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Everything posted by -DeN-

  1. -DeN-

    I'm bored

    I called the number Fazzle posted (quickly put together something then discarded it: too cerebral; he wouldn't have gotten it) and jammed my headphones into the speaker thing. Gillahouse! Though I very well may have dialed some completely different shit. I was quite drunk. We should do this more often. Even if it's fake numbers. Let's just call people.
  2. -DeN-

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I kind of like Code Monkeys on G4. Yeah, maybe it's derivative and full of cheap and easy jokes, but seems to me that's the kind of show that should be on that channel. I approve.
  3. -DeN-

    Boston And The Surrounding Area

    The same shit everyone does everywhere. Note: Even if the Sully you meet is insufferable, he knows (or is related to) some girls you can bang. Your crazy accent (fuck you Tzar) will prove irresistable to them. And maybe Sully's cousins have read some books, have something to offer and you three fall in love. Then we can all chill.
  4. -DeN-


    Looks like Double Dash mixed with the DS version. Which I'm not all that enthralled by as (much like the THQ wrestling joints) I think what they had going on back in the N64 days was pretty much flawless, yet they keep needlessly reimagining the fucking things and pissing me off in the process. Still, even though I'm not a big fan of the DD engine, multiplayer on the DS was fun, so I'll still get this and spend an inordinate amount of time mastering that shit.
  5. -DeN-

    Mojito Shitshoes

    This old lady at the liquor store was going on about how computers are evil, but stopped when this dude I was with started asking about pre-made mojitomixes. She was all "you look like a mojito", and I was all "is this heineken keg thing real?" 'cus it was like right there. Then he stepped in one of my dog's poops while we were trying to barbeque hot dogs with like a handful of coals, and when he bent over to clean it off with half a shingle I procured it was revealed that he was wearing spongebob squarepants underwear. And this is like a grown dude. So I'm thinking about calling him Mojito Shitshoes in the future on occasions when I remember that all that stuff happened. You guys ever drink mojitos?
  6. -DeN-

    Flight of the Conchords

    I thought the first episode was awesome, but I totally understand it not catching on as well. I'll keep watching anyways. Not every day you get to see a guy try to pawn a cake.
  7. -DeN-

    Blasts from the Past

    Workin' overtime, fighting crime! Woo-oo-ooo
  8. -DeN-

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Irony. Anyways; I don't normally pay attention to these two, but fate has intervened today and I'm mildly entertained by The Gay Mike being totally sketched by this cow. They should milk big things every day.
  9. Nevermind all that. Oldschool is our new best poster.
  10. -DeN-

    The Sopranos

    Speaking of cats, I like all the Schroedinger speculation going on across the webs. Agreed. Little something I missed, but thanks to the internet I went back and checked the DVDs and it's a cool little "full circle" deal. At the end of Season 3, after Little Lord Fuckpants' Funeral, there's a shot of Meadow running across a street (almost getting hit by a truck) trying to get away from Tony because their life is "so fucked". In the finale, in almost the exact same shot, the Mob Laywer in training is running across the street to meet up with him.
  11. -DeN-

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    It's finally finding it's groove. Good stuff coming in the next few issues dealing with The only comic out there now that I think actively sucks ass is Rebellion--Legacy, KOTOR and Dark times all get my recommendation. Not that anyone asked.
  12. -DeN-

    The Sopranos

    Little Interview concerning the ending and possible movie prospects.
  13. -DeN-

    The Sopranos

    The guy in the restaraunt who heads into the bathroom is credited only as "Guy in Member's Only Jacket". No name, much less any relation to Phil. In the episode "Member's Only"; Junior does shoot Tony, kicking off the Kevin Finnerty coma arc. Relevant? Who knows. My interpretation is simply that it's open to interpretation. The "you don't see it coming/fade to black" reference from Tony's conversation with Bobby could apply to Tony, the Viewer or not at all. I liked the ending, but putting it aside (and I'm sure we'll get some more insight, as Chase is supposed to start giving interviews later this week), I thought the episode was great. A few things that stuck out to me as being awesome: - The Bobby-Death-Ziti connection continues. - Nice little touch with the tour guide commenting about how Litty Italy is being swallowed up (running theme how the "old ways"--family, tradition, values, mafia are disappearing), then Butchie taking a two minute stroll from the restaraunt and winding up in Chinatown like wtf. - The Double Flip: Carlo and Agent Harris (who's like the alternate reality Tony now). - "We have to break our dependence on foreign oil!" and Tony's reaction. - Continuity goodness with the return of Hunter Scangorella. Carmela couldn't wait to gloat about her getting kicked out of school, then couldn't bounce fast enough when it turns out she's pre-med. Fuckin hate Carmela. - Obviously, Pauly and the Cat. - Phil's Hit. "Bye-bye Pop-pop". That shit was hilarious, but the gimpy dude at the end of the scene put it over the top. - "Long story short, it's about a private detective who gets sucked into the internet through his uhh...dataport." Can't wait to watch this again.
  14. -DeN-

    Who is worse?

    Because he's a dick. Give some back and stop bitching out.
  15. -DeN-

    Getting Married

  16. -DeN-

    The Youtube thread

  17. -DeN-

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Fuck You Goomba!
  18. -DeN-

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Wookiepedia As far as the continuity issue goes, the director of this thing was a pretty harcore SW geek even before being hired by Lucas (Plo Koon Cosplayer--make of that what you will), and Randy Stradley (who's in charge of all the Dark Horse shit) is involved and writing some episodes, so hopefully there won't be too many headaches. But as always, Lucas has the final say, and he's fully capable of screwing anything up, so who knows. K'Kruhk just better have his fucking hat.
  19. -DeN-

    Big-ass Pig killed by 11 year old boy

    I love the Internet
  20. -DeN-

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Clone Wars Trailer
  21. -DeN-

    Dear Porno

    Japan's cool. You're the one watching grandma/eel fisting and poop-action. Don't displace. You're all fucked up. Try playing basketball or something.
  22. -DeN-


    Vanhalen creates the link that other people click on to post things that other people upload or make. He does that. Who the fuck else could fill that void. Everyone's like "bleearagahahah".
  23. -DeN-


    Thanks again, but I'm not interested in guilds. No hard feelings.
  24. -DeN-

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    The only good things going on G4 nowadays are the Trek re-runs (I don't give a fuck, I like getting baked and watching Picard and figure out anomalies and kick ass repectively) and Layla Kayleigh (her segments are useless, but she's ridiculousy bangable and that's how I'm judging TV hosts in this part of my post). AOTS: Olivia Munn is borderline retarded (no offense Matt Young) and that Kevin guy (who must be related to some executive or something, as he's been on every show that's ever aired on every iteration of that network in some capacity) makes me want to kick him in the face. He makes me want to. I'm not violent. Cheat: Useless. Who gets their cheats from a TV show? And even if you did, what would be the odds that the exact cheats you wanted would be the ones they'd be showing at that particular point in time? Be some fucking coincidence. Smues pretty much summed up X-Play. Meh. The old pre-merger G4 is looking brilliant in comparison to what's it's become, and that shit sucked too. //Starcade
  25. -DeN-

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Not that he's a huge presence on ESPN, but this dink is on there enough that I suppose this can go here: Dan Shaughnessy is really into...Dan Shaughnessy