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Atticus Chaos

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Everything posted by Atticus Chaos

  1. Cho mailed an entire manifesto to NBC, in a bid to pursue fame. The guy in Omaha left a note indicating he wanted to 'go out with a bang'. These men knew what they were doing.and what the consqeunces would be (outcry, grief, worldwide attention). The obvious pre meditation in cases like this leads me to beleive these guys ere at least partially aware of what they were doing. That why the perpetrator almost always kills himself: he knows what the consequnces are.
  2. It makes me so angry. Killing yourself is one thing. But to just kill random people living their lives? Look at Cho's video, the guy's self pity is sickening, he's completely unable to empathise with his intended victims or their families. These guys are nothing more than sad, little men looking for a moment of power in their otherwise pathetic lives. I've said before, I hope one time they take one these spree shooters alive. Then hopefully they inflict the most painful death imaginable on him.
  3. What was it the writer of fight club said? Pretty soon we'll go into work/collage expecting to be shoot at. 'Sorry, Chip, I have to get off the phone now, someone's shooting at me.'
  4. That time of the week again? This is just so terrible that no one's even surprised when this stuff happens anymore. Even at least a couple of years or so ago it was still pretty rare. Now you have every whiny kid with a gun with nothing to lose deciding to go out in a 'blaze of glory'.
  5. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    Hillary is fucked.
  6. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    I think it's pretty offensive to say that Hispanics won't vote for Barack because he's black. All Hispanics are racist now? There's got to be more to it than that.
  7. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    Heh... this should work out well... I don't think it's impossible or anything. One explanation that some have offered for his lack of Hispanic support is that voters just don't know him well enough, but they have a history with Hillary. There's no good reason he couldn't win them over.
  8. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    Hillary, or Bill rather, needs to be less agressiving when attacking Barack, or at least to the extent they did prior to South Carolina. You have to remember: if Hillary does get the nomination, she'll need African American votes to win. If she wins with some amount of dignity and honour she'll get the people that voted for Obama to vote for her in the presidential election. But she'll completely alienate those voters if she, or Bill, resorts to cheap race shots again.
  9. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    Clinton's still ahead in Ohio though, by a pretty large margin. Obama's main strategy in Texas is now to appeal to young Hispanics, we'll see how that works out.
  10. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    Ironically, I just read that the head of the KKK has actually endorsed Obama, becuase 'anything is better than that crazy ass bitch Hillary.' Even the KKK get Obamamania!
  11. Atticus Chaos

    The OaO Raw Is Taped thread - 11/2/2008

    Did I just see what I think I saw?
  12. Atticus Chaos

    Stephanie and HHH

    I had a cousin who did that. She ended up with I think five girls, I don't know if they ever got a boy. I always thought it would've been funny if they had girl triplets or something, but in retrospect it would've been horrible. Stephanie doesn't seem like the type of woman to allow herself to be turned into a human conveyor belt. Anyway, there are certain processes couples can undergo to ensure they have either a girl/boy. But that's only usually used in cases of genetic disorders that are more likely in in a certain sex, I think. I don't think normal people can have it if they have no good reason to.
  13. Atticus Chaos

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    The rumoured TNA Knockouts spin-off show is nothing but an idea at present and will not be happening anytime soon. TNA is wary of over-exposing the women they have and ruining a good thing by having to water it down with extra workers and TV time. Vince Russo is currently scripting about 90% of Impact, with Dutch Mantel's contributions being mainly the women's segments. wrestling observer newsletter
  14. Atticus Chaos

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    I'm surrpised Hall even needs wwe to pay for his rehab. How much money has he made over the years in wwf/e, wcw? And he didn't save any of it?
  15. Atticus Chaos

    The Writer's Strike

    Anyone think they'll be a lot of resentment from the production people (some of whom lost their homes) against the writers when they all return to work? If anything I think the strike has only furthered the division between the actors/writers and everyone esle.
  16. Atticus Chaos

    Beggars can't be choosers

    The whole 'we don't work so we can spend all our time with our kids' is ridiculous. That's called life. You earn cash, the kids go to daycare/school. And considering they seem to have sold the first two kids they had that wealthy californian couple (if you read between the lines in the first article that is basically what they're saying), I really doubt they do see their children as anything more than something to exploit for profit.
  17. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    This is a difficult one for me. No one should ever be scared into not voting for him because of a bunch of nutjobs, but at the same time, this woman has a valid point. I know he has the best security in the world, but even then, there's only so much you can do about some crazy guy with a gun who doesn't care about getting caught.
  18. Atticus Chaos

    Beggars can't be choosers

    I looked into this... Ironically, after that article was published there was a big backlash against them, and the family had to leave Ashland. The guy even said they' weren't making much anymore as a result of the article. Also, there was talk of them being audited.
  19. Atticus Chaos

