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Posts posted by -DeN-

  1. What ever happened with that project someone had to convert Z:OoT to a 2D game resembling LttP?


    The kid either almost finished it, but was killed in a car crash (his family and friends then decided to take down the site/boards)...




    The kid almost finished it, got overwhelmed by the project/thousands of Zelda Geeks bugging him all the time and wanted out, but also didn't want to pass it off to someone else--so he faked his own e-death via car crash and took down the site/boards...only to be found out a little while later when the story he laid out couldn't be verified and he was spotted logged into his Myspace, Youtube account or some shit.


    You know, typical internet stuff.



    EDIT: Didn't see above EDIT

  2. Yeahman, the only discernable difference between Cold Pizza and this new shit is that it takes place in a different location. Way to shake things up.


    They still have the boring chick with the giant head and the fucking doofus guy hosting, useless interviews and 1st & 10 with Bayless...and Screamin' A. Smith (for today at least).


    Though (can't believe I'm going to type this) I actually enjoyed Smith today, especially this exchange:



    Bayless: Blah blah blah...Dikembe Mutumbo is better than Yao Ming.


    Smith: Bwaahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa. Ohohohohohohoohoh. You're insane! You need a psychiatrist! Someone needs to wrap you up!


    Bayless: *Tears up*


    Doofus: That does it for second down.



    Nevermind who was right or wrong, Bayless almost cried. I don't think he'd do well at the Rap Olympics.

  3. There didn't appear to be a "Cable Company Sucking" thread ready and available to host my screed Mr. Fazzle. I just try to work within what's here.


    But you're spot on (It was I that was off by a hundred channels); it's now in the mix with all the niche sports-subscription nonsense that I'd never watch.


    Fox Sports College? There's apparently more than one.


    Fucking car channel too.




    In ESPN news: I like the black chick who does Sportscenter now. Something ethereal and soothing going on there.



  4. They changed Classic (right when they got Gladiators) from Channel 48 (49 & 50 being ESPN/2 repectively, 51 airing Red Sox/Bruins and 52 airing the Celtics) to some weird 400 shit.


    But there's nothing on 48 to replace it. Just vanished. My clicking is all out of whack and for what.


    Well I'm all pissed off. I liked that Tennis Ball Shit and when they'd swing and zonk each other, but now it's like way out on different buttons.


    I don't really ask for much. Just put the retarded shit I like WHERE IT ALWAYS FUCKING WAS!


    *Lewis Black Stroke*

  5. Anyone remember Bodyshaping? Used to be on ESPN early weekend mornings before they started looping all their crap shows constantly.


    That was some hot shit (except for the grandma lady, steroid loser and the super-into it black cardio guy w/his steps and shit).


    Though I wouldn't have known what to do at the time, I wanted to do something to Jennifer something or other who was on there. Ass up in the air doing little arm lifts and shit.


    They knew what they were doing!

  6. Leena numbers her empty dumb shit. Like it's so fucking important.


    1) Marvin: cook her like eight things (it's your #1 skill, make it a big deal) but don't try to fuck her.


    2) Get some cables nigga.


    3) Hook 'em up. Cables and the food. Stick a cable in the food.


    4) Check out the shit that goes on.

  7. Seriously. Upon answering my phone the last couple of days, I've heard other people's conversations for like 5-10 seconds before my connection goes worky.


    The first few were unremarkable, but the last two involved some dude talking about choking someone and a chick not wanting to be a booty call.


    Hope they're not dating each other, because that won't end well.


    I'm feeling this turn of events, as it's rekindled my interest in phone shit.


    Talk about phones.

  8. All 3 of my championship-worthy nominees are out while these Buffy twats are still hanging around.


    What a fucked up place this is.


    (12) The Incredible Hulk

    (2) T-Bag - Prison Break


    (1) Vic Mackie - The Sheild

    (2) Simon Adebisi-Oz


    (5) Andy Sipowicz-NYPD Blue

    (3) Omar Little - The Wire


    (5) James T Kirk - Star Trek

    (11) Duncan MacCloud-Highlander
