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Everything posted by Mik

  1. Mik

    Ultimate Athlete FINALS...

    http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...le/athlete/2004 I don't know how many of you have been following along with this, but Page 2 has been doing an ultimate athlete tournament similar to the 100 other tournaments they do each year. It's down to the finals...Michael Vick vs. Lance Armstrong. Vick beat Michael Phelps (swimmer) and Armstrong beat Barry Bonds in the semis. I've been voting for Vick the whole way through but as of my vote about 5 minutes ago, Armstrong is winning by a very large margin. Do you agree with this pairing? Who do you think is the better athlete, and if not these two, who do you think if the ulimate athlete?
  2. Well, the shit has finally hit the fan. They've gone way past small ads on uniforms and have given away all 3 bases and the pitching rubber, for EVERY major league game. It's on ESPN.com's mainpage. I personally think it sucks, real bad. I don't want to see it happen. Discuss.
  3. Mik

    Man Shoots Nails into Skull (Pics~!)

    Get a load of this. I can't remember the guy's name. Some psych major on here probably would, it's a well-documented case. Elijah something, maybe. Anyway, this guy was a railroad worker back in the days before dynamite or nitro, and they were blasting away some rocks. This involved drilling a hole in the rock, and packing explosive powder down the hole with a HEAVY METAL ROD. I'm talking, crowbar sized or bigger. Anyway, this powder blew up on him, shooting the tamping rod up through his jaw and out the top of his head. He survived, but the thing severed his frontal lobe or some such, thus causing him to be a reckless drunken maniac for the rest of his life. He was reportedly a mild-mannered average joe before that. Phinneas Gage. As for my original comment, I meant lasting mental damage. There is a possibility that he could be totally normal after this happened if the nails didn't touch areas of the brain that affect anything serious. As for what I said to CWM, I apologize, I was pretty drunk last night.
  4. Mik

    Man Shoots Nails into Skull (Pics~!)

    It's happened before...you ignorant motherfucker. Try reading a book instead of cutting down trees or fathering illegitimate drug addicted children.
  5. Mik

    Man Shoots Nails into Skull (Pics~!)

    Is there gonna be any lasting damage from this? Looks painful.
  6. Mik

    American Idol 3

    George and Jasmine bottom 2...here's hoping that Jasmine goes. I like her, but for some reason I want George to last at least one more week.
  7. Handed them the game?!?! Sault, the Yankees were lucky to even BE in extra innings. Pavano outdueled Clemens completely and the Marlins took a 3-1 lead into the 9th inning. If Urbina didn't completely BLOW the game, the Jeff Weaver would never have even had the opportunity to "ruin" the series.
  8. Giving blowjobs to the winning pitcher. *realizes that joke went over at least 70% of people reading*
  9. I just pulled a Squirtle and briefly glanced as my posts, just reading the last 2 or 3 pages. I found this gem from Prime. U Love Mik: what about any president of the united states...ever. you have to be 35+ to be...i bet every one would tell you it was the prime of their life Lkdg32: nope Lkdg32: It is because the consitution was writen by past primers Lkdg32: They were jealous of primes, so they made the law that you must be a past primer to become president U Love Mik: oh, see luckily you have enough loopholes for your theory to make sure that it always works Lkdg32: there are no loopholes U Love Mik: jealous of past primers isn't a loophole? Lkdg32: no Lkdg32: It explains why the law is the way it is U Love Mik: what exactly would you call it? U Love Mik: because it fits what you want it to fit U Love Mik: that's not logical at all Lkdg32: Jealous past primers Lkdg32: Past primers jealous of primes Lkdg32: That is untrue Lkdg32: Old people want to hang around with old people Jealous of past primers.
  10. Mik

    Is it true that Europeans hate Americans?

