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Posts posted by uhftv

  1. This was covered in the tna boards as well, that the only people watching wrestling now are wrestling fans. I figured this would do bad just as the last one did, and pictured Vince's grimace when he saw the rating.


    Of course failure doesnt bring him back to reality it takes him further from it.


    If SNL is in reruns in the summer I dont see why they wouldnt take that time slot unless their reruns would do better than 'original' wwe programming.


    I think the show was better than last but the promotion just as bad. Also no dream matches exist anymore. They couldve just aired old matches as I dont think there was any matchup we were seeing for the first time. And it was also live which is a huge expense compared to taped shows.

    The Hogan ads were a joke to me. I dont think he's ever drawn ratings since wcw folded. (At least not mine) So I didnt care for Hogan's return, and if you weren't a 'fan,' any casual viewer would assume he's been wrestling this whole time anyway.


    Also SNME's a dinosaur. Maybe in the old slot at 11:30 starting with a good, new main event would have brought more viewers in. But 8pm on a Saturday is pathetic. I think the old ones on Fox were that early as well. But they had 5 hours of wrestling THIS WEEK ALONE before this show. It's sad to think no new viewers wanted it, and sadder for the regular viewers because that show is what the rest of the year is going to be like, with just slight variations.


    Vince will bactrack as usual. The things he liked about the show were not promoted enough so no one watched.


    And everything that sucked is Heyman's fault.


    Also Kane wasnt there. There werent enough tall people on the show.

  2. saw the tape he goes for the running splash on Rey in the corner, misses and his leg cant support his own weight. Rey starts kickin him then stops, in shock that this fat bastard gets hurt again.The ref tells the other heels and Henry slithers away never to be seen again.

    It seemed kinda short. But about as much as I would expect for the token smackdown match.


    I cant believe they had 3 separate tables for all the teams. Joey and Taz for just one match. Guess they left just in time for their table to be used for Edge.


    Batista got the win over Booker and he even got top billing for the announcements. If Rey is still taking off for his knee (another guy gone)

    then they can have Booker win at the Bash and have Batista chase.


    If Rey wasnt taking off I'd have him feud with Finlay for a while. But that takes both titles out of the picture (not that they did anything with the US belt since it was brought back anyway)


    In the meanwhile I thought it'd be interesting to have Batista and Lashley feud over who gets the next shot, but still have both remain babyface. Even if Rey appeared to be more whiney in interviews about the title, I dont see him getting booed against either of those guys.


    So if he does drop the title at Bash, I think he'll be out of the title picture for the rest of his career.

  3. Vince McMahon: Mark Henry, I'm giving you another 10 year contract because of all the hard work you've done, not taking back bumps while splashing people to legitimately hurt them. I'll even give you a raise to show the boys that we need more athletes [ entertainers] like you.

  4. it kind of makes sense if i were a regular tna viewer. but i go out of my way to avoid any glimpse of jarrett on tv. and i've watched since their 1st show years ago. so i dont like him on top and hes all over the show even when he doesnt have the title, just like HHH, so it doesnt matter if he's the champ or not.

  5. I remember thinking right after the show that it seemed like Heyman has compromised on every idea he could come up with, with the only concession being Sabu and Rob being protected.


    After hearing Vince take 'full reins' of the show (cause he's a creative genius) they must have told him before the show went on the air and everything's dead in the water as of now, with only Sabu and RVD the only ones that were given a chance for the last 3 weeks.


    The biggest hurdle, prior to hearing that Paul was shoved aside again, was a way to build up heels outside of the whole antiECW angle.


    Now it seems that they're just gonna stick to the show being leftovers from Raw.


    I wonder if they dropped the draftpicks idea too.



    They're not airing any video packages at all for some reason, probably cause there's no one there they want to get over, and they havent thought of any new guys to bring up (besides Test)


    And any clips they show would have good wrestling and good storylines which isnt the direction Vince wants to go in.


    More appropriate footage would be early 1990s WWF. Anything with Papa Shango. Fans of all ages would love that.



    If they're still planning another PPV in December, then they have plenty of time to have Big Show beat someone up every week. I cant wait

  6. the real Kane is the fake Diesel!!



    but the fake Kane might be the real Kane




    but the Undertaker was the one who set the fire not Kane.



    or was it Paul Bearer




    and Paul Bearer is Kane's real father




    or maybe he wasnt




    watch See No Evil again to find the answers





    and watch the Marine when it comes out





    and No Hold Barred

  7. If they run house shows in smaller venues, and will not be televised, then why dont they have creative control over them? if it's not on tv then it didnt happen, so book the show as if you can do whatever you want in front of the crowd.


    Do the exact opposite of whats on tv, as if it never happened.

    Don't adhere to whos good or bad, or stupid gimmicks or storylines, Big Show's a fat slob no matter what you do with him, and REALLY make fun of what's wrong with the tv. I was hoping the house shows would be the real money winners because they could sell it as what they could really do without Sci Fi or Vince interference.


    They could stir up a house vs tvshow feud.


    It'd be like being in 'another dimension'

  8. ---Yes, that was the Imposter Kane blow-off last night. If you ever were believing that things were planned out long-term in WWE, just check the results from Vengeance the night before. I'm sure it must have happened, but off the top of my head, I can't ever recall someone put over a major superstar clean in the middle, who was dropped one night later so fast they didn't even bother with him losing a match on the way out. Anyway, this one goes down in history right next to the Gobbledy Gooker, Linda McMahon's divorce from Vince and taking half the company after seeing him with Torrie Wilson on Raw, Linda McMahon's heel turn years later, DDP with the shining teeth, DDP as the Stalker, DDP as the homeless guy, DDP as the lottery winner, a bunch of DDP gimmicks I've forgotten, Oz, Richard & Rod Johnson, The Ding Dongs and the last episode of Seinfeld, the desperation XFL radio and TV ads where they brought up how bad the ratings and gimmicks were, Stephanie McMahon as the owner of ECW, Eric Bischoff's insane "shoot" promos as WCW was collapsing in 1999, David Arquette, Ed Ferrara and Vince Russo holding title gold and The Mullets in all-time gimmick hell. That Charlotte crowd will now go down in forgotten history for killing a character, although this one was really stillborn. It won't go down like the Tacoma crowd, which killed an entire several years worth of plans in one night. Funny, for the first four months of this year when just about every TV crowd was treating John Cena like he was the living incarnation of a Booker T vs. Buff Bagwell match, they decided that they know better than the crowd what the crowd will pay to see. And in that case, he was probably right.


    Da Meltz



    Dayum Meltz went crazy. But I dont get whats up with the Seinfeld reference?
