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In Credible

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Everything posted by In Credible

  1. In Credible

    SAW IV

    It would be hard to do anything with the Dr. Gordon story, because after Saw came out Cary Elwes sued the creators for more money. They had a small legal battle that didn't end well, so it's almost impossible to get him back for another movie. I'm guessing thats mostly why they didn't mention him.
  2. In Credible


    Why don't they make it an hour long?
  3. In Credible

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    I really dont think the Spurs will win this series if they rely on the play of Tim Duncan, Nene basically shut him down and made him look bad. I'm actually not a fan of Denver, but I like AI, so I hope he gets a ring out of this.
  4. In Credible

    Somebody Sell Me On The "Blade" movies...

    I don't understand this "sell me on [insert movie]" threads. It's a frickin movie! It will take a couple hours out of your time to check it out, if it sucks then oh well. If it's cool, then you were entertained for a little while. It's not like you're buying a car, or only get to see one movie a year and have to make it a good one. It's like you're a king or something "People tell me why this movie is worthy to be viewed by my eyes!!!". Get netflix and watch any damn thing you want.
  5. In Credible

    Box Office Report...

    I don't get the splitting up, who would go to see half of Grindhouse now, when they could have seen the whole thing for the same price earlier? Idiots.
  6. In Credible


    5 I think.
  7. In Credible

    Alec Baldwin is angry!

    Alec rules, spoiled little brat can't even answer the phone when she wants him to call (I'm sure she made the time). Hell yeah, you don't take shit from little girls!
  8. In Credible

    Guitar Hero.

    From Marketplace website: Guitar Hero Track Pack 1 "Bark at the Moon" (as made famous by Ozzy Osbourne) "Hey You" (as made famous by The Exies) "Ace of Spades" (as made famous by Motorhead) Guitar Hero Track Pack 2 "Killer Queen" (as made famous by Queen) "Take It Off" (as made famous by The Donnas) "Frankenstein" (as made famous by The Edger Winter Group) Guitar Hero Track Pack 3 "Higher Ground" (as made famous by Red Hot Chili Peppers) and that is bullshit Stevie Wonder made it famous "Infected" (as made famous by Bad Religion) "Stellar" (as made famous by Incubus) Wow, pretty lame that they just let you buy songs from GH.
  9. In Credible


    I think the writers have gotten good at balancing the weeks with Others stuff. I think they know that too much is bad and it's really working to put in side stories every other week or so.
  10. In Credible

    Live Free Or Die Hard (Die Hard 4) trailer

    That trailer looks awesome. The main difference between regular Bruce Willis action hero and John McClane is the trash talking.
  11. In Credible

    Box Office report 4/13-4/15

    Yeah I laughed really hard at the rocking junk food and not nearly as hard at the movie. Also the Williams Street gag they ran was funny.
  12. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    Yeah the red rings suck and are the biggest draw back of the 360 so far. I'd say contact Microsoft customer support, if it's within a year of you buying it, then it's full covered under warranty. Luckily when mine broke (14 months after purchase) my friend who I bought it from had gotten the Best Buy replacement plan, and I just got it swapped for a new one. Good luck, it sucks.
  13. In Credible

    "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" movie trailer up

    Yeah we had to go to some lame ass artsy fartsy uptown theater here. Like 3-4 theaters actually had it.
  14. In Credible


    Very nice. I like Juliette more now.
  15. In Credible

    "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" movie trailer up

    It was alright, I just didn't like how they used the german alien and his green buddy so much. The robot also gets pretty damn old quick. I wish they had more use of the other characters in the series since they had more than enough time to do it. The best part was the beginning with the death metal junk food threatening the audience.
  16. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    I like Vegas more than the GRAW games. It's more close quarters combat.
  17. In Credible


    You seem to be living up to that monkier just fine yourself, LOTC. lol. also
  18. In Credible


    I loved the episode. It had me fooled right till the end, and it is brilliant the way they swerved at the end. Just when you think the Other vs Losties is over it comes back bigger and meaner.
  19. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    Gears of War was fun, but I prefer Rainbow Six Vegas. I always hated on Gears how you had to unload a whole machine gun clip into someone to kill them.
  20. In Credible

    Sex Education

    Boys have penis', and Girls have vaginas.
  21. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    Bump. Anyone get GHII and if so how is it compared to the PS2 version?
  22. In Credible


    I really like Tarantino in his small stints on Alias. He was pretty bad ass.
  23. In Credible

