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Everything posted by TheShooter

  1. TheShooter

    This Week in Baseball 7/30 - 8/5

    Too late to catch the Red Sox I meant.
  2. TheShooter

    This Week in Baseball 7/30 - 8/5

    Yankees vs White Sox box score so far today... XXXX1 2 3 CWS 0 8 0 NYY 0 8 0 LOL. Yankees are so fuckin scary right now, too bad it's too late.
  3. TheShooter

    It's my birthday.

    23 is a better birthday than 30.
  4. TheShooter

    Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

    Not saying it's the same thing. Just making the point that, in general, the response by government officials to Katrina was a bit lackluster on many different levels. But I don't want to turn this into a Katrina thread.
  5. TheShooter

    Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

    Good point. I didn't see Laura Bush rushing down to Nawlins after "Hurricane Karina."
  6. TheShooter

    Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

    Just to reiterate, I'm not saying the police should have foreseen the rampage. All I'm saying is, given that there had been a double murder and the killer was STILL AT LARGE, you think they'd have taken some more precautions other than sending out a lame email. Even if the dorm room slayings were an "isolated incident", the fact the the killer could still be hiding out anywhere on campus means it was no longer isolated.
  7. TheShooter

    Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

    No, I don't think he would have returned at a later date. I think he would have been captured by then, or killed himself. Whatever the case, fuck him. As Geraldo said last night, there is no place low enough in hell for him.
  8. TheShooter

    Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

    I'm not saying the police predicted that this guy would go on a rampage like this, but if you have a person who is at large and CLEARLY armed and dangerous and willing to kill, why would you let students go to class as normal??? Ok, so they thought it was a domestic dispute, but that still doesn't change the fact that the killer is still out there.
  9. TheShooter

    Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

    By the way I apologize for my unfortunate screen name this morning.
  10. TheShooter

    Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

    Why the fuck was the campus not put on lockdown after the first event, especially since the killer was STILL ON THE LOOSE??? 30+ deaths could have been prevented. +
  11. TheShooter

    4/10: #31, Tax Return Infernos

    I just find it funny that the police are busting home poker games. But it is Georgia, I guess. God probably frowns on no limit hold 'em.
  12. TheShooter

    Going to Washington D.C

    For what it's worth I spent 3 days in DC earlier this month and was shocked and how clean and bum-free it was. I walked around the mall, ventured onto some of the surrounding streets, rode the Metro between Union Station and the Dupont Circle area, and also walked a lot between Dupont and Logan Circles and never once felt unsafe.
  13. TheShooter

    Tom Brady's ex-girlfriend is pregnant

    http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachus...m_bradys_child/ Put a jimmy cap on that thing for God's sake...
  14. TheShooter

    2/21: Brady's Bunch

    I've heard basketball and baseball players sometimes engage in sex outside of marriage. It's shocking.
  15. TheShooter

    Mike Awesome dies

    Scott Hall and Jake Roberts outlive yet another wrestler. I'm amazed.
  16. TheShooter

    2/15: Lost In The Underground

    There has been no drop in quality on "Lost." People will just look for anything to complain about. You should get season 2, as I found it to be even better than season 1. Check out a website called Deep Discount DVD and they'll probably have it cheapest. Or go steal it from Target.
  17. TheShooter

    2/15: Lost In The Underground

    Wow, such hate. He must have been raped by a group of violent Boy George fans once.
  18. TheShooter

    2/12: Grammy Whammies

    Forget politics, I think it just shows how bad music is today when the Dixie Chix win 5 grammies.
  19. TheShooter

    2/7: Going Hard To The Hoop

  20. TheShooter

    So, I'm looking to buy some gum...

    Yeah some of that gum is so damm expensive.
  21. TheShooter

    2/5: A Post-Super Bowl Ad-On

    The Snickers ad was by far the worst of the bunch. There's a difference between funny and just revolting. I'd say it was also a bit offensive to a certain segment of the population. The commercials are just awful now. Whereas they used to be clever it's now all frat boy humor and comedic violence.
  22. TheShooter

    2 charged with creating panic in Boston

    He's an ignorant drunk idiot. Or maybe that's just how he sounds when he talks.
  23. TheShooter

    2/4: Super Bowl Stuff

    Manning as MVP is pretty silly. He really didn't do anything great in this game. His job was also pretty easy given that the Bears chose to put absolutely no pressure on him and allowed him to complete short passes at will just so they wouldn't give up the big play. The Colts defense was once again impressive, and Grossman was horrific. That's why the Colts won. I had a small parlay bet on the Bears to win outright and the over. Bwahahaha.
  24. TheShooter

    Favre is returning

    No story yet, just a flash on MSNBC.com. Selfish redneck...
  25. TheShooter

    2 charged with creating panic in Boston

    Talk about overreaction. Apparently these devices looked so much like bombs that they shut down the entire city of Boston yesterday after they were found in various locations throughout the city. The two who placed the devices are being charged with attempting to cause a panic and the mayor is talking about prison sentences of > 20 years. Oddly enough the same thing was done in various cities in that past couple weeks and none of those cities went crazy with fears of terrorism. I know we're living in a different world after 9-11, but let's not get carried away.