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Everything posted by TheShooter

  1. TheShooter

    9/27: Smokin', Taxin', Fightin'

    How do restaurant owners get screwed over by casinos being built next to their businesses?
  2. TheShooter

    9/24: Three Of A Kind Results In A Full House

    Don't chase gutshot straight draws and don't cold call raises pre-flop unless you have a premium hand.
  3. TheShooter

    9/20: #55, Screwing Over Indians, Movie Roles

    That Dr. Laura call of the day made no sense whatsoever. Me confused.
  4. TheShooter

    9/18: Black. White. Muslims All Over.

  5. TheShooter

    9/12: Yet Another NFL Prediction Entry (Part II)

    "I wonder who ESPN will suck off more this year? Reggie Bush or Donovan McNabb?" At least they'll have someone's cock in their mouth besides Favre. I think the only way Favre is going to do well this year is if his wife is murdered by week 4.
  6. TheShooter

    9/7: #56, Docudrama, NFL Pickkks

    I wonder if announcers (particularly Madden & Michaels) are going to finally stop sucking Favre's cock this year when he continues to suck and causes his team to suffer for the sake of his own ego.
  7. TheShooter

    Billy Jack Haynes shoot

    Wait, Kamala speaks?
  8. http://apnews.myway.com//article/20060816/D8JHOTB80.html I really thought the mother did it and took her secret to the grave. I mean more than one handwriting expert concluded that there was like a 99.9% chance she wrote the ransom letter. I am glad to see this mystery has finally been solved, though. Anybody know if Georgia has the death penalty?
  9. TheShooter

    UWF Midsouth

    I remember watching tapes of this and being shocked that the Red Rooster used to be a main-eventer.
  10. TheShooter

    US Open Thread.

    I don't know, I think it was kinda better seeing him lose in a match where he was at least somewhat competitive. I'm sure he would have lost 3-6 2-6 0-6 or something like that if he had played Roddick tomorrow.
  11. TheShooter

    US Open Thread.

    Is this the first year they've had the cool computer animation of where the ball lands on close plays?
  12. TheShooter

    US Open Thread.

    Why don't they move the US Open to another location? Like, say, San Diego, where there won't be days and days of rain delays every year. Trying to play an outdoor sport in New York in late August/early September is just asking for trouble.
  13. TheShooter

    Rick Scaia

    It seems that Wikipedia is the latest tool for those who just can't get enough of themselves. Those who never tire of blatant self promotion and shameless masturbatory ego stroking. I found this article the other day on Rick Scaia. Note to The Rick - you aren't supposed to write Wikipedia entries about yourself. If you are important and relevant enough, somebody else will write about you. My favorite part was this: The old standby of insecure Internet wrestling columnists... whenever your importance is in doubt, point out that you have people in the business who are fans of your writing! So sad.
  14. TheShooter

    US Open Thread.

    That was a great match last night. As for the Agassi hype, I have no problem with it and I think it is highly deserved. I'll take Agassi in the finals and all the hype that goes along with it over Federer vs some other foreigner anyday.
  15. TheShooter

    TWiB 8/28 - 9/3

    Holy shit, they just had second and third with nobody out AND THEY SCORED. WTF.
  16. TheShooter

    TWiB 8/28 - 9/3

    Today's Red Sox starting lineup: K. Youkilis LF A. Cora SS M. Loretta DH M. Lowell 3B G. Kapler CF D. Mirabelli C E. Hinske RF D. Pedroia 2B C. Pena 1B Is it football season yet?
  17. TheShooter

    8/29: #58, Katrina, Bathroom Breaks

    What's up with the pants? The real question is what's up with the shirt? Who buttons his polo shirt all the way up to the top button like that? If this guy hadn't been arrested for the Jonbenet thing I'm sure he would have eventually been arrested by the fashion police.
  18. TheShooter

    Killer of Jonbenet Ramsy arrested

    There was no solid evidence. All they had was those emails he sent to that wacky British professor.
  19. TheShooter

    Killer of Jonbenet Ramsy arrested

    The only people who look stupider than the Boulder DA right now are the media.
  20. TheShooter

    Rick Scaia

    GH had a failed stint as an independent wrestler in the deep south, and Joe is currently a monk.
  21. TheShooter

    Killer of Jonbenet Ramsy arrested

    End of story. Send the freak back to California to deal with the child porn charges and end this circus.
  22. TheShooter

    8/26: Bills Of Right (And Wrong)

    I agree with your policy of not taking $100 bills, but the license thing is just bullshit. I don't think you have the authority to do that, and I don't see any customer in his right mind would ever willingly hand over his license to you. The last story had me cracking up.
  23. TheShooter

    8/22: Hitting On The Subject Of Cancer

    Yeah, if I remember anything about youth baseball it's that the pitchers would end up walking every other batter. Kinda like a Red Sox game.
  24. TheShooter

    8/22: Hitting On The Subject Of Cancer

    Ok that rule makes zero sense. Basically they are trying to punish players for taking on a 3-0 count and trying to draw a walk?
  25. TheShooter

    8/22: Hitting On The Subject Of Cancer

    Technically it's a legal move but it's still kinda shady. Mike Shanahan would be proud.