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Everything posted by TheShooter

  1. TheShooter

    1/22: People Use Viagra For SEX?

    I think beer is the cause of more sex than Viagra.
  2. TheShooter

    1/19: NFL Black Coaches, Pickkks

    I would not put any amount of money on a team that is led by Rex Grossman. Don't be a sucker picking the Colts. It's just like how every year some dumb fuck baseball writer tries to get all sexy and pick some team other than the Yankees or Red Sox to win the AL East. Every year a lot of (if not most) people pick the Colts because "THIS IS THEIR YEAR" or "PEYTON MANNING WILL FINALLY COME THOUGH!" and every year it's the same old story: Brady and Belechick get out there and get the job done. It doesn't always look pretty, and it doesn't always get done in the first 3 quarters, but they get it done.
  3. TheShooter

    1/17: #42, Panda Porn -- Need I say More?

    I think what you are referring to is the Butterfly Effect. It's a bunch of BS and you shouldn't worry about it.
  4. TheShooter

    1/16: Osama For President, Cuba For Surgeries

    Can anybody even say what Obama stands for? He's well spoken, yay. He's good looking, yay. He's not a Washington insider, yay. But what else is there that makes him so appealing?
  5. TheShooter

    1/16: Osama For President, Cuba For Surgeries

    Obama will never get elected. His name sounds too much like "Osama." On a serious note, we are still a long ways away from there being enough support in this country for a black or woman president, so you can just calm down. Maybe that guinea conservative goomba Bush-ass-kissing fuckhead Guliani will get elected and you and Rush Limbaugh can be happy for another 4 or 8 years.
  6. TheShooter

    1/12: Minimum Wage, Maximum Losers

    "But yesterday, as she was bending over to grab a cigarette, " I thought that was going somewhere else...
  7. TheShooter

    1/9: Al kkkeiper's Hall Of Fame List

    Mark McGwire? Nigga please. The guy was roided up harder than Triple H. You gotta send a message to the kids by keeping these roid freaks out.
  8. TheShooter

    12/19: Boxed In With Holiday Pressures

    You spend $75 on your half-brother's three kids? I guess you're not as cheap as I thought you were.
  9. TheShooter

    12/18: #44, KKK's ______ Of 2006

    It's basketball season?
  10. TheShooter

    12/13: #45, Saying "I Love You," Hating Jews

    You're wrong. The only words that mean you want to spend the rest of your life w/ someone are "I do."
  11. TheShooter

    12/11: I Know What You Regifted This Christmas

    So your wife just gave a co-worker an expired Blockbuster gift card. That will go over well.
  12. TheShooter

    12/9: Koncerts, Komedians, Khristmas

    Why the fuck is your better half giving you a Christmas present before Christmas? Lame.
  13. TheShooter

    12/7: Week 14 Pickkks

    Not bad, but I disagree on San Diego vs Denver. San Diego's offense will explode after a couple of bad weeks and they will win in a blowout unless Denver finds a way to pump carbon monoxide in their dressing room.
  14. TheShooter

    12/2: #46; Like Crack Mother, Like Crack Daughter

    I wasn't drunk, but my partner probably was. Actually I think I drugged her.
  15. TheShooter

    12/2: #46; Like Crack Mother, Like Crack Daughter

    That thing about male virgins only lasting 5-10 seconds is not always true. My first time, I lasted a lot longer than I did most other times. Maybe because I wasn't doing it right?
  16. TheShooter

    10/27: Dirty Books, Pickkk Results

    Can anybody explain how this is relevant? I mean seriously. Are they trying to compare him to Foley? Fucking desperate republicans.
  17. TheShooter

    10/26: #49, Pumpkin Patches, Half-Open Cases

    Have you ever had a trip to the grocery store where nothing happened?
  18. TheShooter

