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In Credible

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Everything posted by In Credible

  1. In Credible

    Live Free Or Die Hard (Die Hard 4) trailer

    Yippee Kayay Motherfucker! I love the Die Hard movies (DH, DH:WAV, DH2 in order of favorites). I even liked the Die Hard Arcade game and Die Hard: Nakatomi Plaza game that came out from Sierra (that nobody really knew about).
  2. In Credible


  3. In Credible

    This week in the NBA

    btw, does anyone have access to ESPN Insider?
  4. In Credible

    This week in the NBA

    If Iverson came to the Wolves every game would sell out for the next two years.
  5. In Credible


    I don't see how "The Cooler" was overrated since barely anyone even knew about it.
  6. In Credible

    Joe Rogan...

    Joe Rogan rocks.
  7. In Credible


    Looks good.
  8. In Credible

    Found a demon in my can of Red Bull

    Use your three wishes wisely...
  9. In Credible

    Pauly Shore gets punched on stage...

    Can anyone explain what all the Pauly Shore hate is about?
  10. In Credible

    Poison the Well

    Cool name, didn't really like their sound though. Not really my type of music.
  11. In Credible

    Pauly Shore gets punched on stage...

    I don't know why so many people hate Pauly Shore, I like the guy. This just shows how dumb people can be.
  12. In Credible


    I think those other two have some work to do.
  13. NBA Live, they really hit it on the head in 2005 and since then it's been utter crap.
  14. In Credible

    79. Week 14 NFL Picks.

    Very solid picks. Kudos.
  15. In Credible

    NFL Week 14

    I think Frank Gifford is having a nervous breakdown.
  16. In Credible

    Office Christmas Parties

    Hans Gruber and the black guy from Walker Texas Ranger can come, the rest have to wait outside. Yippee Kayay Motherfucker!
  17. In Credible

    This week in the NBA

    We'd probably have to give up Foye, but still AI is the shot in the arm this franchise has needed for the past couple years. If KG leaves (and he will if they dont make some moves soon) then the franchise will be crippled.
  18. In Credible

    NFL Week 14

    The Viking's run defense is sick, today is the second time they've held a team to negative rushing yards (-3 vs DET/MIA).
  19. In Credible

    Office Christmas Parties

    I don't work in an office, but if I did I would assume the party would be much like the one in Die Hard.
  20. In Credible

    This week in the NBA

    I hope Iverson comes to Minnesota!!!!
  21. In Credible

    Good Movies

    I liked the ending, because it went along with what Cruise was talking about early in the movie. He was saying that in New York someone could die on a subway train and their body would be there riding it all day and nobody would notice that they're dead.
  22. In Credible

    *OFFICIAL* TSM Owner bashing thread

    Happy Birthday Netslob.
  23. In Credible

    Good Movies

    He's got a point, mole.
  24. In Credible

    Good Movies

    Totally. I still love that movie. Yeah, I still bought it too, but it could have been something really big.
  25. In Credible

    Good Movies

    High Tension...it was awesome and brutal, then the Fight Clubesque twist at the end ruined it.