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Everything posted by TheTomster

  1. TheTomster

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I demand an elaboration. They steal our damn jobs and now there stealin my damn white women!
  2. TheTomster

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I know I might piss somebody off, but I don't care Mexicans and Jahova Witnesses
  3. TheTomster

    Nick Hogan

    The Hogan's aren't the only bad ones, there just getting all this grief because there famous. Well, guess what got to released today, voicemails that was left on Hulk's phone from Mr. Grazino Voicemails to Hogan Yeah, hes a real classy son of a bitch ain't he?
  4. TheTomster

    ECW on Sci-Fi (6/10/2008)

    Isn't Matt Sydal his real name? Can't trademark and own that... I'm not sure if Sydal is his real last name or not. I know back when he first started in GCW he just went simply by 'Matt' and then Sydal got thrown on there sometime over the years Hah. I forgot about that. I miss GCW. We all do man
  5. TheTomster

    ECW on Sci-Fi (6/10/2008)

    Isn't Matt Sydal his real name? Can't trademark and own that... I'm not sure if Sydal is his real last name or not. I know back when he first started in GCW he just went simply by 'Matt' and then Sydal got thrown on there sometime over the years
  6. TheTomster

    Your table's ready

    Just for fun: Floyd Mayweather Mike Tyson Tupac Mark Henry Michael Hayes Seriously tho: Edgar Allen Poe Me in the future Christy Hemme Eddie Guerrero Chester Bennington
  7. TheTomster

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Girls that dress slutty and then get mad when you look Girls that let everybody else touch all over them but when you go for it its the end of the fucking world Girls Slow drivers The people that work at GameStop When I mess up my order at McDonalds and I tell them and they say "Oh well"
  8. TheTomster

    So I woke up to an earthquake this morning...

    That's not really irony. Are you a writer for Alanis Morissette? No
  9. TheTomster

    So I woke up to an earthquake this morning...

    It woke me up. I think the whole thing is ironic considering we were just studying earthquakes in science. Also, I live really close to the fault line, so it sucks pretty bad. KFVS12 Earthquake Center
  10. TheTomster

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    I'll just wait 3 months, and buy both of them seperately at GameStop for the price of 1
  11. TheTomster

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    Shawn Michaels and Matt Bentley appearing on the same show, even if there isn't a connection and Matt just gets squashed, I still like. I don't understand the whole Khali backing down deal, or if there trying to build up Show as a face or a heel. Not really interested in Batista and HBK. I might actually have to tune in this week though to see Taker/Kane and MVP/Hardy finally.
  12. TheTomster

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    The video of Flair's speech on WWE.com is the same exact thing, maybe even shorter, as what was on USA last night.
  13. TheTomster

    Bring only one guy back to WWE

    Probably Muhammad Hassan or Giant Bernard.
  14. TheTomster

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    Saw it on USA and liked what I saw But between Flair and The Rock alone, I know the DVD will have to be bought this year, especially so I can see full speeches.
  15. TheTomster

    WWE/TNA Confrontation

    from TNA's website They think there something don't they?[tna]
  16. TheTomster

    Iron Shiek to be roasted

    Roasted, like to be featured on Comedy Central type roasted?
  17. TheTomster

    OAO 3/24 Raw Thread

    Shit, I don't miss a minute of RAW, go up to get something to drink, come back in here, and miss the end of the match, what happened?
  18. TheTomster

    ROH 3.14-3.16 (Dover and Philly-PPV)

    Dingo on a ROH PPV? FTWii!!!!!
  19. TheTomster

    Raw 3.3.08

    It was discussed on the previous page
  20. TheTomster

    Raw 3.3.08

    That was a rather [un]entertaining segment Atleast Maria's Playboy is good
  21. TheTomster

    Raw 3.3.08

    My dad has awesome instincts Cena comes on and he turns the channel He turns it back and they are about to unveil Maria's Playboy cover
  22. TheTomster

    Raw 3.3.08

    Did Hardy just turn heel?
  23. TheTomster

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    were you able to get a good perspective on who was at fault? The WWE ring crew, as one part of the ring look broke after the divas match the rope he jumped off of looked loose and looked more like he slipped then anything else.
  24. TheTomster

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    Hey I was in attendence at the house show this past Friday and saw the bump Jericho took, it was a real nasty bump and he is fortunate that he wasn't injured.
  25. TheTomster

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    http://youtube.com/watch?v=w4OXYO2aSo8 Kennedy promo from earlier, awesome guy.