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Posts posted by -DeN-

  1. @AndrewTS: Tier List~!


    Top: The MadCatz Tournament Edition and Hori Real Arcade Pro are both legit sticks. The former was way oversold and just about the only way to get one is the old ebay gouge, but last I heard the HRAP is still gettable.


    Not Top: The MadCatz Standard Edition would probably be a step above the $50-60 Horis if not for the fact that a signifigant number of people who have them are reporting all kinds of defects. My friend has had one of those little Hori EXs for a long time and while not my cup of tea, at least it works.

  2. I corrected the ground loop by getting a 3-prong to 2-prong adaptor.


    Cable, VCR/DVD, XBox 360 work fine, but I get input lag from the Wii (even when set to 480p and hooked w/HD cables).


    Stoopid Nintendo. Have to push the HD set to the side and hook up this tiny tube tv in order to play correctly.


    Kind of a hassle.

  3. Hey ppls. Tad off-topic, but maybe someone can help or at least point me in the right direction.


    The exciting subject: Possible ground loop(?)


    Long story short, just bought a crappy '26 Dynex. Not because I wanted to upgrade (my roomate has the whole theater shit going on downstairs), but b/c my old tube joint folded (literally) and died.


    So I bring this thing home and...


    a) Plug it into the same slot on the surge protector as it's predecessor


    b) Connect the same yellow vid wire (all audio goes through a receiver)


    Then Wham: Hum city, like some War of the Worlds shit; or more accurately for anyone who's used a turntable--like the ground is out.


    I'll not bore you with the specifics of my setup, but I can move the vid wire to any number of things and the TV will work fine. The trouble is coming from the Sony VCR/DVD Combo (yes, I have one of these), but it wasn't an issue yesterday.


    Only difference between then and now is that the new TV uses a 3-Prong Plug, whereas my old one didn't. Tried moving it all around (different surge protectors/outlets) to no avail.


    So here's the thing: I mainly use this setup for recording games (via VCR and the Bedazzler), so I kinda need to keep the VCR in the mix.


    What am I supposed to do? Near as I can tell from Googling, some type of transformer applied to something or other may help, but to be honest it's a bit beyond me.


    //Long story short


  4. That was wierd.


    "Almost 22 points a game averaged..." and he pauses so people can boo him?


    "Truth" chant. At first Stern thought it was just more booing, but you could see him say "oh, Truth".



    That's Cedric Maxwell ('81 Finals MVP) that does the radio calls. He's absolutely insane and I love listening to him call games.


    I concur:


    "He got him in the Pop, Pop, Popcorn Popper...


    ...Quack Quack!!!".



    On top of all that insight, I'd just like to add that I love Rondo's game. The Celtics as constituted now (even while probably losing Posey, and to a lesser extent Brown and Casell) have a championship contention shelf life of at best a couple years, but I'm hopeful long-term.


    He's nifty.


  5. Grumble Volcano is my new personal peeve.


    Congratulations on sucking at everything but this:


    Same type cocksuckers who spam the GC DK Mountain, SNES Ghost Valley or Wii DK Summit thinking their so fucking enlightened by figuring out the mega-obvious shortcuts.


    I love how Mario Kart is geared towards kids, yet gets me far more irate than COD or GTA could ever hope to.

  6. I agree with the posters up above--gaffling a "full" (relative term) set is alot easier and less time-consuming than hunting around for individual files, but you can try this:




    I have no idea what it is or where it came from, so I'm not vouching for it--but it's massive.


    Did a quick test and it's up and running, though a cursory glance at the SNES section reveals a fucking mess. There's like every version of every game ever made--all unzipped, and it's a pain to navigate. But if you want some shit it's probably there.



