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In Credible

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Everything posted by In Credible

  1. In Credible

    I just witnessed my first drive-by shooting

    Id want to live in LA. Just not a shitty part of it.
  2. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    LOL Best Buy is so much easier than dealing with Microsoft. I went in they made sure it was unrepairable, and I grabbed a new one. Took 20 minutes and I have a new Xbox.
  3. In Credible

    George Romero talks "Diary of the Dead"

    Those zombies were a hell of a lot scarier when they were running and screaming.
  4. In Credible


    David Fincher is the shit.
  5. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    Damnit, I just got the "Red Ring of Death" on the front of my 360, and the person I bought it from bought it over a year ago. Luckily that same person got the 2 year service plan at Best Buy, so I can just go take care of it tomorrow. Still sucks, I just got COD3 from Gamefly and I can't try it out.
  6. In Credible

    Xbox LiveGamertags

  7. In Credible


    LOL "Dude, Roger was on a beer run!" and Sawyers Skeletor line and then clunking the skull with his beer was great. Awesome episode, I think the writers were sending a message with this one, just like Hurley needed some fun, the show also did. It's been all serious all the time and this was a good stop to get everyone to remember what made the show great before.
  8. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    Just got Crackdown from Gamefly...it's the shiznight.
  9. In Credible

    The Black Donnellys

    Solid so far.
  10. In Credible

    Services of the McKenzie Group.

    Payday Advance | Finance Company | Finance Company | Xbox Mod Chip | Buy PSP
  11. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    Yeah, I figured I can buy it from them for $44 now, or waste a long time renting it from them and then probably buying it anyway.
  12. In Credible

    Commercials BX hates

    I hate Ovaltine Commercials, they are the cheesiest piles of crap ever.
  13. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    I gave in and bought Vegas from Gamefly.
  14. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    The main difference is the combat zones, in Vegas it's a lot more close quarters combat with more SMG, Shotguns, Handguns and different grenades (frag, incindiery, smoke, flash, tear). With GRAW its more wide open spaces with rocks and such, not as many buildings, more long range rifles, and some different technology. I prefer the close quarter combat in urban areas (fighting in a Casino is awesome). GRAW/GRAW2 are fun but I just dont dig the 3rd world country open area fighting as much.
  15. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    Definately, GRAW is way different than Vegas. I think Vegas is a lot more fun and the ranking system makes you want to keep on playing to unlock different armor and weapons. I'd buy Vegas over GRAW unless you like the military style fighting instead of SWAT style fighting.
  16. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    Rainbow Six Vegas on Live is awesome. I love how you have to build experience and move up in rank to gain access to more equipment and clothing.
  17. In Credible

    Joe Rogan vs. Carlos Mencia

    So you're saying Mexicans steal things? That's racist.
  18. In Credible


    I just think they want to make sure that we know that they STILL don't like it.
  19. In Credible

    Joe Rogan vs. Carlos Mencia

    He takes some stuff from Lopez, not all. A lot of it is from other comics that most people haven't even heard of.
  20. In Credible

    Joe Rogan vs. Carlos Mencia

    I disagree, but that's neither here nor there. I will concede this particular point, and go back to what I said originally, which is basically that, as long as Carlos Mencia makes me laugh, I could personally give a fuck less about said up and coming comic. But that's another problem, what if he doesn't even tell it as good as the other guy? Think of it like this, what if Mencia ripped off Mitch Hedburg's act before he got big? There's no f'ing way it would be as good, but it would be good enough to make you laugh. By Carlos stealing jokes from several comics and fitting them to his style doesn't mean he does it justice. If Carlos did Hedburg material, it would still be a little funny, but not even on the same level as Mitch's delivery and style.
  21. In Credible


    Look I'm not saying that you can't give criticism, but a lot of it has been just annoying whining like a little kid who doesn't get their way. Instead of pointing out just things that you don't like, point out some things that you think they should do and not just "show the other characters" be specific. The way the story has been going, most of the main characters don't have urgent issues right now, so they are focusing on those that do. What would you have them do? If they did an episode about Sun and Jin you'd have a hissy fit because they stopped the pressing issues and went to a smaller one. Same with most other characters, the same people that are saying they want to see other characters just want to see Locke, Sayid, and Desmond. The problem is that they can't just throw those guys into action without a setup and they are trying to set it up slowly to make the payoff better. The sky isn't falling, they only have 46 or so minutes to work with per week, give em till the end of the season to point out the glaring issues.
  22. In Credible

    Joe Rogan vs. Carlos Mencia

    Not all theft is copyright infringement, but that doesn't mean that copyright infringement isn't theft... taking something that costs money without paying for it is stealing. Im pretty sure you're just being stubborn. When people download music and use it for personal use, yes it is theft, but they arent making a career out of it and gaining nation wide fame for downloading an album. Both what Carlos is doing and downloading music isn't right morally, but the latter isn't shooting off the legs of what could be an up and coming comic. The thing about music d/ling is that usually the more popular of a download, the more its bought by the general public. When someone hears Carlos saying someone else's material it doesnt make them go watch the original comic, they either give Carlos money or think he's a dumb hack.
  23. In Credible


    Basically I think it goes like this. She knew he was there to define who he was as a person. Her gift was to see what a person is, in her culture as a right of passage of sorts she marks her people with what they are. An outsider forcing a woman, who is most likely considered a religious leader in their village, to perform a ritual that is considered sacred and holy to their people. The fact that he did it just for his own selfishness and against their custom, they probably saw him as a "rich american" and they took it as a slap in the face of their culture. So basically I think it was mostly cultural, but rooted in religious beliefs.
  24. In Credible


    The writers owe you shit. Whether you've been watching from the beginning or not, they owe you nothing. Your only way to actually get anything changed is to not watch the show. Bitching on here does nothing except annoy the people who do like it. How about this, make a Lost Hater thread and go nuts.
  25. In Credible


    I think the quote was more like "among us but not one of us". I didn't mind the episode. The bitching is getting old. How about this...if you don't like the show and are going to stop watching, then please stop posting in this thread. You're thoughts are not needed.