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Posts posted by -DeN-

  1. I thought it was supposed to be a deep sea creature thats all fucked up and pissed off because the Japanese dudes are harvesting shit off the sea floor and putting it in Sprite.


    Lots of those sea things have extra arms so they can scootch around the sea floor faster to cop weed. Might be legs.


    Why did T-Rex still rock those same shits though? One fucked up movie man.


    Vestigal arm-havin' T-Rex's.

  2. Around the Horn is a stupid show consisting of a panel of assholes spouting off nonsense which they later ignore (not unlike most of ESPN).


    Reali > Kellerman in that particular role.


    People forget that the original "voice" of ATH went on to MSNBC and Tucker Carlson's (of all people) show, and Kellerman was on there too.


    Worked out great.


    He wanted to be a star, but was replaced by a dude who shuts the fuck up and throws crunched up paper at a camera.



  3. I know it's random and that there are a lot of great games floating around waiting to be discussed, but this shit has really got me vexed.


    ssf2t. Play that shit in MAME and watch Blanka bite your head ALL DAY LONG for 90% damage.


    It's clearly rigged; like the Mortal Kombat AI where it's responding to your button pushes instead of, I don't know---logic. But I'm gonna beat it.


    Got your fucking Yoga Noogie right here.


    Motherfucker...I'm going back in.



  4. This ump is all over the place with the balls and strikes calls.


    Yeahman. Full disclosure: I'm a Red Sox Fan, though I'm not claming bias. This guy is just wildy inept. Plus he's yelled "YEAH YOU WENT" at players from both teams on check swings called strikes (Haffner called him out on this, then found himself on the wrong side of a called strike which was clearly two feet outside). Strikes me as wrong. Also cunty.


    I agree with the baseball traditionalists on almost everything brought up on this board, but I want Robot Umps.

  5. Milky has potential. Trouble is he wears it all out on superfluous bullshit.


    Either do something positive (your "trying"/"bewildered" threads would blow away anything you're doing now) or fuck up on a higher scale. We'll be with you either way, but this can't go on forever.
