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Atticus Chaos

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Everything posted by Atticus Chaos

  1. Atticus Chaos

    4,000 dead Americans

    So we invade a country that posed no immediate threat, destroyed it, created civil war, caused half a million deaths and it's nothing to do with us?
  2. Atticus Chaos

    4,000 dead Americans

    You make it sound like the US and Britain went in there as peace keeping forces after the violence had already started. We got them in this mess in the first place, don't forget.
  3. Atticus Chaos

    How do you feel about Iraq?

    While the military might of the US is still considerable, it has been exposed as weak and falliable on the world stage. Iraq has now changed how the rest of the world has percieved the US. Before Iraq, the threat of US intervention may have kept Kim Jong and others from stepping out of line. But now the clinks in the armour have been found, I'd wager the rest of the world is no longer as threatened by America as they once were, because they've seen the army fail spectacularly in the middle east. Bad leadership or not, the US has been exposed. Yes, the US still have considerable military capacity, but now everyone knows it wasn't as strong as previously thought.
  4. Atticus Chaos

    How do you feel about Iraq?

    I was just thinking the other day that the failure in Iraq has other consequences as well: American military strength has been shown to be a paper tiger. This may have severe ramifications in the future. China knows America is not the super power it claims to be and I'm willing to bet Kim Jong took that risk with the nukes because he now believes America's bark is worse than it's bite. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out on the world stage in years to come.
  5. Atticus Chaos

    Battlestar Galactica

    Interesting question. I'd think that if there were any Cylon infiltrators left, they'd have stayed with the fleet unstead of moving down to the surface. Funny how the only Cylon models on New Caprica were the 7 we were already aware of. Its not like the humans already knew that all 7 of them were Cylons (i.e. Lucy Lawless). That's been explained somewhat by the producers: there are extra models which the models we have seen are not even aware of. They have been boxed, which is why we never saw them on capricia. However, these unseen models can be brought back and probably will be.
  6. Atticus Chaos

    O.J Simpson to write book that details murders

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4406129.stm More on the UK situation and why they repealed the law. I don't like the idea of innocent people getting terrorised in multiple trials by courts determined to convict them either, but then I don't think murderers should be out free, especially if new evidence comes to light that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt they did it (like the British case). Double jeopardy will be seriously be called into question if OJ comes out with this book.
  7. Atticus Chaos

    O.J Simpson to write book that details murders

    Double Jeopardy will never be done away. It eliminates the whole "Right to a fair trial" thing if they can keep going after you again and again until they find a jury that says "Guilty". Obviously, if it was repealed, measures would have to be taken to assure you don't have someone being put on trial 3 or 4 times. And it could only be used in exceptional circumstances. It was repealed in the UK to convict a man that murdered a young woman, so it's not unthinkable to say it could happen in the US. Especially if OJ is out bragging about how he's a murderer and can't be tried again.
  8. Atticus Chaos

    O.J Simpson to write book that details murders

    He can't do this though. What if the double jeopardy law is repealed? The cops bascially have his confession. Granted he's saying "what if" but they should be able to gather enough evidence just from the book for another trial easily. If OJ releases this book, I can see the public outcry being enough to convince those in power to do way with double jeopardy. And then OJ is fucked.
  9. for all you firefly fans Nathan Fillion Signs Deal with Fox Source: The Hollywood Reporter October 17, 2006 Nathan Fillion (Serenity, "Firefly") has signed a talent holding deal with Fox Broadcasting Co. and 20th Century Fox TV, says The Hollywood Reporter. Under the pact, the studio and the network will develop a comedy or drama script for the actor. If it doesn't go to pilot, Fox and 20th TV would cast him in an existing project. Fillion, who most recently appeared in the feature Slither, next stars in White Noise: The Light.
  10. Atticus Chaos

    Kurt Angle/WWE...

    HTQ, is Meltzer actually saying now he didn't have a no compete clause?
  11. Atticus Chaos

    Kurt Angle/WWE...

    Yeah, that's what I thought too.
  12. Atticus Chaos

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Just wondering, Kurt Angle mentioned in his interview that Cena and Rey only get 5% of their merchandise sales, while he got 30%, anyone know if this is true?
  13. Atticus Chaos

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Japan house show results from gerweck.net att: 8,270 paid. 1. Tommy Dreamer defeated Kevin Thorn 2. Test defeated Balls Mahoney 3. World Tag Titles match: The Highlanders defeated The Spirit Squad (Johnny & Mikey) 4. CM Punk defeated Mike Knox (w/ Kelly Kelly) 5. Umaga defeated Carlito 6. Intercontinental Title Match: Jeff Hardy defeated Johnny Nitro 7. Rob Van Dam defeated Hardcore Holly 8. ECW Title Match: The Big Show defeated Sabu 9. DX defeated Edge & Randy Orton
  14. Atticus Chaos

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Torrie's myspace says she's getting a divorce from Billy Kidman. Her myspace is legit, before you ask.
  15. Atticus Chaos

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    If Orton was legit injured, he would have mentioned something.
  16. Atticus Chaos

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    What's up with Randy Orton's ankle injury? Meltzer didn't mention it during his news update.
  17. Atticus Chaos

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    According to KNBC in Los Angeles, producer Joel Simon is saying that there's another John Cena film project scheduled for 2007. Simon expects the project start shooting after WrestleMania 23. prowrestling.com Looks like the Marine 2 might be on it's way.
  18. Atticus Chaos

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Umm, theaters do not get half. That is why popcorn and candy is so expensive. Also, you realize that this weekend will not be the only profit the movie will be able to take in from theaters, right? 6.5 million is respectable if it is enough for 6th in the top 10. I bet it does more next week than TCM: The Beginning does next week. Ultra expensive popcorn and candy isn't nearly enough to keep them running. And yes, obviously it's going to be out for a few weeks, but it's profits will probably drop drastically from it's opening weekend..
  19. Atticus Chaos

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Well, it cost 23 million to make ( and a film has to make double to break even, due to theatres getting half)...hopefully the dvd sales are good.
  20. Atticus Chaos

    former wwe employee

    Can Meltzer get worked like that?
  21. Atticus Chaos

    Tobias Fünke in the Scrubs universe?

    Great news
  22. Atticus Chaos


    It seems a bit far fetched, even by lost standards, that sun would kill that guy.
  23. Atticus Chaos

    Chinese legislation for workers' rights

    China trying to the right thing for once? That is news. Hopefully the proposals go through.
  24. I thought it was pretty obvious Orton would be the surprise guest. Him and Edge have been rumoured to be heading for an angle with DX for a while now.
  25. Um...What exactly did Orton do that was so bad? Him and Edge were one of the most entertaining parts of the night and he was super over with the crowd.