    I just spent two weeks in Italy and everyone was super nice to me, not to mention that everyone spoke English. Although when I lived in Australia for 6 months I did get some problems for being american, but nothing major. I got a free movie ticket out of it too when I went to see The Ring in Cairns and for some reason the ticket girl flipped out on me saying "You Americans think you can do whatever you want." I got the free ticket from the manager and when I walked in to the theater I said "Thanks for the free ticket, cunt." That pissed her off even more than I wanted to. Back on topic...no problems (for me at least) in Italy.
  11. Mik

    British Festival Chat

    Just ask Bam Margera.
  12. Mik

    American Idol 3

    It's not so much the voice as it is the personality. She reminds of me of Macy Gray without the cocaine and heroine addictions...yet. Simon: Fantasia, I believe you weren't your best tonight. Fantasia: Oh, screw you, Simon. I had fun!! I love you Jennifer!
  13. Mik

    This Week in Baseball

    I'd like to offer up something constructive, but I can't. When your bullpen is as bad as the Marlins has been lately (blowing 3 games in the past week), they'll take anything. It doesn't help that Chad Fox is out for a month, possibly the entire season.
  14. Mik

    Bonds says he's done after 2005

    He only said he intends to. Even athletes that promise they will retire often don't, which I'm sure Anglesault could tell us about.
  15. Mik

    Ultimate Athlete FINALS...

    Who is to say? Just because he doesn't do those things doesn't mean he can't! I think the point of the whole competition was to eliminate the sports people play and pit them by their natural abilities. Now, Mike, I'm not saying I'm disagreeing with you, but we don't know that Vick can't do those things if he put in the proper training, just as we don't know that Lance couldn't be a good qb if he put his life training for it. To automatically say that all of those other athletes are better is absurd, because I'll say it right now, Bo Jackson is the greatest athlete of my lifetime, and he isn't a triathlete, decathatle, boxer, biker, whatever. Bo Jackson could do things with his body no other human being could do.
  16. Mik

    This Week in Baseball

    I don't see how. At least we've won the division. Well, I was thinking about this year....or more specifically Pat Burrell striking out with the bases loaded to lose the game by one. And as for the won the division... ...two world titles in 7 years kinda takes the sting out of never winning the division.
  17. Mik

    This Week in Baseball

    Marlins lose 4-3. 3 of the runs come on fielding errors and the Marlins left about 10-15 runners on base. I'm so damn frustrated right now. Could be worse, right Phillies fans?
  18. Mik

    This Week in Baseball

    In what can only be described as disgustlingly frustrating, the Marlins give up an unearned run in the 9th to keep the game alive, ruining Beckett's brilliant 8 IP, 1 ER performance. Benitez blows his first save, yet still doesn't give up an earned run, keeping his ERA at 0.54, but damn.
  19. Mik

    This Week in Baseball

    Following the Marlins game on gamecast, and Darren Dreifort comes in to pitch middle relief for the Dodgers...begging the question, is Darren Dreifort the most expensive middle reliever to ever play the game?
  20. Mik

    American Idol 3

  21. Mik

    American Idol 3

    I can't think of anything in the world that would make me happier than Fantasia being eliminated tomorrow.
  22. Mik

    American Idol 3

    Maybe it's my love of "What A Wonderful World", but I couldn't have disagreed more with the judges when it came to George's performance. I thought he owned tonight. I never vote, but I'm going to because I don't want him to lose after that performance.
  23. Mik


    You think wrong. NBC Quake Flattens CBS's Hits NBC's 10.5 miniseries shook things up on Sunday and Monday nights, overcoming devastating reviews, to wind up with an average 12.3 rating and a 20 share on Sunday and a 12.8/18 on Monday. The earthquake disaster flick, which ranked first in its two-hour time period, put the network in front of its rivals on both days. On Monday it topped such CBS winners as Everybody Loves Raymond, Two and a Half Men, and CSI: Miami. imdb.com
  24. Mik

    Sports Feats You'd Like to See...

    I knew someone was gonna say something like that. I was in a 16 team league with 3 WR, 3 RB, two any offense. So, not exactly my fault that I had him. I was overexaggerating when I said he ruined my season, but he dropped more balls than any wide reciever I've ever seen.