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Everything posted by Drury37

  1. Drury37

    The OAO Raw Thread - 2/2/2004

    41 days until WWE WrestleMania XX which means that 42 days from now I will be half out of it like no other day of the year. Thanks.
  2. Drury37

    The OAO Raw Thread - 2/2/2004

    Did Kane win by count out? Thanks.
  3. Drury37

    The OAO Raw Thread - 2/2/2004

    My commercial 867-5309!!! Thanks.
  4. Drury37

    The OAO Raw Thread - 2/2/2004

    He lowered his cholesterol. Booooooo, you tried stealing my thunder! It is alright that he stole his thunder because I had Subway for lunch. Thanks.
  5. Drury37

    The OAO Raw Thread - 2/2/2004

    he just saved a bundle on his car insurance That was fucking hilarious, haha!!! Thanks.
  6. Drury37

    The OAO Raw Thread - 2/2/2004

    The Brock Lesnar wannabe that was the greatest line ever, haha!!! Thanks.
  7. Drury37

    The OAO Raw Thread - 2/2/2004

    what does an amateur cricket game have to do with WWE RAW?? Nothing really but it has been a great basketball game!!! Thanks.
  8. Drury37

    The OAO Raw Thread - 2/2/2004

    NO Kane is going to kill her and then have sex with her!!! Thanks.
  9. Drury37

    The OAO Raw Thread - 2/2/2004

    Bischoff looks like a fag. Thanks.
  10. Drury37

    The OAO Raw Thread - 2/2/2004

    Man St. Joe's(PA) Vs. Villanova has been an awesome ball game!!! Thanks.
  11. Drury37

    The OAO Raw Thread - 2/2/2004

    That was a pretty cool segment with Trish Stratus and Christian right there. Thanks.
  12. Drury37

    The ONE and ONLY Velocidential Thread

  13. Drury37

    The ONE and ONLY Velocidential Thread

    That was great. Thanks.
  14. Drury37

    The ONE and ONLY Velocidential Thread

    I don't think there is a Vault segment tonight since Confidential is an old repeat. Unless you count last week's SD Rumble "From the Vault". That is true shit that sucks. Thanks. No doubt about it. It's the one segment I enjoy no matter what crapola they heave our way. If it's old school, bring it on. Yeah I agree big time and I love that Milky Way commercial 867-5309!!! Thanks.
  15. Drury37

    The ONE and ONLY Velocidential Thread

    I don't think there is a Vault segment tonight since Confidential is an old repeat. Unless you count last week's SD Rumble "From the Vault". That is true shit that sucks. Thanks.
  16. Drury37

    The ONE and ONLY Velocidential Thread

    The only thing that could save this night is a good match From The Vault. Thanks.
  17. Drury37

    The ONE and ONLY Velocidential Thread

    And people...DEFEND Cole and say he's improved? UGH "1984 called they want their movie back". More reasons Cole is a complete retard. Yeah that was absolutley the stupidiest broadcast segment of all time. Thanks.
  18. Drury37

    The ONE and ONLY Velocidential Thread

    Did you get anything for Christmas that you had to fix? You should have because you're a tool, haha!!! Thanks.
  19. Drury37

    Kevin Nash stabbed during movie filming

    WOW that must have been some type of scene if a guys gets stabbed and does not realize it until later on. I wonder if he got shot during the Bret Hart Vs. Diesel WWF Title match at WWF Survivor Series 1995 he would have known it because that was extremely intense. Thanks.
  20. Drury37

    Indians Minor Leaguer: Gay Porn role "a mistake"

    Greatest line ever. Thanks.
  21. Drury37

    100 Women

    I have seen a 100 Women before and it is a decent movie except for that kid acting so gay. Thanks.
  22. Drury37

    WCW Beach Blast 1993

    I'm sorry but that just sounded so wrong. That sounds like something that Vince Russo would book. Thanks.
  23. Drury37

    WCW Beach Blast 1993

    I remember they tried to take off Badd's mask once and he had another mask underneath that mask but the match at WCW Beach Blast 1993 was actually a pretty good match but I could not say the same for the match at WCW Clash of the Champions XXIV (24). Thanks.
  24. 1992 when Flair eliminates Bossman and just falls down just drained and then he rest for like 15 seconds until Piper comes in and it is just those two. Thanks.
  25. Drury37

    Diamond Dallas Page added to LOW:SHOWDOWN!

    The Pontiac Silver Dome and WWF WresteMania III. Thanks.