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Atticus Chaos

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Everything posted by Atticus Chaos

  1. Atticus Chaos

    Box Office Report...

    Poehler is very hit or miss. Her Hillary Clinton is terrific, but she wasn't very good at all on AD.
  2. Atticus Chaos

    Box Office Report...

    I was surprised deception even got a theatrical release. That had straight to DVD written all over it.
  3. Atticus Chaos

    Worst President Ever?

    I'd say his IQ is probably in the 120s/130s. Besides, his whole image is built around being anti intellectual, and painting his opponents as out of touch with the common man. He wanted to make himself look less smart, so he could pass 'the beer test'. It doesn't help that he looks almost chimp like, and fumbles his words so often.
  4. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    And she'll alienate all the people she'll need in order to govern effectively in the process. Its been noted, that if she does get the nomination in a way that's percieved to be unfair (which is the only way she can get it now) black voters and young people will either sit at home in November, or vote Mccain. In this day and age, no democrat can win without black support. She keeps saying how whites are more likely to go for her, but doesn't realise that in the GE she'll need AA voters, who she's completely alienated. I also find it scary that even now, she still thinks she's going to win. I mean, even Huckabee admitted it was long shot towards the end of his campaign.
  5. Atticus Chaos

    Worst President Ever?

    He's not dumb. No one gets anywhere near the presidency being that stupid. He was just out his depth.
  6. Atticus Chaos

    Worst President Ever?

    I take some comfort in the fact that once he's out of the presidential bubble, he'll have to live with being one of the most despised men in America. Even now, he can't go to a ballgame without getting jeered. He'll likely get booed at in the street if he even goes outside. No one's going to care about his memoirs, his own party want nothing to do with him and the next president (whether its Mccain, Clinton or Obama) will likely shut him out. He can kiss his elder statesmen status goodbye. While he is clearly incompetent, he's not stupid. I think he's aware enough to know he's going down in history as one of the worst presidents ever.
  7. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

  8. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    If the last few months have proved anything, it's that Hillary will do anything to be president. But, like I said, I don't think she would actually try and off Obama if she was VP.
  9. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    Too obvious. Anything happens to him, and everyone will know it was her. I think she's smart enough to realise that, and just wait 8 years for her turn.
  10. Karen Matthews is still being held by police investigating the alleged abduction of her nine-year-old daughter Shannon in West Yorkshire. Detectives are not ruling out the possibility of further arrests in the days and weeks ahead. Officers have been questioning the girl's mother on suspicion of perverting the course of justice. They will be particularly interested in her movements during the 24 days that Shannon was missing after failing to return home at the end of a primary school swimming lesson in Dewsbury. With Mrs Matthews under arrest, the investigation into the suspected abduction of her daughter is still very active. Five members of Shannon's extended family have been arrested since she was discovered by the police hiding in the drawer of a divan bed. Her mother's partner Craig Meehan and his uncle Mick Donovan are both being held on remand. Meehan is charged with possession of indecent images of children and Donovan due to stand trial in November for kidnap and false imprisonment. Meehan's sister Amanda Hyett is currently on police bail after being arrested and questioned on suspicion of assisting an offender. Her mother Alice Meehan was also released on police bail after being arrested on suspicion of perverting the course of justice. The five arrests follow one of the biggest searches for a missing person the country has ever seen. For more than three weeks Operation Paris tied up around 10% of West Yorkshire Police's operational strength. Hundreds of homes were searched, many of them on the so called 'red route' - the streets Shannon would have walked along if she had returned home from school. Mrs Matthews, 32, was at the centre of a community effort to keep Shannon's disappearance in the media, making several emotional appeals for her daughter's return. Family, friends and neighbours printed leaflets and T-shirts and organised community events to keep Shannon's disappearance in the public eye and The Sun newspaper offered a 50,000 reward for information. West Yorkshire Police always insisted they were keeping an open mind about what had happened to Shannon. The team of detectives continued its investigation after she was found last month and is now working through forensic evidence as well as interviews from suspects and witnesses http://www.myfoxutah.com/myfox/pages/News/...mp;pageId=3.4.1 It was likely they got the idea from the Madeleine Mccann case, where the family recieved around 3 million in reward money. In all honestly, it is rare for any child to found alive after 3 weeks missing, and it did seem that something else was going on.
  11. Atticus Chaos

    What have been the "cases" of Wrestler Court?

