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In Credible

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Everything posted by In Credible

  1. In Credible

    Whoring my friend's movie

    It wasn't bad. Rose Petal Productions is a lame name. And Tickerman should have indiglo on his arm watch thing, HE'S FROM THE FREAKIN' FUTURE!!! Other than that, solid work.
  2. In Credible

    Online Poker

    I just built up my bankroll in the $5-10 sngs took about 3 months to go from $50 to $1000. It's not hard.
  3. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    I hate that game, the Arcade game is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better and on Live. 4 Player online co-op is tight.
  4. In Credible

    Online Poker

    I played FTP for a little while but I dont like the blind structure in sngs and the variety of tourneys isnt there for me. I play on stars.
  5. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    THE CONSOLE WAR IS OVER!!! XBOX WINS!!! Now available in Live Arcade The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade Game!!!!
  6. In Credible

    Dark Tower 7

    I would have actually gotten much more closure from that rather than having any details about what was in the tower.
  7. In Credible


    Don't Mess With Meth.
  8. In Credible


    Loved the movie, not many films make you stop and realise that you're seeing something special. As for Dominic West in this movie, I think "Bubs" would say... Et tu, McNutty?
  9. Who shot who in the what now?
  10. In Credible

    New Nine Inch Nails album

    I like Me, I'm Not.
  11. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    http://www.consolesource.com/support/index...kbarticleid=110 I think I have the samsung
  12. In Credible

    The TSM Suggestion Box

    Please put a punch-out style game in the arcade!!!!
  13. In Credible

    Why did you erase our arcade scores

    How the hell did you get over 100k in that sports smash game????? ITS UNPOSSIBLE!!!
  14. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    I didn't hear which specific company, but your guess is probably right Hitachi is Shitti
  15. In Credible

    Dark Tower 7

    The Dark Tower is incredible, plain and simple the best series of books I've ever read. Due note that the journey is always better than the ending, though the ending is actually very fitting. Make sure you take some time in between the 7 books or you will probably go nuts. I would read 1/2 back to back. Then 3, then 4/5 back to back. Then wait a while and do 6/7 back to back. I think doing the last two back to back is the most important thing.
  16. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    I've heard of the problem, from what I've read apparrently Microsoft had such a huge demand when they were launching the system, they had to spread the DVD-ROM production between three different companies. I guess one of those companies did a shitty job, and their 1/3 is mainly to blame for the fuckups in the systems. The new 360 I got from Best Buy was a launch system, when I turned it on it thought the date was 11/22/05. Unfortunately when I play COD3 the system freezes during loading screens, so Im going to BB for a new one today. As far as your disc error, I would call MS support and see if you need a new system, that sounds like the beginning of bad things to come. I hope you have a replacement plan or are within the 1 year warranty to be safe.
  17. In Credible

    Dark Tower 7

    Yeah the Dark Tower is King's Epic.
  18. In Credible

    Dark Tower 7

    Lol. Not to drag up an old thread, but I just finished the Dark Tower series, and I loved Song of Susannah and The Dark Tower, but I read them back to back. If there were a gap in between I might not have like Susannah as much. The ending kind of threw me, because for me it didn't seem like a sign up hope, it seemed like Roland was just being tortured to repeat the same painful journey over and over. Also I'm not sure, but if Roland had Cuthbert's horn when he reached the tower along with his guns and the cross from his aunt or whatever. Would he have been allowed to rest finally?
  19. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    I think it will be pretty cool, I wonder how much bigger HDs will cost? I already have a DVR but know many people with a 360 that do not, so I think this idea is pure genius by MS.
  20. In Credible

    TSM Arcade Thread.

    Can we get a Punch-Out style game? And how the hell did you get over 100k in that sports smash game?
  21. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    Has it been talked about in this thread yet, that Microsoft is planning on releasing HDs with larger capacity and enabling DVR capabilities in the 360?
  22. In Credible


    Thanks to those that explained why they have lost interest, at least that way it doesn't sound like someone being negative for the sake of it. Anyway, I liked the episode, it got back on track to the bigger picture. Raising more questions as to The Others and their connection, or lack thereof to DHARMA.
  23. In Credible


    Yeah, but you keep saying that the writers don't know what the fans want, when in fact it's the fans that don't know what they want! Before people were compaining about the flashbacks and not learning about The Others more, now it's Too much Others not enough flashbacks!!!!! The problem with the fanbase is that they got so hyped up trying to guess what was going to happen in the future that when it didn't happen the way they thought, they were automatically disappointed. So yes, the bitching is unjustified because all of it is vague and rarely do people say why they don't want to see the others, or why they want to see the survivors. Instead everyone sounds like 13 year old kids saying certain things suck, but not having any detailed reasoning behind it.
  24. In Credible


    And the bitching continues...