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Everything posted by Mik

  1. Mik

    MLB Game Chatter Thread

    Logan Kensing is no-hitting the Braves through 3! Insignificant, yes, but it's only his second start and in his first game he didn't even make it this far... so I'll take it.
  2. Mik

    MLB Game Chatter Thread

    Yankees/Red Sox always have to play interesting games, don't they? HR overturned already, after Manny broke through the "offensive line" of Yankees and umpires while trying to get through to home plate.
  3. Mik

    Is Ichiro Gonna Do it?

    In my wildest dreams, that man would be Miguel Cabrera. One, because he is my favorite player and two because I own a lot of things that would shoot up in price if he did it! Although I think that's an inattainable goal. I couldn't even begin to imagine the hype something like 800, 900, or God forbid 1000 HRs would generate on ESPN. They would probably just train a camera on the guy like the Truman Show...with running commentary from Stuart Scott Jr. "Look at the way he eats that ham sandwich. Booyalahlala. R.I.P. to my dad, the greatest TARHEEL of them all." (I am a Tarheel, and I HATE how big Stu big ups the Tarheels in every fucking sentence)
  4. Mik

    Is Ichiro Gonna Do it?

    I have to say that this has my attention. I check the Mariners boxscore every night before I go to sleep, at that time they are usually in the 6th or 7th. Total combined times I've checked a Mariners boxscore in my life before this: 0 Total times after this season: (Probably) 0 I really really hope he does it. I also want Barry Bonds to hit 850 HRs, which puts me in an extreme minority on this board.
  5. Mik

    Apprentice 2

    Also in one of the shots when he was left on the sales team, it showed pictures of everyone being nervous and he was walking up and down the hall twirling his cane. I also love how the one guy was like..."Hypoglycemia is no excuse to eat." I'd like to see what he said when Raj was face down on the ground due to his insanely low blood sugar. (Assuming of course he was telling the truth)
  6. Mik

    Is Ichiro Gonna Do it?

    You know, I saw that and I only had the picture on, was listening to my iPod, and it honestly caused me to laugh out loud. I thought about posting something about it to the board, but forgot. It was hilarious. Although, I do think 700 is a huge milestone and at least for a few days he deserves the coverage.
  7. Mik

    Apprentice 2

    Stacie J needs to go. I'm already tired of looking at her on my TV screen.
  8. Mik

    MLB Game Chatter Thread

    Livan Hernandez: Rubber arm, genetic freak, or chronically overused pitcher? He's at 131 in Miami and still trucking along like nobody's business. I'd be curious if someone could give me his pitcher abuse number and just by how much he leads the league? (And if he doesn't lead the league, I'd be shocked.)
  9. Mik

    MLB Game Chatter Thread

    Dontrelle has 112 pitches through seven with a one run lead. The pitcher's spot is due up first in the inning. Automatic here, right? You let him finish the inning and then pitch hit. Well, no, the Marlins let him hit, wait UNTIL AFTER he gets a single and then put in a pinch runner. He might not have kept up his early season pace all year, but it's the little things like that that make Dontrelle one of my favorite players. EDIT: And Aramis Ramirez just hit his 3rd HR of the night, providing all of the Cubbies O.
  10. Mik

    Real World 15...

    Well, you had Jaquiese, perhaps a Top 5 all time real world cast member, IMO. Hilarious at all times, whether he meant to be or not... you know what I'm sayin'. (See if anyone gets that) Other than that...ehhh not so much. It was ok, but not a wonderful season or anything. If you want to know why they never really showed Jamie partying, drinking out of control, or doing anything crazy, go to thesmokinggun and check it out. She got a DUI right before the show started so she had to be a good girl.
  11. Mik

    MLB Game Chatter Thread

    AJ Burnett will miss his next start due to elbow inflammation. The entire wildcard race is falling apart before my very eyes.
  12. Mik

    Real World 15...

