Atticus Chaos
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I thought this was an intesting note...from the huffington post I'm very glad Hillary isn't surrounded by yes men and there are at least people thinking of the future of the party..
http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/jeffhardysuspended Dammit, Jeff.
Most people thought Kerry would have no problem getting elected in 2004 because Bush had done such an atrocious job. And what were the main reasons Kerry didn't win? Oh, yeah his wife was unlikable, and they believed there was some sort of conspiracy and he did bugger all in Vietnam. People will find the dumbest reasons imaginable not to vote for someone. And that's why Obama will suffer come GE time. Thinking about it: it should be easy for Obama to win. Him and Mccain onstage will be like Nixon/Kennedy, the age gap between is the most ever, youtube versus feeding tube as Maher said. But there's just too many other stuff going on. I wouldn't say there's more dirt on Obama than there is on Mccain, but people are more willing to believe dirt about Obama than they are about Mccain, because he's surrounded by people with questionable patriotism, because he's so liberal and yes, even because he's black.
I look at that speech, flawed though it was, and it's sad to me that at most he's only 1 or 2 points ahead in the polls even after that. For the first time, you have a politician that treats people like adults, empathises with them, and urges them to actually talk about their problems instead of sticking their heads in the sand. But he's currently behind Mccain in the polls. Say he does get elected: at best he'll be a once in a generation leader that turns the country around who'll finally bring universal heathcare to the country and improve America's standing on the world stage. At worst, he'll be a Jimmy Carter for the noughties. And even in this worst case scenario , it still won't be nearly as bad as another four years of repbulicans. And really, what would people be rejecting him for? A 72 year old man who offers nothing new, seems as blank of on middle eastern culture as his Bush, and doesn't even seem willing to acknowledge there is anything wrong with the country. I wouldn't go out there and say Mccain would be as bad as another four years of Bush, but it will be business as usual. It goes back to what people were saying about Ohio voters being gulliable after voting for Hillary despite her Nafta involved, and Bush in 2004 despite how many soldiers/jobs theyve lost. Someone like John Edwards talks non stop about ending corporate tryanny and helping the poor (he was way more radical than Obama or anyone else) but he doesn't get anywhere, even with poor voters. Why not? It's in their best interests. Meanwhile the other people that sound like Ayn Rand surge ahead in the polls. I swear if Bush could run for a third term he'd have a decent chance of getting re-elected again. If there's one thing the Bush administration well did it was convincing people to vote against their best interests. It's pretty depressing the amount of people that will vote against Obama because they think he hates America, because he's 'inexpereinced' (you know at taking us into to unwinnable wars and being influenced by special interests) or because he's some mad communist. It used to be 'is this guy good enough to be president?'. Maybe America isn't good enough for Barack Obama. If voters are still gullible enough to let their prejudices be played to like that, maybe the US doesn't deserve a good president. Honestly, if I met Barack Obama a year from now and he's not president, I'd probably say to him 'you did nothing wrong. We just didn't deserve you.'
There's a civil war over at fox.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXmYVRIpu2w The Obama camp got 3 am girl to do her own advert. Sometimes I think Hillary is just plain unlucky. Seriously, out of all the stock footage of sleeping kids out there, what where the odds they'd pick one that starred a kid whose a die hard Obama supporter and a precinct captain of his in washington state?
Uh-oh..... It's also emerged that Maura Harty, he State Department official in charge of the Bureau Of Consular Affairs during the first two breaches of Obama's passport, served as an ambassador under Bill Clinton. You don't need to be sherlock holmes to work this one out...
The timing of passport gate couldn't have come at a better time for Obama. I bet he's never been so glad to have his privacy improperly invaded.
I'm thinking Huckabee's setting himself up for a 2012/2016 run. Which is quite terrifying, even if I do like him on a personal level. Maybe that's what make him more worrying: he seems like such an affable guy, which makes it easy to forget that in power he'd be very, very dangerous. He probably would have had the nomination this year, he just lacked the money and connections Mccain had. Anyway, this passport thing has the potential to be huge. Heads will roll, indeed.
I don't mind people criticising the speech but I do mind people being so off the mark with their criticsim and only hearing what they want to. Michelle Malkin bugged me because she the said the speech was just another 'blame whitey' moment. Um...what?! The whole point of the speech was saying how whites DIDN'T have a silver spoon in their mouth and everyone, of all races, was to blame, becuase everyone was just ignoring the problem and waiting till the next black celebrity on trial/natural disaster came along to voice their fury.
Obama claimed, while he heard controversial remarks, he never heard the ones that are currently doing the rounds on the news channels. Since his schedule backs this up, and no one's in the church has claimed any different, I assume that's the truth. As for Wright being a racist...I don't actually think he is. I think he works against 'the system', you know this idea of the evil white men in a smoke filled room plotting against black people or whatever, but by all accounts he's helped poor people of ALL races and preached at prisons, for white inmates as well as black. And as for 'America is to blame for 9/11'. Ron Paul said the exact same thing. And he's been a hailed a maverick, and praised speaking the truth. A white person criticises american forign policy, he's praised for honesty. A black person does it he's a whitey hater and a madman.
