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Everything posted by TheTomster

  1. TheTomster

    WWE Raw - February 16, 2009

    Am I the only one who thinks there builidng Rey up for a title fued later in the year
  2. TheTomster

    WWE Raw - February 16, 2009

    What is this song? I like it
  3. TheTomster

    WWE Raw - February 16, 2009

    Ah! I love the new version of Just Close Your Eyes
  4. TheTomster

    WWE Raw - February 16, 2009

    Needs more Tyson Kidd
  5. TheTomster

    WWE Raw - February 16, 2009

    Damn I thought this Orton/Shane stuff was overwith. Damn it
  6. TheTomster

    WWE Raw - February 16, 2009

    I wouldn't mind Cena/Edge at Mania to be honest
  7. TheTomster

    WWE Raw - February 16, 2009

    Fatty and hippy makeout session that nobody cares about to be interrupted by my favourite wrestler of all time John Cena
  8. TheTomster

    WWE Raw - February 16, 2009

    Todays kids laugh at growing up to be wrong
  9. TheTomster

    Hey Everybody... Got beef? Come to the chat!

    CopperFeel is a fucking douche
  10. TheTomster

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    Mark Hoppus telling me one-on-one on AIM that Blink 182 will indeed be touring this summer
  11. TheTomster

    Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!

    Thanks I was wondering this. Is there a version out to download anywhere yet? http://www.playlist.com/searchbeta/tracks#...e%20Your%20Eyes Scroll down a bit. Thanks man
  12. TheTomster

    Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!

    Thanks I was wondering this. Is there a version out to download anywhere yet?
  13. TheTomster

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Happening pretty early this year, but its always a fun show and the shows after are usually fresh for a few weeks. I wouldn't mind Christian staying on ECW for a little bit longer but I'd expect him to go somewhere else during the draft.
  14. TheTomster

    Legends of WrestleMania

    I'll rent it, and if I like it and have the money sometime later I'll buy it.
  15. TheTomster

    TNA Impact - February 19, 2009

    Is Against All Odds a road show? If so they should have done Angle/Sting Empty Arena then, otherwise it seems kinda pointless to give it away on iMPACT
  16. TheTomster

    Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!

    I was flipping back and forth between Road to Redemption and this once my friend texted me sayin Christian returned and heres what I gathered: Caught the end of TJ Wilson vs jobber, and TJ Wilson looked promising, can't wait to see whats coming up, and saw the beginning of Christian and Jack Swagger, and if the whole match stayed at the same pace, I have to say it must have been a treat. I will be gettin back into the ECW swing of things in the coming weeks
  17. TheTomster

    TNA releases Hoyt, Williams

    Well damn. Could careless about Hoyt but I hope we don't see Petey in the WWE if he can't atleast bring the Canadian Destroyer with him
  18. TheTomster

    DJ Khaled commits suicide

    Man, I was comin in here expectin it to be about Khaled offing himself after 50 ripped him a new asshole
  19. TheTomster

    Jericho mobbed by fans, hits woman

    Phillip Defranco[youtube user sxephil] has picked this one up on his official website http://www.phillyd.tv/
  20. TheTomster

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    50 Cent fuckin up Rick Ross's life as already been mentioned. A new Eminem CD 50 Cent callin out Lil Wayne and his bitch ass still ain't responded
  21. TheTomster

    Jericho mobbed by fans, hits woman

    This morning on Fox News, they had former federal prosecutor and a defense attorney on the show and discussed the Chris Jericho incident from this past weekend. They discussed the incident, and then played some footage of what happened. The former prosecutor claimed Jericho to be at fault and that he should be charged, because words alone cannot justify his actions. The defense attorney said that security did nothing and said that Jericho acted reasonably due to the issues of provocation. The host brought up how Jericho was forced to stop by a fan jumping in front of his vehicle and then claimed that Jericho's comments during the show that might have instigated the situation. The prosecutor said that Jericho had no justification and he had alternative means to avoid the situation. He focused on the situation with Jericho and the woman then talked about how wrestling promotes this atmosphere and then says that you cannot change the situation when things go too far. After the segment was complete, the host said that she is on Jericho's side, claiming that the woman had no right doing what she did.
  22. TheTomster

    Jericho mobbed by fans, hits woman

    Jericho was only defending himself, I woulda clocked the dumb bitch too
  23. TheTomster

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    I don't know about his history, but if Kafu had a father workin in the business at one point or another, I think he should have been called up instead of Manu
  24. TheTomster

    The Concert Thread

    I won some tickets to Rockstar Chaos but don't wanna go, I'll probably just end up sellin them
  25. TheTomster

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Ultimate Powers?