    That was the greatest confessional ever. If you catch the rerun or you have it dvr'd...rewatch it. Landon is on his drunken tirade and MJ is agreeing with everything he says, and then Landon throws out, "I love her, man." And MJ just stops his goofy smile and looks up at him with this total look of exasperation...and lets him keep talking for about 10 seconds, then interrupts..."you love her?" And after he says yeah...MJ lets out an Owen Wilson esque - WOW complete with noise (think the Wildcat sequence in Royal Tenenbaums - when he storms out of the interview) and then takes a sip of his water. It scores a 100% on the Unintentional Comedy scale.
  13. Mik

    MLB Game Chatter Thread

    In what I can only term as devestating, the Marlins are about to lose both games of a doubleheader to the Expos. It's only the 4th inning, but they are down 9-3 after already losing Game 1 6-2. Not good times.
  14. Mik

    Sell your team

    And judging from their unprecedented flaunting of their World Series win, their mocking of Moises Alou's tantrum in foul territory, and their continued lambasting of Steve Bartman, they have the maturity of a Little League team, too. Thank you, Jay Mariotti. They should just act like robots out there. Why not be happy with the fact that you won? And as for the Bartman stuff, the only place I've seen that mentioned or reported it anywhere is DocOck's post about it. So maybe we need a bit more evidence before we talk about "continued" abuse. No one on the Cubs is upset about it, just the overly uptight fans. (I don't mean all Cubs fans, just the uptight ones)
  15. Mik

    ITunes to be investigated

    I don't get that apple=cunts out of that at all. What the article is saying is true...they just look at how music is priced in the countries and price their songs accordingly. You could probably pick up a CD much cheaper in those countries as well.
  16. Mik

    Sell your team

    Cheer for the Marlins because they have as much fun on the field and in the clubhouse as some of the teams in the Little League world series, and they have more heart than nearly all of the other teams in the NL wild card put together. Also, cheer for them because we need a back to back world champion that doesn't have a $180 million dollar payroll.
  17. Mik


    You both missed my point. It made the show terrible when it happened, but summer is over and now they are on just about every day for the next 9-10 months. So you can't say, PTI sucks because they aren't on. You COULD HAVE, but you can't anymore, because summer vacation season is over. Basically, it's a valid, but old and outdated complaint. That's what I was trying to say.
  18. Mik


    PTI sucks because Wilbon and Tony missed months is NOT a good arguement. It sucked when they weren't there, but it doesn't make the show itself suck. This happens every summer; not sure how many of you just started watching it this year. Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless were bad, but they were better than Jackie McMullen of last summer. Summer is over, and Tony and Wilbon will be together until next June when they go on vacations again, so that argument has run its course and should be put to bed.
  19. Mik

    iPod: Is it worth it?

    To add to Edwin's post...firewire works best but USB 2.0 will also get the job done.
  20. Mik

    MLB Game Chatter Thread

    That was some homerun. I'm not happy that he hit it, but I was impressed with it.
  21. Mik

    iPod: Is it worth it?

    You don't have to buy songs from the iTunes store to play them in your iPod. It's very helpful to have iTunes the music program, however, because they are 100% insync with the iPod. It would just make your life that much easier. You buy a CD, rip the songs to mp3 or aac for your collection and they are still available to be put on your iPod. It doesn't have to be an encrypted song from the iTunes store. That girl is either misinformed or has a bias.
  22. Mik

    Monday Night Football!

    Steve Smith has a broken leg. Out 2-3 months. Ouch for my fantasy team.
  23. Mik

    MLB Game Chatter Thread

    If you're a Cubs fan and you "contributed" money to a Miami charity, the only reason you were there is to cheer against the Marlins anyway. So, you get what you deserve. You also didn't contribute anything, you went to watch a ballgame and cheer AGAINST the team you are competing against. Hence, a rivalry! It goes both ways. The Cubs aren't some sacred beings above a little teasing. Cub fans can go to a game that involves two teams that aren't the Cubs and boo the Marlins, but they can't be subjected to a little reminder of last season? Riiiight.
  24. Mik

    iPod: Is it worth it?

    To answer your question in two words: Hell yes. That's really only the explanation you need. But for a bit longer of a reason: If you were to buy, say a Rio mp3 player, you would get...what 256 mb for $150 or something equivalent to that. You can get a 4 gb ipod mini for $249 and a full 20 gb ipod for $299. That's probably every song in your collection with room to spare.
  25. Mik

    MLB Game Chatter Thread

    Nothing wrong with a little friendly competition. They aren't best friends, they are rivals. Some people are taking it a bit too seriously. I wouldn't get that upset if they made fun of the Marlins, and god knows they have enough material.