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Posts posted by uhftv

  1. They dont need anymore guys on Raw for the next few months. Anyone there is just gonna put over either Cena on one side or HHH on the other and Jericho spent most of his main event career doing that. I'd keep him on Smackdown as well as Benoit but eventually theyd just put over Batista anyway.


    So did they really fire Rob Conway?

  2. I cant believe there's almost a whole month till WM and they have the bulk of the main matches setup already. That's almost too long to build up for a show. HOw many 20 minute monologues can you give explaining the rules of a hair vs hair match. I think even Grisham has gotten at least half of the rules down by now.


    Arent they settin up for a big downturn after Mania? I mean, with all the top matches with babyfaces, it makes it seem like the top heels arent good enough to get on the biggest show, yet they have to carry the rest of the year's ppvs.


    And if HHH didnt get injured would he have turned heel and beat Cena, essentially redoing last year's main event?


    And with the the 2 top matches, you have the champions who have been pushed down everyone's throats the last 2 years and the challengers who are over 40 and already top guys. So even to those who are happy with the storylines even though it's not new and doesnt involve up and comers, what is left for the rest of the year? They really need to rearrange all the rosters after this.


    and all the losers of the mitb qualifiers should all be on the show. except for mvp. put him in a gimmick battle royal.

  3. How can anybody NOT hate Kevin Dunn?


    The HOF isnt a moneymaker anyway. They just recently started putting them on dvd and alot of young fans would not have ever seen the older guys wrestle. But to not have a choice in who gets to induct you when so many guys arent even alive anymore, it's just pathetic. It's got to me a stupid rumor, cause Im sure Dunn has never even heard of 90% of the guys actually in the HOF, so why would he care who does the inducting? I'm sure he's never heard of Mr, Perfect's dad maybe they should bump him off the show too.


    Aside from the Pete Rose thing a few years back, this gets no press or attention, it's just something Mcmahon wants to capitalize on for whatever reason, so if theyre gonna force Lawler to be in it when he doesnt even care, and he still wrestles, just because theyre short on inductees that accept this particular year, why not let him pick?

  4. Someone needs to really look to the numbers and see that gimmick matches really do make a difference in a card every once in a while. There was a time when the Ultimate X match was a big deal and couldve been today. But now they come up with 13 gimmick matches for 7 matches with horrible names and unexplained rules and they NEVER reuse them nor should they. So whats the point? And even for taped shows like IMpact it's idiotic to not even air a commercial distinguishing it from every other Impact. I wonder what they thought that night telling 6 guys "hey you'll have an ultimate x match tonight, maybe we can pencil you in for 7 minutes," while they thought theyd just do the usual limbo contest that they love.

    I think even the Russo supporters would agree that completely cutting him from the ppvs would be a good idea, or at least would add more variety.

  5. I can picture Storm or anyone saying what he said to money men in tna or any potential investors in wrestling and feeling bored and uninterested while theyd be more into Russo and his carnival of freaks. But thats all a matter of presentation rather than content which has always been a problem in the business on who eventually becomes creative heads.

  6. I hope Trump isnt there live to make the announcement instead of just showing up on video, he'll look like a big douche just picking the name out of nowhere. Someone should pull a rib and switch cue cards on him and have him say "Trevor Murdoch" instead.


    And having chosen Lashley cause he's this tough champ is only a big deal if you actually watch ECW, which not many fans do. You could argue Val Venis is just as successful on Sunday Night Heat but no one would care because hes seen by everyone else as a midcard guy. If Vince actually cared about the Tues. show and really did more things starting now, and even showing up there for followup with his bald ass after WM, then they could really start to make him a star. But unless the show is treated better it still feels as a big fish little pond scenario.

  7. GAWD, dont tell me they're setting up Benoit vs MVP in an EPIC matchup for Wrestlemania. The dream match everyone is waiting for.


    Maybe theyre saving the 4 way ladder match for WM although I dont think the SD tag titles were even on there last year to make way for the great team of Big Show and Kane as Raw tag champs.


    The Cruiserweight stuff is always good, although Scotty looks 40 years old and the whole division is the same as when Chavo was doing it 2 years ago they should just reuse the old scripts.


    The commercials are really annoying playing up the ME as huge and unique. But wasnt the same thing done at last year's SNME the one nobody watched, well actually nobody watched either one, with the WM opponents teaming up against the other? I think it was the curtainjerker to make room for the HBK/Shane match everyone cared about. And it was 3 on 2 since Raw maineventers are GREATER than SD maineventers, especially that Mysterio kid.

  8. RVD is still around, so did he re-sign?


    I'm sure Vince thinks all the Ufc shows are headlined by 7 feet tall guys fighting guys that look like Butterbean.


    I've heard the Rodimer guys sucks, and I dont think I've ever seen Eugene beat someone since he debuted.


    The Lucha stuff wont lead to anything unless they dont mind sitting on those lawn mowers.


    And there were serious talks about Smackdown having a midget division a year ago too right?


