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Wyld Cannon

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Everything posted by Wyld Cannon

  1. Wyld Cannon

    WON News + Notes, January 22nd Issue

  2. Wyld Cannon

    Greatest WWF Matches of the 90's Poll/Tourney

    I would agree that it is the best WWF/E match ever, but I made this list very quickly: Mitsuharu Misawa/Kenta Kobashi vs. Toshiaki Kawada/Akira Taue 6/9/95 Mitsuharu Misawa vs. Toshiaki Kawada (6/3/94) Stan Hansen vs. Kenta Kobashi 93 Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Eddy Guerrero - Halloween Havoc ’97 Toshiaki Kawada/Akira Taue vs. Mitsuharu Misawa/Jun Akiyama RWTL 96 Finals Doug Furnas/Dan Kroffat vs. Kenta Kobashi/Tsuyoshi Kikuchi -92 Great Sasuke vs. Wild Pegasus - Super J Cup 94 Ultimo Dragon vs. Shinjiro Ohtani - J-Crown Tourney Chris Benoit vs. Bret Hart – Owen Match Chris Benoit vs. Kevin Sullivan – GAB Stan Hansen vs. Toshiaki Kawada 93 Steve Williams vs. Toshiaki Kawada Carnival 94 I put 12 because I could possibly see the bottom 3 coming off. Granted, if you don't like the AJPW style this list won't mean shit to you. But I would say that none of these matches could be moved off the list by Austin/Hart. And I left out a shitload from NJPW and WCW.
  3. Wyld Cannon

    Don't read this!

    I think there is some chicananery going on. It's ok anyway because I am not a woman nor child nor do I love any of those.
  4. Wyld Cannon

    Greatest WWF Matches of the 90's Poll/Tourney

    I meant the Earth. Worldwide.
  5. Wyld Cannon

    Greatest WWF Matches of the 90's Poll/Tourney

    Why are you making this compilation anyway? All the same matches that have been on this list for 7 years are going to win, and haven't you seen them all already? Not trying to discourage you, I'm just wondering what the point is. And to further play devil's advocate, I would say there wasn't one WWF match in the 90's that could make a top ten worldwide matches of the 90's list. But maybe you're just not into puro or WCW even.
  6. Wyld Cannon

    Wrestling Observer Awards 2006

    I personally can't stand Lucha but based on the previous Observer, I had a strong feeling it was going to either Mistico or Cro Cop. Given the figures Meltzer laid out, it seems he really did deserve it considering he was legitimately THE draw in Mexico. The tornillo armbar is gay though.
  7. Wyld Cannon

    Greatest WWF Matches of the 90's Poll/Tourney

    Owen/Bulldog vs. Shawn/Austin - Raw 97 tag titles HBK vs. Austin KOTR 97 Owen vs. Bulldog - Euro Champ Finals Shawn/Diesel vs. Razor/Kid - Impact Zone or something like that Bret vs. Shawn SurSer 1992 92 Rumble Macho vs. Flair WM8 just some non-traditional submissions. . .
  8. Wyld Cannon

    Best writing in video games

    The Legacy of Kain series was the only series of games I've played where i was dying to play the next one to find out more of the story. It was awesome.
  9. Wyld Cannon

    Morishima in ROH

    Homocide has been scheduled to be champion since BEFORE Danielson won it, why would he lose it to Jimmy Rave so soon?? Morishima is a top level wrestler right now, The Wild II vs. Kentafuji tag that went to a 30 min draw was awesome. Morishima made both juniors, especially KENTA, look really strong, selling amazingly for their offense without looking hokey. And his Backdrop is sweet.
  10. Wyld Cannon

    Comedic actors you find underrated

    Thomas Hayden Church. Ned and Stacey is my favorite show of all time.
  11. Wyld Cannon

    Most Professional

    You could make a case for Nick Dinsmore, a great technical wrestler, who played a retard knowing it was very possible his career could never recover from something so stupid.
  12. Wyld Cannon

    Bam Bam Bigelow passes away

    Sad to see him go, but to be factual that "saving children from a fire" story was not true. His ECW run as a Triple Threat member was awesome, especially that three way dance with Taz and Sabu, and his TV title match with RVD.
  13. Wyld Cannon

    The OAO ECW Thread for 1/16/07

    Bob "The Beaver" Dam - BOB BEAV D, BOB BEAV D Dob Ran Vam Tiger Mask V
  14. Wyld Cannon

    Undertaker/Kane vs Kronik

    Was that the same RVD/Jericho match that Jericho went off on the "smarks" saying it was MOTYC and didn't deserve whatever mediocre rating it got??
  15. Wyld Cannon

    The Cure.

    i think people overlook the catchiness of Six Different Ways. which is now going to be stuck in my head all day.
  16. Wyld Cannon

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    You can if you got game. With dudes.
  17. Wyld Cannon

    A.J. Styles: "The Gay Community?"

    Well if you want to be a good Christian you should be. I can't be a good muslim and not hate infidels.
  18. Wyld Cannon

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    In the latest observer, Meltzer is talking about the Hardy/Nitro cage match from New Year's Revolution, and says Nitro gives Hardy a "backwards superplex" and lands on hisfeet to make the move look even more nasty. I can't figure out what the hell he is talking about. help?
  19. Wyld Cannon

    The Old School questions thread

    Does anyone remember the backbreaker Bobby Eaton used to use where he would lift you up like he was going to give you a rydeen bomb, but then turn you horizontal and drop you in a backbreaker??? I used to love that move, but I never saw anyone ever do it again. Does it have a name??
  20. Wyld Cannon

    PWI Awards

    I used to love Apter mags as a kid. My favorite thing in the them was they always had these ads for what I guess could be called mail in "E-Feds". You created a wrestler, name, height, weight, etc. Then they had a list of opening, medium, and high damage moves where you had to choose like 5 from each category, and then a finisher. I used to always fill those out, but I never actually mailed them in. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? What happened if you mailed one in???
  21. Wyld Cannon

    The best of the best

    I've never had the best anything ever. Everything i've ever eaten tasted "just ok."
  22. Wyld Cannon

    Why is my car overheating?

    i've had a blown headgasket for a while, I still drive. I just have to replace my oil and coolant once a month which is pain in the ass, but my only option currently.
  23. Wyld Cannon

    Book recommendations

    I got Mark Danielewski's House of Leaves and tore through it in like 3 days. It was awesome. I also got his next book, Only Revolutions, but I haven't cracked it open yet. Anyone know if it's as good or better?
  24. Wyld Cannon

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Um, what does this law mean?? They can fight in three rope rings now? Is this good?
  25. Wyld Cannon

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Why is Monty going to be french??