    Melina got put in wrestlers court for being a diva. Not sure what he punishement was.
  12. Atticus Chaos

    4,000 dead Americans

    What exactly do you do to them, though? You can't send a former President and Vice president to jail. And as much as some might relish the thought, sending Bush and co to their deaths isn't really an option. Thinking about it: Hillary is more likely to pursuit legal action than Obama. She strikes me as the vengeful type.
  13. Atticus Chaos

    4,000 dead Americans

    Obama says he might seek to prosecute officials of a former Bush administration on the revelations that they greenlighted torture, or for other potential crimes that took place in the White House. http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/attytoo...on_torture.html Realistically, I can't see either Hillary or Barack pursuing this. If either gets elected, they'll have a second term in mind, and starting a republican witch hunt is one way to ensure that wouldn't happen.
  14. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    I went to Catholic church and it was boring as hell too. No dancing or anything. I did hear my priest say one or two questionable things though. But I should have worded it better: not all Abrahamic places of worship have singing and dancing, but many do. As for Wright amd Fawell while they're similar, I do think they are different: Fawell exploited homophobia to make himself money. I doubt his anger at homosexuality was anything other than a business move. Wheras Wright...he's an elderly black who's lived though segregation, rodney king, KKK, Katrina...and then you're shocked when he doesn't want to say 'God Bless America?' Put it this way: both guys are/were kind of nutty. But at least Wright's anger comes from a righteous place.
  15. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    My point was indeed that contraverisal, outlandish statements from religious higher ups are not relegated to one religion. In that sense, all religions are similar.
  16. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    According to his tax returns, he gave $22, 500 to the church of Trinity in 2006...AFTER he became a senator not before. Prior to that, between 2000 and 2003 he gave between 1.0% and 1.4% of his income to charity. The national average in 3%. You're going to quibble over 2%? Can anyone here say, off the top of their head, the percentage of their national income that went to charity? It's also been explained that the Obama may not have given as much because they had HUGE students loan fees (4 ivy leauge degrees between them) and, you know, two new kids to feed. $22, 500 seems like an odd number for a one off, show off cheque, doesn't it? Which leads me to believe it was likely in installements over a period of time. Do you think listing off one bad experience after another is going to justify the hatred of an entire race of people? Well, it doesn't. Most Muslims are just ordinary, harmless people living quiet lives like everybody else. Should all Christians be judged because the KKK have done such evils things? Or the atrocities of the Caste system in India by Hindus? Yes, and it's obviously damaged you to the point you cannot think clearly. Didn't you just say you'd went to 6 black churches and they were wonderful? You have clearly taken what the members of Trinity had to say and distorted it. It's obvious to me they meant Wright church, and other black churches are full of yelling, singing, dancing, and somewhat contraversial things being said...you know, the exact same as most white churches, mosques, synagogues. I'm not entirely sure why you're vilfying Obama and Wright, when you've admitted yourself, Fawell, Hagee and other preachers high profile republicans have associated themselves have said equally shocking things. Why is Wright so much worse than Fawell in your mind? Why is Obama's relationship with Wright so much more sinister than the one Bush had with Fawell. Or Mccain with Hagee? And now you're a bigot who's worst nightmare is a black president with a -GASP!- mutli cultural upbrining. The funny thing is, you keep calling him 'B.O Hussien' because you clearly want to imply he's a Muslim and therefore unsuitable to be president. But you now claim he's been brainwashed a Christian paster....you don't see a bit of a problem there? Make up your mind. OMG! Obama is actually....deep breath....a secret brainwashed Muslim sent to bring down America but later brainwashed again and converted to Christianity by a black militant preacher who wants to oppress all white people!!!!!!!
  17. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    Basically, you're claiming liberals take all the money. Well, the neocons have insured there's no money to take anyway. Well, the Obamas actually made more money during that period (book sales, wife moving up career ladder) so naturally he gave more. Really, if the only evidence you can offer me is 'well he gave more money' as proof of some conniving plot to dupe black voters, you'll have to come up with something better, I'm afraid. People tend to give more money to church when they have it. Besides, that wasn't one big $20, 000 check, you know. It was over a period of a few years, if I remember correctly. So, it wasn't one big grand show off gesture. And, thus, you lost your last bit of credibility in this thread. So, you're getting a skewered view with an agenda, and being told what to think, rather than seeing it in person? Does each man claim to be 'fair and balanced' as well? And what did they mean by 'typical'? You take that one word, that could have meant anything and use it to try and explain your point. 'Typical' could mean 'the black preacher yells a lot' or 'typical' in that 'he yells about hell a lot' or 'typical' in that 'he says black people are oppressed.' I doubt Wright was talking like that in church every week. Possibly it had the same tone (blacks are oppressed, the KKK are bad), but nothing as radical as in those three clips. My guess: we've seen the worst of wright. If there was anymore we would have found it. So, really the 9/11 and God Damn America are probably the most extreme. So, there you have it. Youtube and MSNBC play the 2 or 3 dumbest things this guy has ever said and you lap it up and use it to label him as some militant unpatriotic preacher (nevermind that he was actually in the marines and served his country...nope, still unpatriotic and hates his country). Out of interest, if someone played a loop of the 3 or 4 dumbest things you'd ever said, over and over again on tv, would we have a high opinion of you? Check some of your posts.