These are Mike Huckabee's comments defending Wright. I don't want him anywhere near the white house, but Huckabee is pretty damn likable and he's very spot on here. I don't think Wright is bad guy, and he has done a lot of good with his life and helped a lot of people, he just had to live through a time when it was very, very bad to be a black man and you can't really forget treatment like that.
What's interesting to note is that last year there was a rumour the Clinton's had serious dirt on Obama but had chosen not to use it. It's now emerged that the the Wright story was 'the dirt' and the clinton camp circulated the footage this week in response to the Geraldine Ferraro controversy...so one way of looking at this is that Hillary has basically played the last card she had against Obama. As for Limbugh, Michelle Malkin, Hannity and anyone else who has basically trashed this speech without really listening to it or giving it a chance at all, they probably do know deep down inside what small, pathetic people they are. It's not even about towing the line for the republicans, if Mike Huckabee can give a measured, honest response like he did on msnbc, why can't they? That sort of brain dead knee jerk 'it has to be bad because a democrat said it' reaction drives me mad. If Mccain had said that exact same speech, word for word, they'd be falling over themselves to praise him. But, yeah, let's stick to calling Obama a granny hater.
In regards to the 'how could he throw his granny under a bus' which I swear is the only criticism the right wingers can come up with (even the blonde barbie doll on the view had a go at that) he's even taked in his first book about this.So, if Granny Obama is okay with being mentioned in the book in a less than flattering light, I doubt she cares that he mentioned her in a speech. I understand not everyone is falling over themselves to praise the speech, and a few have rightfully noted a few flaws in it (notably he didn't exactly deal with the wright issue), but for the likes of Hannity and some others to just completly dismiss it is ridiculous. If people can't admit that speech was exceptional (even if they didn't agree with it all) then they truly are blinded by they're dislike of Obama and democrats. I swear people like that wathced this speech and only saw this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGOYG-8AjeU
Obama was in a difficult position to begin with: if he throws the guy under a bus (the same man that married him and baptized his kids don't forget) he's just another sleazy politcian who'll say and do anything to win. He doesn't out right reject the guy and resolve to cut him out of his life, and suddenly he's agreeing with everything Wright has sad.
If there's one thing I admire about Obama is that he can take a negative attack and completley turn it around and make himself look 10x better. Hillary tries to belittle him by saying he'd makea good VP, and he points out the contradiction of how she doesn't think he's qualfied to be president but is now willing for him to step in if she gets bumped off. Hillary does the 3 am ad, he responds with one that points out at that 3 am momentshe was one backing a disasterous war. Hell, he even has the girl in the advert behind him. Now, right,left, are throwing mud at him over the Pastor thing (despite several republicans aligning themselves with Ministers that have had some equally shocking things to say) and he comes out and does a awesome speech and might end up more popular than he was before pastorgate.
Santino is hilarious: 'ha ha! you lose!'. I could see him ending up a commentator at some point.
Why should anybody vote for anybody if they're not going to win? Ralph Nadar in 2000? My point is: It's great to vote with your conscience and all, but sometimes you need to look at the bigger picture.
If I was a democrat in Pennsyvania, I would probably vote for Obama even if I preferred Hillary. If Hillary loses Penn it's obvious it's over for her and she'll have no choice but to drop out. Which means the chances of having a dem in the white house drastically increase(a long drawn out fight will only hurt their chances). People in Ohio and texas should have thought the same. I'd just ask anyone now why they're voting for Hillary, when it must be common knowledge by now she has no chance of gaining the lead in delegates or popular vote. The only way she can win is by overturning the will of the people and ripping the party apart. So, voting for her now just seems like shooting themselves in the foot.
I don't think President Mccain will be that bad. For all the talk of Mcsame, Mccain simply has too much of an ego to be Bush III. I'm almost certain he wants to go down in history as the guy that cleaned up after Bush. He might be cosying up to him right now, to get the evangelical vote, but Mccain hates Bush as much as anyone. Especially after that stunt the Bush camp pulled in 2000 with his adopted daughter Bridget (claiming she was his illigitimate black love child).
I don' rate Obama's chances as highly as I did. The Clinton smear machine and the republican smear machine will go full force, and even seem to be teaming up now. If I'd have to guess, I'd say voters will go for Mccain in Novemeber, because despite all his negatives, he's 'the safe option.' A lot of people won't want to take the chance on a black man with an exotic background, a loudmouth wife, questionable freinds and little expereince.
Chyna was actually the highest earning diva of all time I remember correctly- in 2000. She had the book, the playboy shoot, the fitness video and various guest spots on tv as well as a healthy mid card push. Which made her around $1 million or so. I do agree it depnds on what lifestye the person chooses to lead (I imagine most of Chyna's money went on coke) but you see Molly Holly's house and it's pretty damn humble. But I think she's invested in a lot of real estate and whatnot so she's probably finacially secure. Mick Foley's notorious for being a tight git on the road as well.
That's pretty awful. It may not be as bad as rape, but it's a similar violation of someone.
Yeah, I have this idea that Sawyer and the others are getting experimented on or something equally gruesome. Hence why Jack wants to go back.