    They saw it more appropriate to have Rey Mysterio not look like a credible champ by having him lose all the time despite stying over loss after loss, rather than have people believe someone of his size could win the title by jus being good. So why cater to Hispanic fans now?


    There was something about Holly needing time off for his elbow, but he was gutting it out for the good of the company. Yeah good job by the writers making him work just so he can cleanly beat the 2 big babyfaces Rob and Punk. THen all he does is lose a million times to Lashley even though no one cares.


    The movie stuff is hilarious, no one knows about this Pirate stuff, but Crazy lucked out cause someone decided to see Nacho Libre? I'm all for using movie stuff that's not in the blockbuster catergory but Nacho Libre? Wonder what's in store for the epic WGTT vs Cryme Tyme feud, theres so many things they can rip off there


    The stuff with Nitro isnt a big deal since he jump in and out of the midcard cause hes so annoying he can get heat easily. And I have no idea how he got to be a good worker from just being in OVW. He was so horrible when he first started and the other TW winner is just as good and picked it up alot quicker.


    I dont see the point of them making these history dvds about companies they have little involvement in. They have all the tape libraries but they still arent qualified to tell the whole story. And out of the few select matches they choose, they have yet to and never will, release a complete card or tv show of another company's matches. Even if they can make lot of money from it.


    Arrested Development was the greatest show to have ever gotten canceled.

    (Re: the title thread)

  9. I would LOVE for Mysterio to say that while Chavo was the one who put him out, that it was constantly wrestling wrestlers who were a foot taller than him and 200lbs heavier than him that broke down his body and that he proved what he wanted to prove by becoming world champion but now he wants to focus on establishing the Cruiserweight Division as his legacy. He could even mention David Beckham coming over to play US Soccer eventhough he could still play Euro Football as an analogy. He could then put over the talent in the division, Greg Helms, Jamie Noble, Chavo Guerrero, Jimmy Wang Yang, Daivari, Joey Murcury and the Tag Champs London and Kendrick. Yeah, I'm dreaming...

    Well, first off...I don't think Joey Mercury would fit in the Cruiserweight Division.


    Secondly, basically what you're saying is you want Rey to be to WWE what AJ Styles was in TNA...going back to the X-Division after he won the World Title a while back.



    Well they had Benoit winning the US title which I dont really like but they dont see him as a world title guy anymore and he doesnt seem to mind. And Rey as a crusierweight champ didnt do much for the division anyway. Most of the cruiserweights are put in tagteams anyway, so if one division is big the other suffers for it. But they manage to find a way to make seem both unimportant, having tv tapings and ppvs where neither title is defended or mentioned. I think it'd help the show having more emphasis on the 3 singles titles and the tagteams instead of focusing so much time on getting the Miz, MVP, and Vito on tv.

  10. they need more tagteams on this show since they've already run out of guys to pin London and Kendrick in nontitle matches. Actually once Idol Stevens and Casey James get a win it'll be a clean sweep. Sounds like theyre copying the 'Rey Mysterio title push' that was so successful. They just added a ladder rematch for the ppv since everyone forgot to include the champs at the Rumble. Odds of them retaining?


    I have no idea why Daivari is here again. Why not move all the cruiserweights to ECW? Ive forgotten what Jamie Noble looks like. And there were several times when it seemed like Nitro was on all 3 shows in one week so I dont think they even bother explaining how guys jump anymore.

  11. re: Lashley losing to rebuild him for Mania.


    They never built him up in the first place for him to be champ at all. He just showed up and won.


    the title was always a joke because of their small roster, but putting it on Blaster Lashley was just wrong on all accounts, and with previous champs, at least you wouldnt get boos and laughs from the fans, when it was mentioned as being on the same level as the other titles.


    and since vince is the heel, telling the fans that lashley is the best is making the fans boo even more. how stupid is that?



    did vince give the writers a raise for thinking up a catchphrase for Super Crazy? Its great


    and i thought the writers didnt let flair do any talking?


    7 matches in one night? they must really be stacking the deck since theyre preempted next monday. curious to see how thursday's taped show does




    the ecw guys lose to themselves on their own show now we have to see it on raw now?

    they could have balls get beat up, instead they have a squash match which is more humiliating. and its not like they beat up vince last week, they beat up elijah burke. the only thing that was humiliating for vince was to be in the same ring with ecw guys

    they should call it the val venis division. we can include any holders of the sd tag and cruiserweight titles



    HELLOO isnt Batitsta putting up his streak at wrestlemania too.


    you know: 2-0 ??

  12. how did Benoit get eliminated? It always bothered me when someone who did well in previous years or previous winners end up as nonfactors, unless it sets up a feud with someone else.


    they didnt HAVE to have a younger guy win the Rumble but they couldve, which tells you how forward think they are, or arent. You can argue whether it's good or not. But the problem is the last 2 or even the last 4 dont need the win. You could say the same thing 6 years ago. Rock and Austin were always going to be in the main events so why waste Rumbles on them? It DOES tell a better story, but it all depends on if you like the guys on top or not.


    It also tells you what the rest of 2007 is going to be about.
