see how much I can get here. MLB: 1994 season. The White Sox were so good, and I have little doubt they would have won the World Series. But, we'll never know. And what burns me most is our owner lead the charge for the owners in the fight. NFL: Two years ago when the Bears played really bad against McNabb (and the Eagles too, I guess) in the playoffs. NHL: Can it just be the time period of Wirtz' ownership? No home TV games, trading away and letting big-name free agents go, terrible GMs. Our playoff streak was unbelieveable (I think it was 26 straight years or something) until the last 6 or 7 years we've only made the playoffs once (Blackhawks, obviously). Jason
  22. I was expecting this. That's my point. People in the ratings thread and throughout the past months here have been blaming buyrates on Angle/Brock when in fact, they aren't even the main eventers of the show. Jason
  23. ISportsFan

    NFL Week 7 thread

    To answer your question, yes. How? Moss caught the ball and got hit and he pitched the ball... Jurevicous went up high in the air and slapped the ball upwards knowing he'd land right on it as he landed...more visually impressive and physically impressive. To each their own. The Jurevicous play was great, yes, but it didn't stand out like Moss'. Moss had ONE SECOND left and he had the knowledge to pitch the ball. That play > Jurevicous'. I actually think that the pitch might have been designed. Moe Williams running downfield right behind Randy Moss on a long pass play is very suspicious for just a "spur of the moment" play where Moss is praised for his intelligence. Jurevicius' play was total athleticism and effort. I give the nod to the Jurevicius play. Jason
  24. Please, someone tell me that this isn't the match that's being promoted as the main event. Jason
  25. OK. I forgot to check # of segments. The difference between Eddy and Benoit is about 1,000 people per segment. That's pretty statistically insignificant. The main point is (or at least the main point should be) that Benoit gets more viewers than people who were on the same level as Brock and Angle for some of this period, which includes Cena, Big Show, and Undertaker (who never loses). Same with Eddy. Same with Benjamin. Same with Haas (except Big Show). Jason