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Everything posted by ISportsFan

  1. ISportsFan

    Smackdown matches: non-spoiler

    Not really a spoiler, but I'm putting it in tags anyway. It has to do with the apparent quality of the show, so read at your own risk (again, nothing on the show is being spoiled). Spoiler (Highlight to Read): Let's just say I'm still holding out hope that this show is false. Not likely since it's on Meltzer's site, but holding out hope. Jason
  2. ISportsFan

    Smackdown Spoilers

    At least dance recitals only cause suicide as opposed to the murder we got on Raw, so you're definitely right. Jason
  3. ISportsFan

    Smackdown matches: non-spoiler

    Just warning you, there's non-spoiler talk (and some fake spoilers being commented on) in the spoiler thread, so don't expect them yet. Jason
  4. ISportsFan

    Smackdown Spoilers

    You had me going for about zero seconds. Jason
  5. I remember them showing stills from Edge's win at SkyDome at the beginning of Fully Loaded 99. There was actual footage shown from the Godwinns' win at MSG in 96 but I can't recall any others right now. They showed footage on TV (or at least the Coliseum Video version) at Royal Rumble 1994 when the Quebecers beat Janetty/Kid (IIRC it was Janetty and Kid) for the tag titles at an MSG house show one week after the two underdogs beat Polo's squad on Raw. Jason
  6. ISportsFan

    BIG Game Tonight on MNF

    So you can't have extended time in the air to block a kick, I assume. For instance, if you land on someone's back, you'll have additional airtime to keep yourself off the ground. And this rule was stated by Al Michaels during the contest. BUT, as Salisbury pointed out on SportsCenter, he did land on someone who was blocked into him, which may or may not negate the rule (and was something I didn't see when I originally made the post which stated that the ruling was technically "correct" even if it was made in piss-poor taste). Jason
  7. ISportsFan

    Math help

    Thanks a lot. I was thinking really too hard on it, because of the bottom xy (as if x was a big negative and y was a positive, then could the bottom equal zero at some other point than (0,0)). But, then as you just pointed out the obviousness of it, I realized the dominant functions in the denominator are x^2 and y^2, which means that the function cannot equal zero in the denominator (and thus be undefined) anywhere except (0,0). Thanks for the kick in the pants (in a good way, obviously). Jason
  8. ISportsFan

    Math help

    Just seeing if anyone can help me with this problem (piecewise function): f(x,y) =... xy x^2 + xy + y^2 when (x,y) not equal to (0,0) 0 when (x,y) = (0,0) I need to know the largest set on which the function is continuous. Thanks for any help. Jason Edit: First piece hard to read because of formatting issues (I tried though). It's (xy)/(x^2 + xy + y^2)
  9. ISportsFan

    Math help

    Actually, that's a single variable calculus Simpsons joke. Jason
  10. ISportsFan

    BIG Game Tonight on MNF

    To relate this to wrestling, the finish is a screwjob when something like this directly affects the finish. After the kickout, the match becomes "clean" again. OK, I'm a nerd. Jason
  11. ISportsFan

    BIG Game Tonight on MNF

    Same here. But everyone seemed to be ripping on the refs for the rule interpretation, which is wrong. They should be ripped on for not having common sense. Jason
  12. ISportsFan

    More on Rush

    I'm sure you know this already, but Michael Irvin, Steve Young and Tom Jackson are Hall of Fame football athletes. It's that experiance which got them hired onto ESPN. Your fatass friends at the bar don't have that, do they? This quote was in reference to the writer of the original article, not the experts on ESPN NFL Countdown. My take on the issue is this. Rush Limbaugh got screwed. Simple as that. Is it a valid argument that the media tries to make black QBs better than they actually are? Arguable, but that's why it's an argument. I believe McNabb is overrated, especially since his broken foot. Who played for him when he was out? Koy Detmer and A.J. Feeley. Did they continue to win? Yes. Was Rush wrong? It's debatable. But he shouldn't have to resign because of that comment - it could be valid, and he gave a decent argument. Jason
  13. ISportsFan

