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Everything posted by uhftv

  1. uhftv

    Smackdown Spoilers for the 9/8 Airing

    since when do they call the champs Hooliganz? and what is that supposed to mean? do they spraypaint things and beat people up and play practical crude jokes? does anyone know if MVP is any good? I was thinking it was some genius creative idea to have some called MVP and have no talent. Buchanon and Godwinn? that's money in the bank right there. I dont think airing dark matches or just putting new talent out there would put a dent in the ratings at all. Rey with a losing streak gimmick? Didnt that streak start right after he won the Rumble? I'm so used to his trademark move being on his knees slapping the mat with both hands, with his " I can't believe I lost again" face.
  2. uhftv

    The Youtube Thread

    ok thanx, I thought it might be the clash, bu I thought I heard JR say GAB, but I checked back and he was just hyping the ppv Damn both that DEMO video and wacky ending have been taken down already Yes they need to crack down on youtube because of all the potential lost revenue from footage of the DING DONGS
  3. uhftv

    IC Belt....

    I think Foley helped move Edge and Randy up, so that left only Benjamin and Carlito as the entire division which they've been stuck in for over a year now. But even before that it was just guys winning and losing the title. There wasnt any effort in building it up as in the past, with grudge matches, gimmick matches, etc; you dont see blood outside of the main event anymore.
  4. uhftv

    TNA News and notes - 8/21

    Roode = perfect for wwe I remember seeing Brown the first horrible few months of tna. I didnt think he'd stick around and was surprised at how much he improved. I didnt even think he was a real wrestler the first time I saw him in the ring. Money well-spent on Kevin Nash.
  5. uhftv

    WWE News and Notes - 8/28

    I remember thinking this card was something they wanted to be big because they had 7 matches that were supposedly BIG, as each was a main event level match,( as in they had main eventers in them.) But the truth is it was Raw-heavy, not enough sd, not that anyone would notice, and they exposed they have no undercard, so big matches had crappy reactions, because of the lack of undercard i didnt even notice the thing about women interfering in all these matches. Money well spent ppv buyers vickie getting used is fine in theory but as a heel it makes it SEEM more exploitative, and what exactly is the point? where is this going to lead that wont make me change the channel? the melina stuff is pointless. even if he wanted to elevate Melina, she's just in a manager role. trying to help her out will just burn out even quicker, as anyone Foley helps gets screwed in a few weeks afterward but with a woman it will just get dropped quicker. Too bad this wasnt with Hogan instead, as I would immensely enjoy Nitro getting buried somehow. what happened with the stuff they were going to do with Hogan's daughter? WHen he got injured they dropped the whole thing and just had Randy go all-heel. But i thought the whole point of having the match here instead of WM is because her album would be out in the summer? if i was booker i wouldnt go out of my way to have a great match with bautista. but if the match was bad booker would get the blame and they could easily have him get squashed in 30 seconds as punishment. but with the roster so thin booker's in a pretty good spot now. But they need to have him go over clean on some guys to build up a rematch. it seems like every sd is full of matches already seen the previous ppv and/or a setup for the next one. i cant think of any matchups on that roster that we havent seen a million times already when was the last time wwe had a ppv at a place with 'civic center' in the title of the location? i thought the "banned list" had been going on for years now. its the same list with words like wrestle, right?
  6. uhftv

