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Everything posted by -DeN-

  1. -DeN-

    Obscure Videogames

    I was seriously invested in Mega Man Soccer for like twenty minutes. When I was a little kid I had a friend who for some odd reason loved playing Bump n' Jump on the NES. It was the only game he ever wanted to play. Seriously; he would bring it over and bitch out if we didn't want to play. So we'd eventually cave and spend hours failing because that shit was hard.
  2. -DeN-

    Pictures I Like

    Someone has a Yaddle pic in Grade School Book Report Laminate complete w/3-Hole Binder options. That's fuckin' weird.
  3. -DeN-


    That was an awesome headline. Yeahman, me neither. Oh wells, I picked up a black DS and some games the other day, so that'll take care of my Nintendo fix for a while...although (rant on the way): While MKDS is ok for what it is, I can't stand the Double Dash engine. I played the hell out of that game (unlocked everything/beat the staff ghosts etc) trying to find a reason to like it, but it's like the special ed version of MK64. The karts are slower, all the weapons are neutered, and they ruined the mini-boost/snaking by making it ridiculously easy. If they continue this shit onto the Wii, I'll craft another bitchy post about it...and that'll show them (bet we get an Arcade GP port though, as that seems destined for the Wii). On the other hand, Yoshi's Island kicks all kinds of ass.
  4. -DeN-


    Amazon Wii/PS3 Lottery (ends tonight) Now this shit is right up my alley. Took like four seconds.
  5. -DeN-


    Not only that; it's a brand new phenomenon and has caught us all by suprise. I was so misguided. Is it really fucking wet?
  6. -DeN-


    I've exerted no effort in trying to find one yet, and suddenly with the release approaching--the idea of playing TP on the Cube (as a swan song of sorts) isn't looking so bad, no matter what anyone says. Bet I aim and hit shit just fine. Plus: PC Pangya (my lone weird far-east vice) is already way ahead of what's coming out for the Wii. Rabbits and kidneys will still be around by the time I get off my ass and scoop. Also Galaxy. Maybe black. That was me talking myself into slacking. Think it worked.
  7. -DeN-

    Good Movies

    Yeahman, the third act of WotW was less than ideal. I went into it not expecting to like it, got into it, then was like "whaaaaaaaaa?" (even knowing what would happen ginger snaps, you wise-ass).
  8. -DeN-


    I don't get the snow hate. It falls down; you shovel (or snowblow if you're a fucking aristocrat) it up and the chicks look all cute in their little hoodie jackets, boots and the like. Plus, all the christmas shit looks way cooler. My weather kicks your weather's ass; unless your weather is similar. In that case we're on the same team--Nice to meet you. It's pretty cold.
  9. -DeN-

    The Smarks Board circa 2001(?)

    I used to lurk at the old Delphi(?) forum; then registered when they switched to EZBoard (IIRC, it was grey/black before it was blue, then yellow), spending the majority of my time there in the primordial ooze (tremor christs' "FUCK OFF AND DIE" serving as the big bang) that eventually evolved into the Flaming Folder. That place was fun as hell, then completely imploded overnight as everyone lost their shit at around the same time and forgot that it was just a messageboard. Oh wells and anyways: Haven't really watched any WWE since Triple H banged Katie Vick in that casket.
  10. -DeN-


    When the VC was announced, I had visions of going head to head with people over the interweb in some Tecmo Super Bowl, SF II or original Mario Kart. Then I realized that I already do that (albeit w/a crap controller on a tiny screen) for free. I already bought most of this shit when I was a kid/stoned teenager. If they're not adding anything or hooking up NetPlay*, the VC can suck my cock. *Really seems like they're missing the boat here. Nintendo pisses me off sometimes...Still want the Wii though.
  11. -DeN-

    Is Larry Johnson an idiot?

    Cue the "Double Standard/He won't be fired/This won't be reported on by the mainstream media" whiney bullshit. Hit the music.
  12. -DeN-

    So, MarvinisaLunatic is gone

    We are not.
  13. -DeN-

    So, MarvinisaLunatic is gone

    Yeah, if you're a human. LOL. We basketball-loving big cats don't stand for that shit.
  14. -DeN-

    So, MarvinisaLunatic is gone

    I actually know someone in real life who does this. Got annoying last millenium, tuned it out. Now he's married to a chick who has three kids fathered by three different guys and he doesn't get to come to Celtics games w/us anymore. I voted in favor of him (altruistic as I am) but was overruled. Least he gets laid from time to time though, as opposed to whomever this thread is addressing.
  15. -DeN-

    So, Princess Leena is getting married

    I suddenly want to marry Ginger Snaps. Look at her; all knowing stuff, yet dancing around so as not to offend. Maybe after a few dates (consisting of me holding doors open and the like) we could hold hands. Start off slow. As for Leenah: She couldn't possibly be any worse at marriage than she is at chocolate socketing or playing pangya, so I'm totally optimistic. Marry the fuck out of the dude. That Ginger Snaps bitch is nuts to even raise questions. After your honeymoon, knife-fight her. Leena vs. Ginger in a knife fight probably didn't occur to anyone when this thread started. Just fucking occured to me now.
  16. Y'all niggas ain't as high as me. Bitches doin' coke; it'll freeze your nose. Get your asses up. Real niggas understand like "huh?" "what?"
  17. Yup. Sizzla rules it. Right on both counts. Got a pair of pajamas made out of ganja and I'm as-- Eager; as a nigga wantin' the shit you dub. Cus' my shit be bangin' like the crips and bloods. This isn't lots of things.
  18. -DeN-


    The gloves, dog tags and system case make perfect sense, but an Activision DVD? That's just nuts.
  19. -DeN-


    Our opportunity to get in on the excitement arrives tommorow.
  20. -DeN-

    Best Halloween Costume?

    NoCalMike can't be taken seriously anymore. WTG
  21. -DeN-

    SNL Review

    I haven't seen SNL in a long time, yet something tells me that you are a weenie. Cool star ratings.
  22. -DeN-

    NFL Week 7

    It was over 110 degrees outside. I assume he was dehydrated. He was watching a Sean Salisbury segment OH SNAP I was listening to Game Night on ESPN Radio and the hosts and some of the callers were calling McNabb out of shape and that Fred-Ex and TO were probably out somewhere having a beer together. Funny that someone who's been to 4 NFC title games, a Super Bowl, and mulitple Pro Bowls playing at the highest level of competition is out of shape. I guess being one of the leading rushers for QB's the last few years doesn't mean much, huh? I mean come on, he did this at Syracuse and he would still win the game! I think people make too much of him puking during games. He pukes and chokes at the highest levels. Great. How's that a fucking recomendation? Wouldn't you rather have Brady, who doesn't puke: and wins--Super Bowls? I like McNabb a lot. But he isn't winning shit.
  23. -DeN-

    NFL Week 7

    Did McNabb fucking puke again? Can't someone on the staff get him some anti-anxiety shit?