    BIG Game Tonight on MNF

    First of all, it was not a roughing the kicker call. It was running into the kicker. It was not a good call, but don't say Johnny Grear called a roughing 15 yarder when it was only the 5 yarder. And again, it could have been considered running into the kicker. He did not block the punt, and he was occupying a spot that the punter needed due to his momentum, so it could have been considered running into the kicker. The leaping was the right call. The rule sucks, and the spirit of the rule was not being followed when the call was made, but it was the call according to the rulebook. So, did the refs make the right calls? Yeah, they did, but they're judgment calls. Of course, would the world be better if they didn't make either of them? Heck yeah. Should they have called them? Absolutely not. But they did, and they could be considered the right calls. I do agree that the calls hurt the ending of the game. It's like a DQ finish in a world title match on PPV - just a bitter way to end a game. Jason Edit: Before someone picks my words apart, there is a difference between the right call and a good call. The right call is one that is made according to the rulebook (which both of them could be considered, since they're both judgment calls and were close). A good call is one made in the spirit of the game with an "advantage/disadvantage" thought process. If a team gains an advantage from the rulebreaking, then the flag should be thrown (if it were the other way, flags would be thrown on every play).
  14. ISportsFan

    Do You Wish To Write for TSM?

    I'd be interested in doing Velocity too. Just probably can't because of how many commitments I have down here at school. Jason
  15. ISportsFan

    Howard Finkel

    Yep. I can't remember if it was before or after the Mr. Hughes part (probably after). Jason
  16. ISportsFan

    House Show Changes?

    Well, now instead of looking forward to seeing Jericho, Storm, Christian (and maybe RVD, depending on whether you like him or not), you can look forward to Benoit, Eddy, Chavo, Noble, Rey, Ultimo, Angle, Cena, Lesnar, Tajiri, Kidman, etc. I'd appreciate the trade-off as much as you can. Jason That's awesome and all but I've been to Smackdown twice already. I've seen most of those guys, I have never seen Jericho or Storm in person. The last time i went to Raw was early summer of 2002 so they were still on Smackdown at that point. Well, either way I'm still excited. I'm sorry if you didn't get the other message I left (which is understandable because I clicked on the link and I didn't see my second post in here either, three posts occured in a very short time), but I checked WWE.com for you and it's still listed as a RAW brand show. Jason
  17. ISportsFan

    FleetCenter Question

    It seems as if everyone on here tried their best (i.e. I listed WM XIV after both XIV and XV were mentioned as possibles, BigCalbowski gave a possible explanation, etc.), then we had no more information and got bored with it. Call it a product of crash-TV, we have short attention spans. Jason
  18. ISportsFan

    FleetCenter Question

    Don't forget about bashing any of the following: -Undertaker (especially in past years) -Vince McMahon -Stephanie McMahon -Benoit's mic skills -other posters Jason Whoa, whoa, whoa. You forgot: -RVD's ability and mic skills -If RVD should win the Heavyweight Title -Randy Orton We're all forgetting the general WWE bashing by people that hate it but post in this folder anyway. Jason
  19. ISportsFan

    House Show Changes?

    Just checked on WWE.com, and it still lists the show (with no lineup) as a Raw brand house show. Jason
  20. ISportsFan

    FleetCenter Question

    Don't forget about bashing any of the following: -Undertaker (especially in past years) -Vince McMahon -Stephanie McMahon -Benoit's mic skills -other posters Jason
  21. ISportsFan

    FleetCenter Question

    Going on what we have now, that's probably the best piece of information we're going to get with this (unless someone has some random Observer still lying around that has information on this). Jason
  22. ISportsFan

    FleetCenter Question

    I didn't say Michaels/Austin was "that great." Every match was at least watchable (which at the time was a miracle) and Austin won the WWF title. Jason
  23. ISportsFan

    FleetCenter Question

    XV was in Philadelphia. XIV was in Boston, and was one of the most celebrated PPVs of the time with every match being around **1/2-*** and Steve Austin winning the WW(F at the time)E title. Jason
  24. ISportsFan

    House Show Changes?

    Well, now instead of looking forward to seeing Jericho, Storm, Christian (and maybe RVD, depending on whether you like him or not), you can look forward to Benoit, Eddy, Chavo, Noble, Rey, Ultimo, Angle, Cena, Lesnar, Tajiri, Kidman, etc. I'd appreciate the trade-off as much as you can. Jason
  25. ISportsFan

    What was the better Benoit / Hart match?

    The Mayhem match is chock-full of interference and breaks in the flow, while the Owen tribute is awesome. No contest. Jason