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In Credible

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Everything posted by In Credible

  1. In Credible

    Microsoft expands 360 coverage against RROD

    I really think MS deserves a lot of praise for this, I really doubt a company like Sony would ever extend their warranty not once, but twice to fix their mistake. Almost everyone I know had that disc read error problem with PS2 and you didn't hear people getting them fixed for free.
  2. In Credible

    I need money.

    borrow from someone.
  3. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    learn to use nades, it's a lot easier when you use them online with no friendly fire.
  4. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    Use smoke + thermal goggles in those spots.
  5. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    I'll play some terrorist hunt, my name is UrineSane on Live.
  6. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    Rainbow Six is a lot deeper than Gears. A.) SWAT teams don't dive, it's not an action movie. Good movements will give you the advantage over your enemies, just like real life. The trick to Rainbow Six is to learn the maps and choke points and adjust to them. B.)I prefer the 1st person view switching to 3rd person when leaning, I didn't like the 3rd person aspect of Gears that much. Rainbow Six is cool because at first if you learn to shoot accurately you can do well, but then as you learn to move more efficiently the game opens up even more.
  7. In Credible


    Has anyone played The Bigs for Wii yet?
  8. In Credible

    Live Free Or Die Hard (Die Hard 4) trailer

    Fan Fucking-tastic. I loved it and I had decent expectations going into this. By far the best action franchise is Die Hard, with four solid flicks in the series. Bruce still has it and the funny thing is, the PG13 rating wasn't that bad. He just called people Jerk Offs instead of Assholes. I can't wait for an unrated DVD. For those who are saying they want to wait for the DVD, if you are a real Die Hard fan, go see this in theaters. You'll be even more psyched for the DVD after you see it.
  9. In Credible

    Create a Simpsons avatar

    Too easy?
  10. In Credible

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I'd only like to see a couple things more, everyone seems to be reposting and saying mainly the same things... A.) What were the text messages sent to Chavo. B.) What was the time line of death? C.) What is the bizaar thing that the Police mentioned?
  11. In Credible

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Way over unless its locked. We hit 19 in the 1st 5 hours It's slowing quite a bit though and there are less and less users in the thread.
  12. In Credible

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Over/Under on this thread is 42 pages.
  13. In Credible

    "A new Xbox 360 has been detected"?

    No but Id recommend d/ling torrents of songs not using programs a la napster/limewire/gayshare whatever. Those are breeding grounds for virus'.
  14. In Credible


    Ari part was good rest was kinda boring. Filler episode.
  15. In Credible

    Dark Tower 7

    They should do a series on HBO not a movie. Maybe work the first two books into season 1 or something.
  16. In Credible

    iPhone and iPod

    I'll just get one from my friend who can get unlocked ones from Hong Kong if I feel like getting one.
  17. In Credible


    I'm starting to seriously hate this show. It's too damn good and too short, it gets me pissed off after every episode that I have to wait another week to watch again. I could seriously watch each season in a day without any trouble.
  18. In Credible

    The Last Boy Scout

    It's McClane, and I don't think I'd want to see him do those things.
  19. In Credible

    The Last Boy Scout

    Last Boy Scout is decent, but not in the same league as The Die Hard Trilogy.
  20. In Credible

    Squirrel goes on rampage, injures 3.

    Coincidence? I fucking doubt it.
  21. In Credible

    Where does Kobe Go?

    To Hell, fuck that whiney bitch.
  22. In Credible

    Best movie of 2007 so far?

    300 was awesome.
  23. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    Anyone play the Shadowrun demo? I thought it had potential kind of like a TFC with magic, but I didn't really dig it. Seems to have a lot of bugs and not much substance.
  24. In Credible

    So, I got my xray results back today

    You aren't funny. Not even a little.