  18. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    As opposed to the neocons (I don't even call Bush a conservative anymore) who ensure there's nothing to take away? 'Explicitly'? In what ways was he more explicit about his membership of the church after his loss in 2000? I take it you've hung out in mosques, black and white churches on a regular basis? Otherwise how could you have an accurate idea of what goes on? Who has said this? One black person told you it was 'typical' and you just took their word for it? I don't presume to know what goes on in white churches, black churches, synagogues or mosques. But I know I have heard extremist statments from men who preach in each one of them. Crazy statements are not regulated to black churches. Or mosques. And your claims to know how frequent and often such contraversial statements appear are... dubious to say the least.
  19. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    Yeah, god forbid, people, like, make money and prosper. He's been with Trinity since 1988. Before he started a senate career. Yeah, and Jerry Fawell also said gays were to blame for 9/11. A preacher said something crazy. Go figure. Go to any mosque, synagogue, church or what have you on any weekend and you'll hear some inane shit about a magical creature that made the world in 6 days and then took a rest and turned a man into a bear to eat children. And sometimes, it's really hateful shit - e.g., is some white guye saying tripe such as "Katrina was God's wrath for homos, secretly fond of each other." Here it was a black man saying "America, you deserved 9/11 becuase of your foreign policy." or 'white people tried to kill blacks with aids' Points? Are you twelve? Yes, you are twelve.
  20. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    People still look back fondly at the Clinton years, despite them being filled with scandals, sex, immorality...all perpetuated by a pro choice, pro gay candidate, and why? Because people made money. You think anyone will remember the Bush years with such fondess? Yeah, everyone's more moral, but they're also miserable. Can you offer me proof it's not true? How do you know what was going through his mind and what his motivations were? For the record, a member of wright's church, a white man, came foward with a story recently about how wright encouraged his black fiance to go through with the wedding after she had second thoughts about being in a mixed race marraige. Wright told her if she loved him she shouldn't let race get in the way. So, this racist church is one that encourages a black woman to go through with a mixed race marraige to a white man. Thankfully, Bush or the rest of his cronies don't associate with such seedy types. Sorry, I rarely pay attention to your posts.
  21. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    More important than the economy? 'Hey, I voted for the guy that ensured gay men could never marry! This comforts me as I'm living on the streets!' So, the republicans keep their promises then? Ask Ohio and Pennsyvania how that worked out. This is nothing new. This 'he's an elitist' has been used against various democrat candidates in the past to convince people to go for Bush (you know, the guy with the impoverished upbringing who never had a thing handed to him), and the poor got poorer, and nothing changed. Obama's 'I could have worded it better' explanation is probably genuine, since, as mentioned, he's spent the most of his adult life trying to aid the poor, rather than fattening his back account. Why did he do that when, out of Harvard law school, he could have easily taken a high paying corporate job? Especially since mccain's track record on the subject is pretty sketchy (most notably, he supports the rich person tax cuts and opposes paying for children's health care)
  22. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    It's a pretty weak fuckin' ad, but B.O. Hussein is the one who really thinks that voters are idiots. At least Hillary's willing to pander. He still doesn't see anything wrong with what he said. I take his lack of pandering as proof that he is treating the voters like adults. What would you rather have? Pleasant lies by the republicans or the unpleasant truth by a guy that does want to help poor people? Voters need to see that the republicans have been using issues like gay marraige and abortion to distract the working class from the real issue i.e the economy and where all the jobs are going.
  23. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    Hillary's latest ad, focusing on Obama's comments http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAXucMY7Dvk She is now officially Nixon 2008. That ad is....she really does think voters are idiots, doesn't she?
  24. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    Hillary is pushing this to make Barack seem unelectable to the superdelegates, only problem is, she doesn't realize there's no way for her to take the nomination from him and still be electable herself. And she's doing him serious damage (while he was telling the truth, the bitter comment will hurt him in the election with the republicans ) Possibly by the June the dems might feel Barack can't win. But they won't overturn the will of the voters. Because losing one election is nothing compared to the damage long term that cheating him out of the nomination will do. Black voters, young people and other die hard Obama supports would possibly abandon the democrats for a generation. Young people would be disillusioned, African Americans might see how Barack's treatment mirrors what they've had to put up with (so he gets the most votes but the white elite gives it to someone else?) and, even some Hillary fans will be appalled at how she got the nomination and turn on her. And this hasn't occurred to her? I think Hillary has gone mad now. She's not even thinking rationally anymore. Amy Poehler's impersonation of her on SNL is so spot on because she plays her like a woman about to lose her mind. I mean, Mcain and Obama would probably be okay if they lost...but she seems about one step away from a meltdown.
  25. Atticus Chaos

    Parents fight over gang ties...

    Forced sterilisation is a bit much, but I can see the viewpoint: you get these women with 8 or 9 kids, by several different father's, and they can't afford to feed or clothe them but keep having children anyway. The kids themselves end up the same way because they're raised in fatherless, fractured homes by mothers that don't care whether they do well at school or stay out late all night. I'd really try to get more adoptions, and lose a lot of the red tape. Social Services will tolerate a ridiculous amount before they take custody away from a bad parent. On shows like Maury the children are treated like inconviences, by both parents, and I just think why not take a child like that and give it to a couple who'll see a new baby as blessing?