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Everything posted by TheTomster

  1. TheTomster


    So, am I the only one who likes Akon?
  2. TheTomster

    Nickelodeon is starting a wrestling promotion

    Those kids were tools
  3. TheTomster

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    About the CAW/Title deal, it all depends on the motions in your entrance
  4. TheTomster

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    And I'd tell Martha where to put it
  5. TheTomster

    This week in the NBA

    Went to the Knicks/Grizzlies game last night, 4 hour trip if you count going there and back and didn't get home til 1:30, almost received from detentions for falling asleep in class and it was all worth it, pretty good game, even if I was sitting in the nosebleeds and spent most of my time watching the game on the big screen.
  6. We had quite a few. But one of them wasn't a trick or treater, it was a girl asking for me but mom answered the door and shes like 'Oh well I just wanted to tell Tommy hi'
  7. TheTomster

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Isn't that shirt advertising alchohol
  8. TheTomster

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    But Monty Brown is already on the Smackdown roster
  9. TheTomster

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I thought Russo was writing for TNA?
  10. TheTomster


    Blah thy didnt have this or Family Guy in at Movie Gallery yet
  11. TheTomster


    I'm probably getting this for Christmas, I had thought it was coming out in December and I reserved SD vs RAW 07 instead because I thought it was gonna be less wait time but I was wrong
  12. TheTomster

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I was suppose to go see this movie Friday night but my bro wouldn't take me[it sucks bein 13] but I think I'm goin to see it eithier Thursday or Friday
  13. TheTomster

    NLCS: St. Louis Cardinals vs. New York Mets

    Erm.....so who won?
  14. TheTomster

    Gateway Championship Wrestling

    After a 2 week absence GCW returns to action tomorrow night in East Prairie, and yours truly will be in attendence
  15. TheTomster

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    And HHH lost to Taker at X7
  16. TheTomster

    If you could only watch one wrestler

    Male: CM Punk or Dingo Female: Mickie James or Daizee Haze
  17. TheTomster

    WWE Fantasy Season 8

    Do you get anything for being top 10 in a leauge
  18. TheTomster

    Quotes from 2006! Help me with more!

    JBL: You can't do that to the king of Smackdown! Tazz: He just did JBL: Shut up midget
  19. TheTomster

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    That'd be pretty retarded, I don't believe it
  20. TheTomster

    Gateway Championship Wrestling

    -Cameron Cage vs. Dingo for the Heavyweight Title -Sean Vincent & Rebecca Raze vs. The European Union for the Tag Team Titles -Kory Twist vs. Steven Kennedy -Trent Stone vs. Nick Tyson -Bryan Monterro vs. Jimmy Charisma -The Bumrush Brothers vs. Cabal & Melvin Talent -Gary Jay vs. Dorian Victor -K.C. Karrington vs. Super Castaldi -Jackal vs. Rebecca Raze - Light Heavyweight Title -Shorty Biggs vs. Dice -Trent Stone vs. Steven Kennedy -Sean Vincent vs. Evan Petrie -Bryan Monterro vs. Jimmy Charisma -K.C. Karrington vs. Dorian Victor EP LINEUP, TOMSTER RETURNS TO A GCW SHOW!!!!!!!!!! -Fatal Four-Way Main Event for a title shot at the next East Prairie show...participants will be determined by four qualifying matches. The first three are: -OuTtKaSt vs. Trent Stone -Shorty Biggs vs. Nick Tyson -Bryan Monterro vs. Melvin Talent -Jackal vs. K.C. Karrington - Light Heavyweight Title -Sean Vincent & Rebecca Raze vs. The European Union - Tag Team Titles (If the Euros win in Overland, this will be a tag title rematch for Vincent & Raze.) -Gary Jay vs. Dorian Victor
  21. TheTomster

    Gateway Championship Wrestling

    Hey Patrick, I haven't seen any local promotion for the EP show, need to send me flyers? Also where are we available to buy the tix at this time?