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Everything posted by TheShooter

  1. TheShooter

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    Maybe I should clarify. Dollar for dollar Lowell is a much better player than A-Rod. I would much rather take Lowell at 9 million a year than A-Rod at 25 million. You guys sure get defensive.
  2. TheShooter

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    I would take Lowell over E-Rod in a heartbeat. Not even close.
  3. TheShooter

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    And they can probably play third base better.
  4. TheShooter

    8/20: 2006 NFL Preview (AFC)

    A lot of games come down to a field goal (*cough*SuperBowl XXXVI*cough*). There aren't a lot of kickers besides Vinitere who can be counted on to just about always come through, not only in everyday situations but in the clutch as well. I think his loss is huge.
  5. TheShooter

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    Of course A-Fraud makes more money than the entire Sox bullpen and their familes combined.
  6. TheShooter

    Killer of Jonbenet Ramsy arrested

    The fact is after ten years nothing has surfaced as a motive for the Ramsey's to have killed their daughter. All of the theories that Leena suggested are just that, theories. And you still have to look at the manner in which the child was killed. If Patty snapped after JonBenet wet the bed, maybe she hits her over the head and kills her, but why would she construct an elaborate noose-like device out of rope and a paint brush handle and choke her to death with that? It doesn't make sense.
  7. TheShooter

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    I'm willing to admit that the Red Sox season is over. My only reason for continuing to watch baseball at this point is to see the Yankees choke yet again when the post season rolls around. I wonder how many times A-Fraud will strike out with the bases loaded or allow go ahead runs to score when he can't handle routine plays at third base.
  8. TheShooter

    Rick Scaia

    I learned of it from a friend who posts here.
  9. TheShooter

    Rick Scaia

    I didn't even know the site was still around. I just went there and it look like they're using the same layout they had six years ago, except with more ads. I guess I find it amazing that in 2006 anybody can still find the energy/motivation to devote time to a wrestling website, but hey, to each his own. I haven't followed wrestling since 2001, so maybe the product is good again. Who the hell knows.
  10. TheShooter

    8/20: 2006 NFL Preview (AFC)

    Let's not forget that Indianapolis doesn't have the easiest schedule in the history of the NFL like they did last year. Of course they're still in a shitty division, so, can't do much about that. New England, like the Red Sox, will have a miserbale season due to horrendous off season moves. How the FUCK did Adam Vinatiere get away from this team? And Junior Seau... WTF? You know, there's a reason people retire. It's cuz they get too old and start to suck. Dumb.
  11. TheShooter

    Killer of Jonbenet Ramsy arrested

    Just a few things... There was evidence of an intruder, as has been pointed out, but there were also things pointing to the possibility of the intrusion via the window being staged. The spiderwebs, for one, and also I understand the shelf or bookcase the guy would have had to step onto upon gaining entry was populated by lots of little figurines that were improbably undisturbed. It would have been impossible to step onto that bookcase without knocking something over. He would have had to take the time to put the things back in place if he did knock them over, which makes zero sense. Thanks to whoever pointed out the brother being heard in the background of the 911 call. The Ramseys clearly stated that he was asleep the entire time, which turned out to be a complete lie. Why did they feel the need to lie about that? And let's not forget about the ransom note asking for $118,000, the exact amount of Mr. Ramsey's bonus that year. If this dude acted alone that means he wrote the ransom note. You can't just explain that away as "coincidence." To play devil's advocate though, it sounds like this guy was obsessed with the Ramsey family and had done a lot of research for a possible book he was going to write about child murders. I guess it's possible that in his research he was somehow able to glean some personal knowledge about Mr. Ramsey, namely how much his bonus was. To the poster who said that parents would have no reason to kill their daughter since she was their "meal ticket"... not true. The family was wealthy because of John Ramsey's software business. They were hardly in a position of needing to whore their daughter out to beauty contests for extra scratch. I'm still on the fence on this one. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy turned out to be a total nutjob who was so consumed by the the case that the only logical next step was was to put himself at the center of his very own obsession.
  12. TheShooter

    Killer of Jonbenet Ramsy arrested

    I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that the parents had some connection to this guy, no matter how minor. Not saying they were culpable, but how does a guy who lives in Georgia end up at the home of complete strangers in Colorado and murder their daughter, with no signs of forced entry into the house?
  13. TheShooter

    Killer of Jonbenet Ramsy arrested

    Apparently the guy has confessed to details of the crime unknown to the public. So I say he is guilty.
  14. TheShooter

    8/14: #62, Preventing Accidents, Injuries

    Are you sure it wasn't a "I want to perform oral sex on Lance Storm" shirt? I apologize for that image.
  15. TheShooter

    8/14: #62, Preventing Accidents, Injuries

    I remember Scotsman and his bizarre website. Wasn't he the one who posted those frightening pics of a near-300 pound Scott Keith at some independent wrestling show?
  16. TheShooter

    Which channel do you watch?

    I watched the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams last night for the first time in forever, because I was home early and I'm usually at work at that time. Anyway, I guess they have a new thing now where he reads viewer emails at the end of the show. A couple of the emails were serious, but then the last one somebody wrote "I had to change the channel to ABC last night because I couldn't stand the way Brian was dressed." Williams then came up w/ some "clever" retort about how he would have to call that guy from ABC and ask him where he buys his clothes. WTF? Can't there be a single newscast that doesn't try to be all funny and young and hip anymore? Is this what is supposed to bring viewers back to network news? I think Walter Chroncite would be rolling over in his grave right now. Wait, is he dead? I have no idea.
  17. TheShooter

    Immminent terror attack foiled

    Forget a ban on baby bottles, how about a ban on babies? It would make flying much more pleasant.
  18. TheShooter

    Which channel do you watch?

    I like to watch FOX News just so I can hear the term "homicide bombing" and see them spell that terrorist guy's first name USAMA inatead of OSAMA. They're so cool.