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Posts posted by -DeN-

  1. This question gets asked all the time, stupid dickheads. What are you, new?


    Com C-3P0/R2 and bullshit your way through a nonsensical escape.


    That way you survive and blow up Christopher Lee's Head or cut off the Death Star.



    However; were those aforementioned niggas not around; I'd rather get smooshed and die going up, just for the whimsy of it.


    Fuckin' pussies think otherwise and are gay.

  2. Imaginary five bucks to whoever links up the pic of that asian chick with green shit shooting out of her ass that so fucking enamored the late, great Sh0ckmaster.


    For knowing, execution and all around skillset.


    That aside; BUTT-pee, while certainly not the highlight of anyone's day, generally proves to be at best a one or two wipe affair.


    Trickier shits exist.

  3. Liberty City Stories is fun, so long as you don't go into it expecting GTA IV.


    It's basically just a GTA III expansion pack/prequel, with bad graphics (if you're concerned about that shit) and truncated missions because it was designed for the PSP.


    I personally like it alot, but if you find III unplayable after SA, then don't bother.


    On the other hand; if you liked III (like I did) and don't mind stepping back a bit, it's cool to revisit Liberty City and see how things got the way they were/listen to Head Radio again and learn the backstory of the characters you deal with in the other PS2 games.


    In summation: You could do worse for twenty bucks.

  4. If you're going to read the Crispen Solo Novels, it's imperetive that you pick up the Lando Calrissian Adventures Omnibus so that you can understand the backstory of Vuffi Raa, the baby Space Stingray who pretends to be a droid and helps Lando defeat an evil morphing worm (who had designs on taking over the entire galaxy btw) that takes the shape of a Sorcerer and performs magic---in space.


    Yup. Put everything else on hold and go pick it up.

  5. < 26, and while I'm not going to type out a list of the cool/horrible shit that I've witnessed over the years, I do agree with NorCal that we've probably had it the best. If not just for the memories of witnessing all that aforementioned shit unfold (Hogan/Andre was insane at the time...to a kid watching it for the first time now on DVD, probably not so much), but for internet access; which has unlocked a whole new world of crazy luchadores falling on their heads and guys dressed up like Crabs dancing on the ropes.

  6. Anyone else really excited about this?


    Yup. Entourage is cool, but especially for the return of Deadwood, which is fucking brilliant and features the best-written character on TV in Al Swearingen. It's a shame it looks like HBO is pulling the plug after this season (the third) when David Milch only planned for it to run four, but whatever; I'll take what I can get.


    EDIT: http://news.yahoo.com/s/eo/20060605/en_tv_eo/19188


    The entire second season and some clip shows/behind the scenes shit is available via Comcast's On Demand thing if anyone's interested.
