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Everything posted by Mik

  1. From reading those, it's not so much Anglesault as it is CWM.
  2. Johnny Depp was awesome in Secret Window. Yet another character that could have been boring that he made into something more. He's just knocking them out of the park lately.
  3. Oooh I agree with that one too. When Farley died, so did his career.
  4. Mik

    Something Fucked Up

    BEER kills brain cells too!!!! nah ah
  5. Uh, no Kotz, that's what the pussy wants.
  6. ^^ Three words: Curb Your Enthusiasm. Although he doesn't really do much on there, that kinda redeems him in my eyes. Mine: Andy Dick, what a horribly unfunny person. I'll throw in his doppleganger, Kathy Griffin, for free.
  7. Mik

    Tivo, DVR

    Yeah, it doesn't cut commercials out. You fast forward, but with 3 arrows it's over in 5 seconds.
  8. Mik

    Tivo, DVR

    Anybody else have this marvel of greatness? We've had it in my house for about 4 months, and it's only about $2 a month extra (each person, I live with 7 other people). It's amazing to have. I watched the Academy awards in 45 minutes. With one click, you can record every episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm or Family Guy that plays throughout the week/month. I really think it's one of the greatest inventions ever. So...anybody else have?
  9. Mik

    Important Announcement

    The new avatar somehow finds a way to put Tim the Pirate to shame. That is truly awesome.
  10. Mik

    Tivo, DVR

    To answer mole: DVR - Digital Video Recorder...same exact thing as Tivo, except different name. It's for digital cable, and I don't know about cablevision. I have Time Warner. Someone mentioned when does it know to cut out? You set it up by recording from the digital cable guide that comes with your digital cable package. So, if you don't have digital cable, there is basically a TV guide channel that is interactive and you can choose your shows. You just hit record there and it records. So, it basically just records the entire time block the show was given by the digital box. I've had it cut out a few minutes too early a few times, but that really only happens with HBO shows that run a bit too long (Curb, Sex, Sopranos).
  11. Mik

    Hot new Freestyle~!

    I feel sorry for anyone who watched that for longer than 30 seconds.
  12. Mik


    Yeah, I caught both episodes. The first episode on Tuesday was hilarious, while the second on Wednesday was only so so, with a few funny moments. I love Jason Schwartzman, but I can't see the show lasting.
  13. Mik

    So Hot Right Now, March 11th Ed.

    Ghost- howie day bare - matt natheson dare you to move - switchfoot the future freaks me out - motion city sountrack
  14. Mik

    There's no stopping it

    Someone alert Mole that someone is less intelligent than he is and he needs to step up his game.
  15. Mik

    Spring Break plans?

    Going to Italy for 12 days. Next Saturday, can not wait.
  16. Mik

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Cabrera at 20? I know he's only 20 years old, but c'mon. This guy is Pujols material.
  17. Mik

    Anglesault is 27?!?!

    Is it humanly possible for there to be a more annoying, whiny 27 year old alive? I pegged 18, 19 tops.
  18. Mik

    Anglesault is 27?!?!

    I don't get it. My name is Mike, my nickname is Mik, like Foley but without the C. What does Cornell have to do with it? Some people will do anything to try and get themselves over, bitches.
  19. Mik


    omg i made an error, I am so stooooopid
  20. Mik


    Is that 100% legit and well known? If so...fuck. Sucks for him, but you reap what you sew.
  21. Mik

    American Idol 3

    Damn, Jon got the highest vote totals for the week! Everyone's favorite is in the finals.
  22. Mik

    Spring Training Begins!

    The Marlins say hi.
  23. Mik

    Anglesault is 27?!?!

    C'mon, Banky, we've agreed in the past.
  24. Mik

    Average Joe

    My away message for the evening... That was the worst ending I have ever seen to a TV show...ever. First of all, what kind of shallow, ignorant cunt picks the guy who doesn't care about you at all over the guy who is in love with you? Oh my god, he had a six pack, gotta pick him. Only a stupid fucking slut like that deserves to be dumped becauses she used to go out with Fabio. Worst surprise and ending to a show ever. One beer and hat and everything I had throw at the TV later, I'm still pissed. What a fucking cunt. Worst. Ending. Ever.
  25. Mik

    Clinton Portis to become...

    Interesting. Apparently the squeaky wheel DOES get the grease.