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    some funny quotes from last's appreance of the James Whale's show http://www2.talksport.net/shows/show.asp?s...1775&c=10... 'You have the undertaker, shawn michaels, HHH who are all 56 years old, Batista who can't wrestle no matter what, John Cena who's a decent wrestler and Randy Orton who's the only exceptional wrestler.' (I agree with what he says about Orton,Cena, batista to a certain extnent, but isn't he's the same age as HHH?) 'TNA are now equal to WWE in the ratings' 'I've promisted Dixie Carter I'll keep wrestling till TNA overtake WWE'. (so, he'll be wrestling forever?) 'Vince Russo is a genius.' 'I left WWE because I was sick of Vince's bullshit' 'I left WWE because their wasn't enough wrestling talent' 'No wrestler can compare to me. It's a gift from God' on being the best wrestler ever. And he wasn't even kayfabing it, I don't think. He really believed it. 'Brock is too scared to fight me in UFC' 'Shelton Benjamin should be a main eventer.'
  20. Atticus Chaos

    Britney Spears' SISTER is pregnant

    Yeah, but where they the most watched person on the planet? Everywhere she goes, she's stalked by news sites, paparzzi, fans..etc. No mentally ill person could get better under those circumstances. I know the whole 'leave Britney alone' is cliched, but the only way she's going to get better is if people agree to take a step back from her and let her and her family deal with her problems. However, the paparazzi will never agree to it. The only thing I can think is that if there is a call to boycott tabloids and entertainment sites for buying pictures of Britney, but I don't know if that'll happen.
  21. Atticus Chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I do understand that he had a lot of problems and obviously there was some brain damage there. I'm also sure if you'd have said to him a few years ago what he would go on to do, he'd have been as horrified as anyone. But a lot people seem to comfort themselves by saying 'he was out of his mind' and Jericho's even likes to think of his freind Benoit and the murderer Benoit as two different people. But, really, looking at his actions that weekend, he wasn't totally crazy and probably had some sort of hold on his sanity . His actions, lying to everyone and drugging Daniel to ensure he wouldn't suffer seem very rational to me. I remember Meltzer even saying his method of death (slow strangulation) made it seem like he was trying to punish himself. And, then there's the fact, that he had problems even before he entered wrestling. On his dvd his dad said he would stay in his room all the time and not talk to anyone. That's weird enough as it is. I simply can't think of him as innocent man totally blameless for his actions. Which seems to be what Michael Benoit would have us believe.
  22. Atticus Chaos

    Britney Spears' SISTER is pregnant

    I think it is too late for her. She seems beyond help now. If the recent issue of rolling stone is antything to go by, she grew up with a mother who taught her to constantly lie about herself to maintain her image. And then later on she was just whatever her label told her to be. Every aspect of her was manufactured. How can she possibly get better when she doesn't even know who she is? And, even if she does get better, she'll still have 2372 paparazzi guys following her around which will probably send her over the edge again. She's more Judy Garland than Marilyn Monroe, though. With the money grubbing parents and those stories about Britney's label forcing her to work 20 hours a day for three or four days straight early on in her career.I mean, I don't think her mom planned for this to happen to her but it should serve as a warning to any other mother who thinks pushing her daughter into a showbiz career is a good idea. With a lot of celebrities, either their talent or intelligence can ground them. Britney never really had either.
  23. Atticus Chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    How do you know he killed himself for that reason rather than his paranoid dementia? I think he was aware enough at the end of his life to know what he had done was very bad and that he faced a long sentence. That was why he made up the excuse about food poisining- to buy himself time. Covering up the crime, albeit for a couple of days, proves he was rational and not completely out of his mind.
  24. Atticus Chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    As has been mentioned, the reason I don't buy the 'his brain was mush' is that he clearly was somewhat rational that weekend. For all the talk of insanity, he was together enough to lie to WWE staff, Chavo, the neighbour and even send text messages to ensure someone would find the bodies. And, you know, he killed himself. He knew what he'd done and what the consequences would be (life in jail) So, if he knew what he'd done, that is was wrong, covered it up long enough to do himself in, and said goodbye in his own way (he told Chave he loved him on Saturday night), how brain damaged was he? That to me sounds like a guy who was pretty aware of his actions.
  25. Atticus Chaos

    Campaign 2008

    It's not underlying sexism. If anything, the other candidate's reaction to crying is consistent to what Nixon did to Ed Muskie years ago; by writing it off, that'd probably be a bit more sexist ("Women are expected to break down."). The problem with her crying for many people is that it came off as a scripted event, and not something natural. At the very least, I can give Ed Muskie that: His crying was an honest reaction to people writing lies about his wife. Hillary's little sniffle didn't feel natural, it felt contrived. Same thing with this week: Oh God, we have her crying again just before Super Tuesday? Just like she did before she won the New Hampshire primary? Yeah, that comes off as contrived. I felt the first time came off a genuine moment- she was behind in the polls in NH, all her expectations and hard work seemed to have been for naught, and you could see she was approaching breaking point. I did find the second time contrived though. She's not the first politician to control and manipulate her image, is she? You just have to listen to some of Obama's language, particularly in his Iowa victory speech, to know he is totally trying to position himself as an icon in the mold of JFK. How genuine is that? It's not some accident people see him that way. He's been positioned there by his campaign team. I can't really argue with that. Other than saying people can learn from their mistakes. Again, who in this race doesn't? Anyone that has ever been president has probably had to do their fair share of scheming to get there. It's not like Hillary is corrupting the wholesome world of American politics. . Obama does that too. I think Obama represents a fresh start, more than Hillary does. However, what happens after that? After the fuss and furore of the first few months of his presidency, what if he is all talk, after all?