    Carlito Unhappy With Push

    i'm sick of Carlito exploiting the Guerrero name
  7. uhftv

    ECW renewed on Sci-Fi

    what a swerve by McMahon!! Providing their lowest rating just hours after their new deal. Take that Sci Fi!!
  8. I hate Knox's finisher. It looks like he's trying to do a tango dip with the guy to set it up. And his generic body reminds me of Snitsky with a Jamie Noble face. The Shannon Moore stuff is funny cause it's getting to the point where all he does is vignettes and will never wrestle on tv. For some reason I'd want to see a CM vs Moore feud, or a match for the ppv. It IS hilarious Holly and Striker rise to the top in one day, but on Raw they'd be curtainjerk dark match material. But it reminds me of how ECW was about guys no one else wanted or used correctly. But they need to stop using Snow and others as jobbers. It's a waste of money and inconsistent with who's being labeled a star and who's not. Umaga and Even freakin VITO gets jobbers fed to them. I dont think hundreds of thousands of viewers change the channel if they saw an unnamed guy instead of an old ecw guy. A squash is still a squash.
  9. they should start pluggin the ppv now and do it every week. But that wouldnt be allowed because it would take away from the 30 other ppvs that will happen before then. Maybe they can finally have the Benoit/Malenko match by then.
  10. uhftv

    Smackdown Spoilers for the 9/1 Airing

    Finley and Kennedy would make a pretty good heel group, on the mic and in the ring.
  11. Every month the show is getting closer and theyve only introduced a couple of new guys. Losing Angle is just another backward step. If you take a look at their roster most guys are perennial jobbers and/or still doing dark matches. The scifi show features more wrestling than raw but they only feature about a half dozen guys as non-jobbers. I hope Al Snow didnt come out of retirement to be laying down for guys just like he did 10 years ago. That's only about 3-4 matchups that are marketable but we've seen most of those combinations on tv anyway. So what are they going to do?
  12. uhftv

    Kurt Angle released!

    last match I saw with him was against Brooklyn Brawler. Very sad. And he never even got his own dvd before Vince did. LAME
  13. uhftv

    WWE News and Notes - 8/21-23

    you're more of a mark if you say " I wanna be on RAW!! and work with.. Trevor Murdoch!! Can i please?" any TALL guys: try and sign with wwe. they'll treat you like the biggest star in the company and pay for all the surgeries you need. dont do drugs and stay in school.. i dont get the ppv venue move for ecw. whats the point of the move? and how does it affect them? it's a ppv so you want a good audience to perform in front of, unless theyre preparing for more guys from the othe shows and a Big Show ironman submission match. the Foley stuff wasnt a big deal to me. the less Mike Knox the better. dont understand the stuff with Angle. He's their top guy. As long as the long term plan isnt feuding with Show I'd be happy. And what happened to the new style he was supposed to be doing? NEW WRITERS is not the answer for the millionth time!! I'm sure Eddie would LOVE this stuff... if he was injured and was coming back. Aside from HHH you dont see guys featured who are not on tv. But the stuff they're doing is uninteresting to the live and tv audience Why dont they make every storyline revolve around dead superstars? Or jus have random guys feud with Rey just by bringing up the same stuff. "Hey Vito you're gonna fued with Rey next. You heard from Vicki's dressmaker that Eddie said blah blah blah" what the hell's going on with OVW?
  14. they should charge more than 40 bucks since they have only 2 ppvs a year. people dont even notice until the bill comes if this was a real separate company with nothing to do with wwe, i'd say from the tv and house shows that it's not enough to do ppv type matches. With the current roster, I cant think of any matches that we haven't seen before. If they start building more guys up other than the big 3 they still have to build up opponents, so that means bringin in more noncontracted guys like for ONS 1 or just bringing the usual top guys from the other shows (more likely) As long as they dont do worse than that ppv headlined by Vince vs Gowan, I'll be satisfied
  15. uhftv

    WWE Observer Notes

    -- It'd be hilarious if ECW was gone because Vince couldnt squeeze a little more money out of SCI FI; and they used to call Heyman a stubborn/bad businessman -- what exactly are they referring to with Angle? -- Georgia was the birthplace of the Alliance!! Where people's dreams of seeing Chuck Palumbo and Bob Holly in the same ring FINALLY came true. I think the the majority of Heyman's plans will get cut off through the Fall, so by November Vince will already be planning on sending 'invaders' to 'save' the ppv. That would include any guys on the shows he's on, that get no reaction. -- They should have Rey come back and ally with another Guerrero and constantly get turned on over and over, like Sting and the Horsemen. It's big money. -- Francine isn't up to par with what Vince likes. It's obvious from tv he leans more toward the Miz and/or Mark Grisham look.
  16. uhftv

