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In Credible

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Everything posted by In Credible

  1. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    Yeah, 360 is the only system with a solid list of good games, and people were having the gameplay>graphics argument. Seems like as of now 360 has both down.
  2. In Credible

    What's The Deal With The Shield?

    Dr. Cox says..... You're Wrong Wrong Wrong Wrong...............Wrong Wrong Wrong Wrong!
  3. In Credible

    TOAO The Wire Season 4 Thread

    I love this show. I love how they give you little pieces of information through out the show from all sides and it adds up to something that makes you go " damn that's clever". I also really like how they show more than just one side to the characters, because in real life most people aren't totally good or bad, there's several shades of gray. Marlo is definately more clever and calculating than Avon was and it's showing already. Great start to the season, I can't wait for more.
  4. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    That sucks...good luck.
  5. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    Not sure, Id definately try to call support.
  6. In Credible

    Hey Marvin, just shut up.

    Yeah, I have an nice HDTV, but I can watch whatever on it. I don't get too picky on it, HD is a nice little treat. Not needed to enjoy tv though.
  7. In Credible

    TOAO The Wire Season 4 Thread

    I'm not so sure it will be a matter of Who Kills Marlo. The issue is Marlo has come in and changed the game, and thus the ecosystem of their environment in Baltimore. I think season 5 is more about taking down Marlo a la Avon/Stringer methods and returning the game to the way it was. Marlo getting killed may become a large factor, but it doesn't have to be. There are a lot of things to focus on, I'm glad to see McNulty back.
  8. In Credible

    TOAO The Wire Season 4 Thread

    I cant wait for Season 5: McNulty's Vengeance!
  9. In Credible

    The Condemned

    Actually I'm pretty sure it's ripping off The Running Man not Battle Royale.
  10. In Credible

    Joe Rogan vs. Carlos Mencia

    That's sad. Fuck Carlos.
  11. In Credible

    Favorite Wire Minor Character

    it's her speech...not the whole "tough bitch" thing...strictly the way she talks. I actually like Snoop, her speach in the opening of Season 4 sold her on me. She's not even an actress. I like Slim Charles a lot, also Weebay and Cheese take the rest for me. I also liked Brother Mouzone.
  12. In Credible

    24 - Season 6

    Yeah but she's with Jack! He can handle situations like this, if she just gives him all the info they can figure it out. Everyone in this show takes it upon themselves to do everything.
  13. In Credible

    Joe Rogan vs. Carlos Mencia

    lol listen to Joe deal with this caller on a radio show http://kllc.itmftp.com/flash/joerogan-09142006b-p.swf
  14. In Credible

    Joe Rogan vs. Carlos Mencia

    From his website...
  15. In Credible

    Joe Rogan vs. Carlos Mencia

    Actually Joe is pretty well read, a lot of people think he's just a muscle head, but he actually is incredibly smart.
  16. In Credible

    24 - Season 6

    The only thing I dont like about the writing is that nobody acts really out of line with the story. For example Morris could have easily just knocked out the chick driving the car. Sure it would have crashed, but if he takes her out the bombs can't be armed. I don't like how the writers assume everyone is selfish and would let lots of people die just because they're so worried about their own safety or that of a family member. No sense of something that's bigger than them, even though they are in the middle of the nuke situation they talk about it as if it's just the days news story.
  17. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    I have it and it's easy to setup. Does anyone know if the 360 will work with wireless adapters besides the official X-Box one (that retails for $99)? I too would like to know this. I have a Linksys set up in our apartment, but I really don't want to shell out 100 bucks for something that I likely wouldn't use but for roster updates. if you really want you can just get some cat5 cable and run it to the 360, that's a much cheaper way to do it. My X-Box 360 isn't even on the same floor of my house as my router. Then get a wireless adapter, if the knock off doesnt work return it. Things cost money. Most stores won't take back open electronics items if they're in working order. I figured I could save myself some time to see if anyone had tried it for themselves, but I'm guessing no one has. Go to GameStop, you can bring back opened accessories within like 7 days. I did it, it's on their receipt. The guy tried to not let me do it, then I pointed out the writing. He goes "Yeah, Ill let you do it this one time." and I'm like "Oh you'll follow company policy this one time? Thanks buddy."
  18. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    If you get it at launch you get an invite to the Halo 3 beta test if that interests you. I'm still not sure if I'll buy it...money is thin lately.
  19. In Credible

    Box Office Report...

    I'm happy for Eddie.
  20. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    Just downloaded the Def Jam Icon demo and I was hyped up for it, because I loved the first two games. Well, it sucks ass and it's nothing like the first two.
  21. In Credible

    You have 7 hours...

  22. In Credible

    The Marine

    DTV sequel anyone?
  23. In Credible


    Yeah, it was weird to hear her without her accent.
  24. In Credible


    btw. Jack is the shit.
  25. In Credible

    Xbox 360

    I have it and it's easy to setup. Does anyone know if the 360 will work with wireless adapters besides the official X-Box one (that retails for $99)? I too would like to know this. I have a Linksys set up in our apartment, but I really don't want to shell out 100 bucks for something that I likely wouldn't use but for roster updates. if you really want you can just get some cat5 cable and run it to the 360, that's a much cheaper way to do it. My X-Box 360 isn't even on the same floor of my house as my router. Then get a wireless adapter, if the knock off doesnt work return it. Things cost money.