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Everything posted by Mik

  1. Mik

    Let's settle this, once and for all.

    '91 and '92 were tough seasons for the Fish. They didn't win a single game. Well, that's how much of a loser I am. I picked them as my team from that moment on and patiently awaited their first game. Hell, I was 9 and 10 those years, what did I know. I was barely old enough for little league.
  2. Mik

    Let's settle this, once and for all.

    Well, actually 1991, because I didn't have a team before that. So, I just latched on from the very announcement of a team.
  3. Mik

    Let's settle this, once and for all.

    1996? Wow. You truly are a fan.
  4. Mik

    Let's settle this, once and for all.

    I say "we" when I talk about UNC, because as a student and member of the university, I feel like we is appropriate. As for other sports - I dunno, I say it sometimes. I try not to. I voted yes.
  5. Mik

    And So it Begins

    Smues is right, to an extent. The Pudge signing was huge because he was the catalyst to a WS title, but overall this would be a bigger signing. It's for multiple years and now that Lowell, Cabrera, LoDuca, Beckett, and Willis are all in place for at least 3 more years - adding Delgado for multiple years would ensure that they are contenders for years to come. I would rank it as the biggest signing, yeah.
  6. Mik

    And So it Begins

    He was on the 1997 Marlins - I actually forgot he existed until Al reminded me about six months ago. Also, Carlos Delgado was said to be very impressed with yesterdays function. I just have a gut feeling he'll be hitting in the 4 hole in Miami for the next 3 years.
  7. Mik

    Mark Mathis is my hero

    That guy seems like the most annoying human being ever created.
  8. He then did two lines of pure cocaine off the back of his dead dad. Very funny.
  9. Mik

    Board Games

    Trivial Pursuit 90's edition lately. Also, I highly recommend the electronic version of UNO. Instead of drawing, you have to hit the button a certain number of times. Sometimes nothing happens and other times it shoots about 15 cards at you. Highly entertaining in a drunken crowd.
  10. Mik

    A New College Hoops Thread.....

    Tough game today. Can't win em all. It's a shame we don't get Wake on our court, I think it would be a much different story.
  11. I love how they choose this picture to go along with her terrible round.
  12. Mik

    And So it Begins

    Today is the day: Delgado's meeting with Loria and Beinfest. They are pulling out all the stops. They have the championship rings out on display, Jack McKeon and most of the players are going to make cameo appearances including ex-teammate Al Leiter. The article I read also mentioned two key things: Delgado is well aware how well he would fit into the lineup and that his addition would be tremendous, and also, the Marlins are prepared to offer a 4th year if absolutely necessary. I have a really good feeling about this.
  13. Mik

    Who still routinely watches Pro Wrestling

    Stopped watching around 2 years ago.
  14. Mik

    And So it Begins

    Yeah, Looper's practically the only sure thing in the bullpen, and even then...I wouldn't mind getting rid of Heilman or Seo (preferably Heilman) for Farnsworth. Looper... sure thing? Tell that to all of us Marlin fans.
  15. Mik

    Scouts vs Stats

    I read the article as well, and all I can say is that McCracken and the guy from Baseball Prospectus should have respectfully declined to have their pictures published.
  16. Mik

    And So it Begins

    God, I hope not.
  17. Mik


    Unfortunately, the Fonz jumped the shark on waterskis.
  18. Mik


    It's a good thing the monster sequence with Shannon was fake - because right after Boone found her, the only thought I could keep in my head was why would the monster attack her if he didn't plan on eating her? I thought it was just a copout. I knew it didn't make sense for Shannon to also be tied to a tree - especially by Locke, they were 4 miles away from camp. I'm glad these things came together in the end. I don't want to say make sense, because I still can't make sense of anything.
  19. Mik

    And So it Begins

    It's true that 2005 is the last year of Pierre's four-year deal. Pierre will earn about $3.4 million this season, and he made about $2.4 million in 2004. But while Pierre's contract expires after the season, the speedy center fielder isn't necessarily a free agent in 2006. General manager Larry Beinfest said a few weeks ago that Pierre would be arbitration-eligible in 2006. Based on service time, Pierre would not be a free agent until 2007. So the Marlins will have Pierre for two more seasons. Considering his value to the club, and how respected he is by the front office, retaining Pierre seems to be a priority through at least the 2006 season and maybe beyond. All credit to MLB.com Also, Paul LoDuca is officially a Marlin for the next three years. And Jeff Loria is meeting with Delgado personally. I see a Pudge like, unexpected source of funds to open up to make this happen. I have my fingers crossed.
  20. Mik

    A New College Hoops Thread.....

    Good call, Alro. I was in the rowdy student section they profiled in one of those sideline reporter bits, and we just killed them. It was awesome to see a game with the seats I had. I was 2nd row, a shade left of behind the backboard. Saw some great stuff up close, including May cursing out a ref, a missed oop and a Tech player practically falling into my lap. It was a great night, great victory. I was also on TV five different times, which I was able to see thanks to the miracle of DVR. Wake is going down hard. I can feel it.
  21. Mik


    Somebody hit the nail on the head. Jack Bauer pretty much single handedly saved the United States three times already. Every time there were 25 people trying to get in his way and tell him he was wrong. Why can't they just let Jack do what he wants anymore? He's always right!
  22. Mik

    Peyton Manning wins MVP

    On the Fox post game show yesterday, Terry gave away who voted for Vick. One of the guys behind the scenes with a vote. Terry mentioned that he voted for Vick, and Howie just looked at him with a serious face and said, "Isn't that supposed to be kept private." And Terry just clammed up. Now that it's Vick's only vote, Bradshaw goofed yet again.