    WWE News and Notes - 8/14

    I refuse to believe that. There's NO WAY Vince has any idea who Shannon Moore is.
  17. where did this stufff with Melina junk come from anyway? When Nitro and her first got involed in the Flair stuff I thought it was nonsensical and made up on the spot, but still I'd want Shelton and Carlito to get the rub somehow. But Nitro and his 1-3 record was somehow good enough to get him an unadvertised ppv match, which is their idea of mixing it up in the IC division. But still no one cares, even JR cant fake not caring for Nitro's existence. Shouldnt this have been done with Edge and Lita?
  18. uhftv

    ECW news from the Observer

    what does Hayes have against anything ecw-related? there are things I hear that he is a part of that is very good creatively and other things that are super lame-o (Orton Knows Best) 113000 fans love Mike Knox. That's why they had him wrestle twice last week. Seeing Justin Credible come out may have viewers tune out just as much. There're still too many old faces and not enough new ones. Sabu and RVD are the only ones who arent getting squashed. I think they should be happy that on an off-night without a history of wrestling they pull out a good rating. But they see the gap between the shows and thinks there's that huge pool of fans that they can get to watch. I think it's a mix of fans that want something different from wwe and fans that has SOMETHING involving wrestling. The highest they ever did was a 2.8 for the first show and its been hovering around 2.4 ever since. So whatever that .4 difference represents is all the fans that were turned off by that ABYSMAL 1st show and have never looked back since. They've had big names like Cena and Undertaker on, and the show hasnt risen past the average, so they shouldnt even try to get those same Raw viewers to watch.
  19. Yeah I'm surprised how SS morphed into this Raw PPV with maybe 3 special attraction matches from ECW and Smackdown. And if they add anymore matches it will probably come from the Raw side, as well. They're trying to monopolize ppv time set aside for fans sitting on their hands. No fair Raw. Vito and Mike Knox need some of that time too.
  20. uhftv

    OAO ECW TV Week 9 Thread - August/8th/2006

    yeah i remember fonzie giving sabu a towel or a squirt of water and sabu vomits a bunch of gatorade on the floor and fonzie gets the hell out of there. i think they're better used as a team or separately instead of facing one another, still.
  21. uhftv

    WWE News and Notes - 8/7

    So they're just trying to protect the creative concept of Eugene, which has made so much money for the company.
  22. uhftv

    OAO ECW TV Week 9 Thread - August/8th/2006

    I like Sabu and RVD but wouldnt look forward to a feud between them. I liked them as a tagteam and their early singles feud. But they had a ppv match in '97 or '98 that went the 30:00 draw. Not a pretty sight to behold. 10 years later and I wouldnt expect an improvement.
  23. Raw has the womens division, SD has cruiserweights, they can give ECW tagteams. It's a fairly new concept. And I dont need to see Angle falling off ladders.
  24. uhftv

    I really miss Chris Benoit.

    I think they have no plans for him i had to buy a bunch of dvds from 2004 just to prove to my friends that stopped watching that he really did win the world title. being on Raw for a long period is a career killer all i remember about him the last couple of years is he and Christian were drafted to Smackdown so they could alternate working Velocity. Once Christian bolted and Benoit was either feuding with midcarders or not doing anything, I figured they gave up on doing anything at all progressive with him.
  25. uhftv

    WWE News and Notes - 8/7

    i saw the match, he did a good job working the leg for the majority. So it was alot less indy than the match with Credible. I dont see anything in it to bury him What should have been buried is the team of Coach and Grisham. Reminded me of Cole and Kevin Kelly, except without the coolness