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Atticus Chaos

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Everything posted by Atticus Chaos

  1. Atticus Chaos

    The Dark Knight

    The mummy 3 cost like $175 million to make, so it if does have a huge drop off next week, it might do down as one of the big flops of the summer.
  2. Atticus Chaos

    The Dark Knight

    I disagree. I'd actually compare DiCaprio to Ledger, in that in the earlier in their careers they were just written off as teen heartthrobs, but later shocked everyone by how talented they were. I used to think of Charlize Theron as another Hollywood bimbo as well, but then I saw her in monster and was very surprised at how good she was. I don't know if actors just drastically improve over time, or they need to be excited about the material to really put their hearts into it. Looking at some of Ledger's films, (Ned Kelly, Casonova) he must have been phoning it in because he's pretty bland in them.
  3. Atticus Chaos

    The Dark Knight

    Yeah, it made the movie just look overproduced and stupid. I don't think TDK will beat out Titanic, but hey I wouldn't mind. I understand that Titanic made the kind of money it did considering during the late 97 and most of 98 had nothing out, and lots of teenage girls went to see it, but I don't think the movie is that good to win best picture and all that. Its really a **1/2 cheesy romance kind of movie. And a lot of people since have made fun of it, and wonder why it won best picture. I always thought Titanic ruined Leonardo's career for a while. It was years before anyone took him seriously again. Personally, I would have given the best picture award to LA confidential. I did think Kate Winslet should have won best actress though.
  4. Atticus Chaos

    The Dark Knight

    Titanic had great special effects, great actors with real chemistry, great directing...etc. Its just that script that lets it down it. I remember one film critic summed it up when he said 'at the end, all these innocent people have died horribly, but the audience is only supposed to care about the love story and the fact that Jack is dead.'
  5. Atticus Chaos

    The Dark Knight

    Its expected to end up the number 2 highest grossing domestic release ever. Obviously, Titanic is number one.
  6. Atticus Chaos

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Maybe he thinks in the future when people look back on him, they'll think he was a guy who only got where he was because he was married to the boss' daughter? Obviously, that's not entirely accurate (he was a main event for years before they got together) but it wouldn't shock me if that's what he was paranoid about.
  7. Atticus Chaos

    New WWE Writer

    I know they're hoping for Sarah Michelle Gellar to get involved in an angle, but honestly, I think the last thing she'd want to do is get involved in wrestling. Her career is in trouble as it is. It'll be interesting to see how long Prinze lasts: Most of the newcomers to the writing team get treated like crap and end up leaving. I assume he has a bit more leverage and Hayes & co will be slightly more respectful to him. I have to think he's getting paid a lot too.
  8. People have original ideas. But none of the studios want to take the risk on anything like that, they prefer films with built in fan bases.
  9. Atticus Chaos

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I think they might have been expecting the baby to be a boy. Murphy is a very odd name for a girl, and seems more suited to a boy.
  10. Atticus Chaos

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    According to pwinsider, Triple H and Stephanie had a second daughter yesterday named Murphy Claire Levesque, she is 8lbs 12oz.
  11. I think the emphysema diagnosis alone guarantees she'll die relatively young.
  12. Atticus Chaos

    The Dark Knight

    They don't need to expand on the Joker anymore than they have: he'll always be there. He'll keep escaping and Batman will keep catching him. The final scene between them emphaisized that. Even if you brought the character back, he'd just be doing the same thing he did in the dark knight.
  13. Atticus Chaos

    New WWE Writer

    I fully support WWE using B level actors to write their storylines. Bruce Campbell can be next. Seriously, I can't see why this is a bad thing. Its some fresh blood at least. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. But his contributions can't be much worse than the annual Vince-death angle, Maury storylines ( who is Hornswaggle's daddy?) and Edge banging every woman he lays eyes on. Iactually think he'll veer away from the crazier storylines in favour of more conventional ones. And since he's a big name (by Vince's standards anyway) they'll listen to him.
  14. Atticus Chaos

    New WWE Writer

    Granted, Freddie didn't make it past one season, but I remember that it was pretty decent and had a few funny moments.
  15. Atticus Chaos

    Weekend boxoffice report July 25-27

    X files was relatively cheap to make ($30 million) so it'll probably make back its budget. The proposed 3rd movie, based around the aliens in 2012, probably isn;t happening though.
  16. Atticus Chaos

    The Dark Knight

    They actually offered the role of Dent to Matt Damon first, but he turned it down. Which is good, because even though I like Damon, he just wouldn't have really fit the part.
  17. Atticus Chaos

    The Dark Knight

    I've always been a fan of Eckhart and Gylennhaal so its great so see them in such a big hit, hopefully their careers will take off now. Eckhart, in particular, deserves more leading roles.
  18. Atticus Chaos

    The Dark Knight

    I think what seperates Batman and robin from the other bad comic book movies like Catwoman and Elektra, is that it has a lot of camp value. Its so over the top its pretty hard not to find something amusing in it: Arnold's lines, Uma vamping it up, Alicia Silverstone trying to act tough, the total lack of regard for gravity in the action scenes. Its sort of a tribute to the old tv show.
  19. X files made $4 million on Friday. Ouch.
  20. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8...1826734,00.html So, some people stole Obama's prayer from the western wall. That seems like a very odd thing to do. Where they secretly hoping it would say 'Dear God, give me strength to enslave everyone. Praise Allah!' or what?
  21. Atticus Chaos

    The Dark Knight

    Kurt Russell was also considered for Batman in Batman Forever, which sounds like it could have been interesting.
  22. Atticus Chaos

    The Dark Knight

    I think there was continuity. Nicole Kidman's character references Catwoman when trying to chat up Batman in Batman forever.
  23. Atticus Chaos

    The Dark Knight

    HaHa! I saw that same scene the other day on TV, and I started laughing really hard. Gary Oldman is awesome. Most movie villains though are still in control of what they are doing. Some are either not insane, or if they are, they still have morals they follow. The Joker pretty much had no morals in TDK. He simply wanted to cause anarchy just for the fun of it. There also was no real way to defeat him either. You hit him, he laughs, you kill him, he laughs and welcomes it. Even though Batman caught him at the end, I don't think Batman ended up winning. Actually, you could make the case that the Joker absolutely won. Think about it- if word had gotten out about what Dent had done, his reputation would be dead, all the criminals he locekd up would be freed, adn Gotham would loose hope. So Batman takes the blame- and is no longer a symbol of hope himself, which was played up throughout the movie. So Batman's rep is shot, Harvey is dead, and the city will still loose hope. Two points to the Joker. I think Joker ultimately lost because the ferry people didn't blow each other up. He seemed to justify what he was doing in the film, by claiming he just ahead of the curve and showing people their true nature. The look on his face when he realized they hadn't killed each other was very telling. I thought that was one of the best joker moments: he was heartbroken, dissapointed and intrigued at the same time. I think Batman won because he had his belief in the people of Gotham vindicated, and by accepting the blame, saved the city's soul, which is what him and the joker were mainly fighting over.
  24. Atticus Chaos

    4,000 dead Americans

    Iraqis looking foward to tourism industry Come to Iraq! You'll have a blast!
  25. Atticus Chaos

    The Dark Knight

    'verbal assault' His sister and his mother got him arrested for saying something nasty!? Are they after money?