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In Credible

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Everything posted by In Credible

  1. In Credible

    HD-DVD or Blu-Ray?

    All HD signals you recieve are compressed. The more storage that is available the less compression has to be used. Based on that alone there is a lot more room for HD to "improve" given more storage capacity. And just think with a huge capacity you could have an entire series on one dvd in HD. Now that would be the shit!
  2. In Credible

    So, Princess Leena is getting married

    Guess us kids will have to get along with out her (how will we ever do that?).[/sarcasm]
  3. In Credible


    I laughed so hard when I saw that shit.
  4. In Credible

    PlayStation 3

    You won't do that. Plus you'd look like an even bigger loser since most of them are making over $700 on reselling it.
  5. In Credible

    HD-DVD or Blu-Ray?

    I think HD will catch on more, because mainstream people will think "HD-DVD, Oh it's DVDs in HD!" and they'll think "Blue-ray, wtf does that mean?"
  6. In Credible

    So, MarvinisaLunatic is gone

    Hey now, Magic Johnson's been riding the HIV Gravy Train for almost as long. Everyone knows Magic bought the cure a long time ago...
  7. In Credible

    Fuck Rita

    i didnt want anyone else to make the same mistake. why are you so hostile anyways? whats really eating "'Diary_Of_A_Madman"? lets work this out, you & i.Because you posted and then a minute later posted about a mistake in your previous post. I don't want to read your retarded gibberish that you find clever/funny, just press the edit post button and add a space. why dont you ignore me. Done.
  8. In Credible

    Evan Almighty

    Oh well, seriously When Nature Calls is one of my all time favorite comedies.
  9. In Credible

    Fuck Rita

    i didnt want anyone else to make the same mistake. why are you so hostile anyways? whats really eating "'Diary_Of_A_Madman"? lets work this out, you & i. Because you posted and then a minute later posted about a mistake in your previous post. I don't want to read your retarded gibberish that you find clever/funny, just press the edit post button and add a space.
  10. In Credible


    I read the first and agreed with the points at this point in video gaming the graphics are so good that being immersed in a game is more important than ever. Little things like not having to click signs and such go a long way, think of watching a movie, those moments where you go "That's bullshit!" detatch you from the movie and once that happens it's hard to get the viewer back. I don't understand why they didnt just implement the nun-chuck controls on the Gamecube, at this stage in the game there's no excuse to lack in the graphics department. Good graphics add to gameplay when used right. Oh and the second guy came off as a total tool, btw.
  11. In Credible

    Fuck Rita

    why didnt you just edit your post (dumb ass)?
  12. In Credible

    World's Seafood Suppy May Run Out

    It's ok, I don't like seafood.
  13. In Credible

    Fuck Rita

    Slash her tires and put dog shit in her gas tank.
  14. In Credible

    Job Searching....

  15. In Credible

    Hot Fuzz...

    If you slow down the 2nd trailer and look at the movie next to Super Cop there's one called "Zombie Party" and it has the hand like on Shaun.
  16. In Credible

    Jack Palance has died

    Wow I thought he died a while ago. RIP Curly.
  17. In Credible

    Guitar Hero.

    No. Just kidding. Disgustipated's actually done most of the work on GH2 via a hacked demo disc. Freebird Killing In the Name Of Them Bones Mother Echelar's probably the best of the 3. Here's some of his 100%s: Expert Sharp Dressed Man Hard SArmstr0ng: Even Rats Crossroads Take Me Out The Breaking Wheel Thanks dude.
  18. In Credible

    Guitar Hero.

    Could you post links? (I'm that lazy)
  19. In Credible

    Evan Almighty

    They better not make another Ace Ventura! The last one was a masterpiece!
  20. In Credible

    Hot Fuzz...

    That looks awesome, I can't wait! Hahaha nice nod to Shaun of The Dead with the shortcut remark.
  21. In Credible


    I think if Ben doesn't survive then there is a lot more trouble ahead for the survivors. The Others seem afraid of him and as soon as he is unconcious they go to kill one of the prisoners. Sounds like a lot is going on behind his back, but for some reason they are too scared to overthrow him. I really doubt Ben will die, because we haven't seen why he is so powerful yet.
  22. netslob is cool (no sarcasm, he's actually cool).
  23. In Credible

    Guitar Hero.

    My fingers got sweaty during freebird. The videos are really funny.
  24. In Credible


    That's a whole lot of yellow I'm not gonna look at. Damn you for dangling the carrot!
  25. In Credible

    Gears of War (Xbox 360)

    I'm not a fan of 3rd person shooters either, but it looks much more responsive than most I've seen.