    10/25: Fed Up With Fillings

    Thank you.
  19. TheShooter

    10/24: Philling Up Time With A Hippie Test

    "Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out." Bwahahahahahahaha.......
  20. I don't know... I've sat in quite a few restaurants where I've been ignored. Usually if nobody comes to my table within 10 minutes or so I just get up and leave. The fact is there's just a lot of piss poor waiters and waitresses out there. Then again, with a name like Cracker Barrel, is it such a stretch to believe they'd discriminate against blacks? CHARLESTON, South Carolina (AP) -- Rose Rock, the mother of comedian Chris Rock, claims she was racially discriminated against when she was seated but ignored for a half hour at a Cracker Barrel restaurant along the South Carolina coast. Rock said Tuesday she planned to sue the Lebanon, Tennessee-based company. A Cracker Barrel spokeswoman said the restaurant chain was investigating and taking the complaint "very seriously." Cracker Barrel has in the past faced numerous lawsuits and a federal inquiry over complaints of refusing to serve black customers, discriminating against minority workers and firing gay employees. The company has taken steps to rebuild its folksy image and reach out to minorities. Rock, who is from Georgetown, said she and her 21-year-old daughter were the only blacks at the chain's Murrells Inlet restaurant in April. She said when she asked the manager about the delay she was told they could have a free meal. "He never called over the waitresses and asked, 'Why did these people sit here for a half hour without service?' " she said. "The only thing he said was we could have a free meal and neither of us wanted to eat." Cracker Barrel spokeswoman Julie Davis said the company doesn't "tolerate any form of discrimination." "It has always been a violation of our policies and procedures and it is neither condoned nor allowed," she said. "We do not allow the type of behavior you are describing," Davis said. Rock said she contacted the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission and was told her complaint would be handled, but "nothing ever happened." The head of the commission, Jesse Washington, said Tuesday that after initial discussions, the complaint was finalized August 7 and his agency also was investigating. He would not comment on the complaint. "We get thousands of charges coming through here in the course of a year," he said. "It's not out of line -- the time frame on this. It is being investigated and we will be in touch with her when we have a report." The Rev. Al Sharpton will join Rock on Wednesday in South Carolina to announce that Sharpton's Action Network will finance the planned lawsuit. "I'm getting reports from all over the country about Cracker Barrel," Sharpton said from New York on Tuesday. He also said state officials are slow to act on such complaints. "When people are talking about there is no more discrimination, a lot of it is because they are not following this stuff up," Sharpton said. Cracker Barrel, established in 1969, operates 547 restaurants in 41 states, according to the company's Web site. Georgetown is about 60 miles northeast of Charleston.
  21. TheShooter

    World Series: Tigers vs. Cardinals

    No al, it's just that not everybody has the same encycolpedic knowledge of baseball as you do. I never knew the dude pitched for the Royals.
  22. TheShooter

    World Series: Tigers vs. Cardinals

    If Suppan's short and pathetic tenure with the Red Sox is any indication, he will be banged hard by the Tigers. Some guys are just born to be NL pitchers (*cough*JOSHBECKET*cough*)
  23. TheShooter

    World Series: Tigers vs. Cardinals

    The Cardinals have failed miserably when it comes to getting hits with runners in scoring position. Puljos has performed only slightly better than A-Rod. There is no reason to believe the Cards will win this series.
  24. TheShooter

    World Series: Tigers vs. Cardinals

    While we're waiting for this series to start, let me throw this out there. Anybody else find it annoying how FOX feels the need to cut to 5 different shots of fans between every pitch and show super tight close ups of the pitcher's face before every pitch? I mean it's one thing if it's during a dramatic situation, but they do it constantly. It's like OMG BOTTOM OF THE 1ST INNING 3-2 COUNT we better make this seem really dramatic!!! Very annoying.
  25. TheShooter

    NLCS: St. Louis Cardinals vs. New York Mets

    Looks like oddsmakers have Mets as the favorites tonight. Hard to believe considering the pitching matchups. Well, I guess the fact that the Cards offense is about as fearsome as the Padres', and Puljos sucks dick could have something to do with it, but still...