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In Credible

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Everything posted by In Credible

  1. In Credible

    God Hand

    that game looks badass!
  2. In Credible

    Michael Vick's "Dog Fight" Investigation

    I like how the "informant" on ESPN says "We're all afraid that Vick will give us up." I'm just sitting there thinking, wait isn't it your fucking job to rat on ppl and you're implying someone will rat on you?
  3. In Credible

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Not sure if this has been mentioned, but is anyone else sick of ESPN's overuse of the word Walk Off? They'd probably use it for a winning fucking putt in golf!
  4. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    Over class like Gunstar Heroes, Haunting, Skitchin and Mega Lo Mania? Did I stutter?
  5. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    I love SoR2 it's my favorite Genesis game.
  6. In Credible


    How many books are in that series? Is it worth reading? I know it's a bit off-topic, but a few friends and family members have consistently recommended that I read the series even though I'm not a King fan. I think there are 7 books and it is definately worth reading. I'm not a huge King fan either, but it's a masterpiece.
  7. In Credible


    The only thing that came to mind with The Dark Tower series of books relating to a newpaper clipping about a death was. Father Callahan was on the run from The Low Men, The Crimson King's Henchmen. They would leave all kinds of Lost Pet posters with descriptions of the father (to make other vampires aware of his presence). The reason Father Callahan was on the run was because in Salem's Lot when he was made to drink the blood of the head vampire Barlow, he gained the ability to see vampires in the world. They would have a blue glow around them. Anyway Callahan became a slayer of sorts and killed several vampires in NEW YORK. He worked at a homeless shelter and began killing vampires. They got smarter and more aware of Callahan's doings and it got back to the lowmen. When the heat got to be too much he made his way across country on the run. On his way he saw less and less of the signs and made his way to California. In California he read a newspaper on break at a hard labor job. He spotted an article that spoke of his good friend Rowan Macgruder (the man who ran the homeless shelter) who had been critically wounded by "The Hitler Brothers" two neo nazi killers that had been terrorizing New York. It was actually a setup to bait Callahan into coming back to New York, which he did to visit his friend in the hospital just before his friend died. That's all I can remember about a newspaper clipping from The Dark Tower books. It is in Callahan's story in Wolves Of The Calla.
  8. In Credible


    Um, why? Didn't Locke admit as the hatch was blowing the fuck up that he had made a mistake? Why would he believe him this time if he was wrong last time? Also, the finale spoilers that were posted a little while back - were they right, or what? No I went back and read them, and they were wrong.
  9. In Credible


    It depends on how large the gap is between them in the finale and them being saved. I could definately see Ben being right and The Others + Losties have to fight off the new force coming to the island.
  10. In Credible


    Could it be Jacob?
  11. In Credible

    CW Fall Lineup...

    I would dig the FBI thing. Anyone else like how they worked in "Rob Thomas is a whore!" in the Finale?
  12. In Credible

    Teachers that got fired

    My algebra teacher in Jr High got fired for not having his teaching liscense.
  13. In Credible

    Fantastic Four 2

    Here's another trailer
  14. In Credible

    The Black Donnellys

    Yeah I hope it gets picked up somewhere, because this really just builds for more. There was nothing Final in the Finale.
  15. In Credible

    Shows That Shouldn't Have Been Cancelled

    The thing about Veronica Mars is that it's the only show I actually watch on The CW, so fuck em. If they don't renew it I'll have no reason to watch that lame ass network.
  16. In Credible

    Shows That Shouldn't Have Been Cancelled

  17. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    Tell me how to also do this!
  18. In Credible

    ABC unveils fall schedule

    Yeah where is Lost on that list?
  19. In Credible

    cheating in the arcade again?

  20. In Credible

    The Untouchables: Capone Rising

    Cage sucks.
  21. In Credible


    That was awesome, at the end I was like "say it! SAY IT!!!". great episode.
  22. In Credible

    Cthulhu is real.

    Awesome Post.
  23. In Credible


    Yeah I think the main thing is that Ben feels threatened by Locke. Ben has always been special, he's the only one who has been able to see/hear Jacob, and Locke being able to threatens Ben's uniqueness. That's why Ben setup Locke's dad, he knew he couldn't kill him and that would keep Ben as the leader.
  24. In Credible

    Day of the Dead Trailer

    I thought the original was boring as hell.